Chapter 38

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"Alright. May I ask what you are up to?"

"Well, according to her letters she still wants to work her way in with us. So I thought that giving her one of the teams for Great Britain more specifically Scotland to lead. Will test her and see if she really does want to be a part of what we are building here."

"That is a wonderful idea Rose. Every day you make me so proud to be your father."

"Thanks baba. Please, let me know when you have Janine here."

"I will little girl." With those words he walked away.

Three days later baba called me and Dimitri to one of the guardian apartments.

When we walked in I saw Janine sitting on the couch. When she saw me she jumped up.

"Your father said you wanted to see me Rosemarie."

"Yes, Dimitri and I have a proposal for you." She nodded showing keen interest in what I was about to say.

"Let's all sit down." Once everyone was seated I told her why I had called her here. "We are forming strike teams to go out and deal with the strigoi. Each team will consist of fifteen guardians, plus a team leader there will also be five moroi on each team one from each specialty. The moroi will be trained until they pass the test set for them. Once they past the tests they will be assigned to a team each of the teams will then be assigned to different parts of the world. One of the things that I want from you is to help train the moroi. Another is to lead one of the teams assigned to Great Britain. Now what do you say? Do you think that you can do this?"

"Are you sure about sending the moroi to fight?"

"As I said they will be trained and they have all volunteered if someone is turned no matter who that person is. Dhampir or moroi, it doesn't matter, they are to be brought to the spirit user of the team so that they can be restored. As the team leader you are responsible for keeping up with each member's separate number of kills at least as much as possible. As well as the spirit users restored. Now can you do this?"

"Yes, I can help train them. It will take some getting used to taking moroi into a fight. But I will do that as well."

"When you do this protecting the moroi is not your goal, your goal is ridding the world of strigoi. However that must happen your other goal is to protect everyone on your team the same. The moroi no longer come first everyone is equal now. Again I ask you can you do this?"

"Yes, it will just take some getting used to but I can and will do it."

"Good, thank you Janine." Turning to my father I asked. "Have you already gotten her an apartment assigned baba?"

"Yes, kiz. This is her assigned apartment."

"Good. Janine, do you need to leave to gather your things?"

"No, everything I own is in my duffle bag."

"Hopefully that will change soon. Doing this will hopefully show me whether or not you truly are sincere about being a part of our family. Are you sure you are alright with this?"

"It is fine Rosemarie. I told you that I would do whatever is necessary to show you that I am sincere in wanting to be a part of your life. And I meant it."

"Good, then get some rest. Because training starts in a few days."

The first round of training ended a few months later. After that first round we had twelve teams. Each with the hoped for five moroi. Three teams were sent to Great Britain two to Romania, one to Turkey, three throughout Russia, one to New Zealand, one to France, and one to Italy. The teams would have to stay in those countries until they ended the strigoi threat there.

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