Chapter 15

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I couldn't look at him so I looked down at my hands, "it's... not a time that I like to think about." Dimitri grasped my chin in his hand and brought my eyes back to his.

"When Roza?"

Finally, I gave up and answered his question, "at... at your funeral." Then my tears began to roll down my checks.

Taking me securely into his arms and laying my head on his chest he said, "oh baby I wish I could change those things so much. You should never ever have had to go through things like that. I'm so sorry Roza."

"It's not your fault Comrade it's Nathan's fault. But since that fucker is dead as Napoleon, let's just forget it and get on with the night." I felt him caress my cheek before he gave a heart stopping kiss. "I love you." I whispered to him.

"As I love you and only you, forever."

"Yes let's." Al said. She'd seen me after Dimitri was taken and after I had returned from Russia. And she knew how badly it had affected me. I think my reaction actually scared her a little.

"Now as for what kind of poker, let's play five card draw first duce's wild. Twenty-five ante and just for those of you that are new to this, with us, we don't actually convert chips to money. It's just to pass the time. We actually used to convert to cash at the end of the games but I beat everyone so badly they voted that part out. I mean I only won twenty million dollars off baba and then he suddenly doesn't want to play for money anymore can you believe that?" I laughed at the last bit and so did everyone else.

"Yea gee, imagine that." Baba said as he rolled his eyes at me obviously he has either been hanging around me too much or we are just too much alike.

"Oh come on baba, you are a multi-millionaire what's twenty million dollars between father and daughter. You probably made more than that the next day."

"I did as a matter of fact but that is sooo not the point. And for your information little girl, I'm a multi billionaire actually. But loosing twenty million dollars to my little girl in one night was more than enough for me thank you very much."

"Well damn, to think I could have been a billionaire if you guys hadn't invented that new rule." Everybody laughed at me.

"Little girl you will get everything when I die."

"Hey, hey, hey let's not talk about that it's not going to happen. I absolutely forbid any of you to die." With that said that discussion was also dropped.

"Roza how did you get so good at poker?"

"Honeyyy, this is me you are talking about. I'm good at everything that I do." I said as I winked at him. Which caused his breath to catch.

"Yea that much I know," he answered me with a smirk. "But specifically poker?" 

"When Liss and I were on the run you remember that we stayed on college campuses a lot right?" He nodded. "Well what do you think the favorite card game on a college campus is? So after losing for a few weeks I got pissed off at myself and taught myself to play like a pro. I can actually count cards but don't tell anyone because nobody will play with me anymore."

"Roza, baby that is cheating." He laughed.

"No it's not, it's just frowned on."

"Whatever you say my darling." He said while still laughing.

We played for a few hours and I noticed that Dimitri trying to distract me so that I couldn't count the cards. So I thought that if he's going to distract me then I'm going to do the same to him. I laid my hand on his leg and began to run it up and down his leg over and over. With every few strokes I brought my hand closer and closer to his already hardened cock. He kept shifting in his seat causing me to laugh on the inside. Once I reached my final destination I caressed him through his jeans.

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