Chapter 47

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What I was looking for hadn't happened yet at least not as far as I knew.


"Dimitri, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Chris, what do you need?"

He looked really nervous as he sat down in one of the chairs across from my desk.

"Umm... I was wondering if you would give me your permission to ask Victoria to marry me?" He rushed out then sighed.

I placed my index finger between my upper lip and my nose with my other fingers covering my mouth. I didn't want him to see me smiling if I could help it. I had honestly been wondering when I would get to have this discussion with him.

"Well, I need you to answer some questions for me before I can give you permission to marry my little sister. You do realize that right?"

"Of course ask me anything you wish." That was a dangerous thing to say. But I wasn't going to take advantage of it, to much.

"Very well. Do you really and truly love my sister? I mean you were with Dragomir a year and a half to two years ago. How are you sure that what you feel for my sister is true love?"

"That is a good question. You were around when I was with Lissa you know how much I loved her." I nodded. "Well what I feel for Vika is easily a million times stronger than that. To compare what I felt for Lissa to what I feel for Vika. I will say this what I felt for Lissa was puppy love. What I feel for Victoria is so strong that sometimes it simply takes my breath away. She is the most beautiful, strong, independent and loving woman that I have ever known. Nothing that I have ever felt for anyone has even come close to what I feel for Victoria. She is... perfect."

'Oh yeah, he's got it bad.' I thought to myself.

Still hiding my smile I thought about what he said. Roza had already told me that Chris was Vika's soul mate. So I had no doubt whatsoever that he loved her. I did not doubt that he would do whatever it took to protect her, to provide for her and to give her everything that she would ever need.

He was right I had seen how loving and protective he had been with Dragomir. And if as he says he loves my sister more than he had ever loved her. Then there was no doubt whatsoever that he would be a million times more loving and protective of Vika. Already knowing all of this made my decision very easy.

"IF I give you my permission for this marriage to take place. I would expect that you would always protect and provide for her and any children that come from your union. Be they biological children or children that the two of you have adopted. Is that understood?"

"I would have it no other way."

"If I give you my permission,when would you do this?"

"I want to do it the night of the ball."

"Private or public?"

"Private." I nodded.

"Do you have a ring?"

"I have my mother's ring."

Ahhh an heirloom good. Giving her his mothers ring shows how much he actually cares. I am glad that I was actually able to give Roza my great great great great great grandmothers ring.

"Alright Chris I will give you my permission to propose to Vika. But know this, if you hurt or mess over my little sister. I will make what Abe would do to me look like a walk in the park compared to what I will do to you. Do you understand?" He smiled a million-dollar smile and nodded.

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