Chapter 9

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"Yes you would, your stronger than me."

"Baby, no one in this world past, present, or future is as strong as you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, my Roza. Come let's all get on the bus and we can have this discussion in private."

And we did just that. As Ivan, Roza, Chris, Eddie, Abe, Mia, Alberta, Yuri, Celeste and I sat around the living area of the bus I began our tale. By the end Roza, Mia, and Celeste had tears flowing freely. I could also see tears being held back by everyone else.

"Damn Roe, Dimka I'm so sorry. That is some story not even Romeo and Juliet had to go through all of that. Dimka if you love Roe the way you say you always have. Why did you treat her that way once you were returned after everything that she did to get you back?"

"I don't know. A mixture of stupidity, fear and guilt but mostly fear and guilt I guess. I was trying to protect her and I thought the only way to do that was make sure that she was as far away from me as possible."

"Ok, I understand that. I don't like or agree with the way you went about it but I do understand it. So why worship Vasilissa?"

"Again, I don't know other than she was the one that staked me. I have no answer Ivan I just don't know more stupidity I guess."

"Ok. Roe you say that it's too dangerous for our world to know of the returned yet but how about my mother? She wouldn't tell anyone if we told her why and since you returned me she'd worship you."

"Now It's my turn Ivan I don't know. I don't know your mother Comrade what do you think?"

"I've known her most of my life and I don't think that she would tell anyone. She could go with Ivan to the returned court and they could stay there until it is safe for us to come out with what you've been doing."

"I think when the time comes at least half of the guardians will side with us and probably all of the none guardian dhampir. Also probably ninety percent of the none royal moroi. I don't look for more than one or two percent of the royals to join us. With all of those we will have about seventy-five to eighty percent of the moroi and dhampir world join us. Plus, all the ones that we manage to return between now and whenever. So we will have the greater numbers and we will start getting the returned guardians to train as many of the moroi as want to learn to fight. We'll also have to get a few moroi from each element that are good with their magic to teach the others to use it defensively. They should have already put up the wards but I asked for panic rooms to be built inside every building. And all the buildings to have their own individual wards inside and outside as well as the panic rooms even in the schools."

"Uhh sweetheart, you do realize that you went completely off topic right?" I asked her.

"Huh... oh sorry. I do that sometimes; my plans can't stay in my head so they just rush out of my mouth. Back on topic. Ivan, we will make arrangements for your mother to meet us in the next few weeks. You can reveal yourself to her on the bus and if she wants to go with you to Russia that's fine. Just be sure she isn't going to tell anyone what's going on until the time is right."

"Thank you Roe. You are an amazing and gracious queen; I wish the moroi had a queen half as gracious and caring as you."

"Thank you Ivan. That means a lot coming from my Comrade's best friend."

"Ok, I've just got to ask what is this comrade stuff?" I laughed at my best friend and waited for Roza to explain her reasoning behind the name. Because to be honest I never really understood it. I love it now but I'm still not sure I understand her reasoning behind it.

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