Chapter 11

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"I don't mean to be nosy or interrupt but would someone please tell me what is going on and why my little sister and queen is so upset." Ivan asked.

"I told you that I was turned into a strigoi but I didn't tell you the whole story. There are caves at the back of campus up in the mountains. Last year when the academy was attacked some people including Eddie were taken. Thanks to Roza and Mason we found out where they were being held. We formed a rescue party also thanks to Roza. The first of its kind actually. We had almost two hundred guardians, novices, and fire using moroi go on the rescue mission. We obviously got Eddie out as well as a good many of the others. But we lost some people..." 

Hearing that I wailed and Dimitri rubbed his hand up and down my back comfortingly and pulled my face into his chest as he continued.


"That is where I was turned. Roza tried to come back in and save me but Al, Stan Alto and Janine Hathaway prevented this thank God. If she had of gotten back inside they would have done the same to her that they did to me. But what no one here knows is that the attack was executed in order to capture and turn or kill Roza." I heard everyone gasp when they heard me reveal this bit of information as everyone's eyes flew to me.

"Dimitri are you serious?" Al asked me.

"Yes Al. They wanted her specifically because they had read some stupid prophecy. Stating that a female shadow kissed dhampir would end the reign of the soulless. Roza was the only female shadow kissed dhampir that the world knew about. So the strigoi set about trying to turn or kill her. That's why all the attacks on Vasilissa they were never actually after her they didn't give a der'mo about her they were after Roza the whole time. They knew that Roza would have gladly given up her life for Vasilissa and they tried to use that to their advantage. As far as I know she's still the only female shadow kissed dhampir. When I was strigoi I thought the prophecy was bullshit but after witnessing what Roza can do. With returning strigoi to their former selves I know that stupid prophecy is about her. And for those few that know about it it only increases the danger to my Roza." (shit)

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Al asked me.

"It was one of the memories that I've kept locked away trying to forget. I only remembered it again when I saw that she could actually return a strigoi to their former selves. I also tried to forget the things I did to her when I was a Strigoi. The things I did to her..."

Roza sat up quickly looked me dead in the eyes and said, "don't go there Comrade. Just don't." She said firmly, "I have told you time and time again that wasn't you not the real you not my you. So just forget it try to pretend that it never happened."

"But baby it did happen; I did all of that stuff. I mean it wasn't my soul obviously but it was still my body that did it. I wish so badly that it hadn't happened but it did." The pain I felt at having done those things was evident in my voice and on my face.

"Dimitri, do you love me? I mean really love me."

"You know that I love you more than anything or anyone in this world or any other. I would gladly give my life for you my Roza."

"If you want to give up something for me then give up that part of the past give up those memories. Do you want me to compel you to forget about it?"

"You can do that?"

"Yes, do want me too?"

"No. As much as I hate them I need those memories to remind me why we must fight against them so hard."

"Ok then. Leave the past in the past think only of the good not the bad."

"I'll do my best now as for tonight's job. Since you're afraid to let any of us go in we can get close to the caves and you can call them to you. If they don't come out we wait until sunrise and go in after them. We have two fire moroi a water moroi and an earth moroi and six guardians plus according to what Mia just said you can kill with a thought. So we will be fine you won't lose anyone this time. You said there are only seven of them there are ten of us so relax and we will do our jobs. Everything will be fine baby."

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