Chapter 1

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"I would like to make a toast." Austin announces with a slight slur to his voice, holding up his mason jar of moonshine.

Their other friends, Mark, Joe Ben, Hattie and Chance had all arrived at the bonfire/cookout. Not really aware yet of what they were celebrating.

They all stop their conversation and raise their glasses waiting for the slightly drunken man to continue.

"To my dear big brother, Tim." Austin hiccups as he sways slightly back and forth. "I love him with all my heart. He saved me from going to an orphanage after our mom passed away. He put his life on hold to take care of me. And because of that, all I want is to see him happy. (hiccups) I have never seen him happier that I do right now, with Adam sitting by his side."

Tim smiles as he looks around at Adam. Adam gives him a quick kiss.

"Some of you don't know that something wonderful and exciting happened this evening. Adam asked Tim to marry him, and vice-a-versa. And they both said yes to the other's proposal." He laughs. "So here's to the newly engaged couple. And Adam, it will be a pleasure to call you my brother-in-law."

"CHEERS!!" Everyone yells.

"Hey, congratulations you guys." Chance smiles as he shakes their hands.

"Thank you." Tim smiles proudly taking his future husband by the hand.

Hattie walks up and crosses her arms across her chest as she glares at Adam.

"I knew you were trouble the minute I laid eyes on you. You stole my sweetie from me." She says as a smile creeps upon her weathered face.

"Sorry." Adam smiles looking down at the sweet lady. "I promise I'll take good care of him."

"You better. Or you'll have to answer to me." She smiles before reaching up and hugging his neck.

She reaches up and grabs Tim's collar pulling him down to her level.

"Congratulations, Sweetheart." She whispers placing a kiss on his cheek.

Tim wraps his arms around her and straightens up picking her up from the ground.

"Put me down!" She squeals through her laughter.

"Not until to agree to have the reception at the restaurant." Tim says with a smile.

"And catering the reception." Adam adds.

"No problem." Hattie giggles. "I would love too."

"Looks like we have a wedding to plan, Ladies." Jenika laughs, rubbing her hands together.

"What makes you think that you ladies are planning this wedding?" Tim asks as he places Hattie back on the ground.

"Because we said so." Olena says with a smirk.

"And we don't want any arguments from you two." Kelsey says, laying her arm on Olena's shoulder.

Jenika and Olena nod in agreement.

"I have to side with the girls on this on." Hattie laughs as she puts an arm around Jenika's waist.

"Looks like to me you guys are out-numbered." Mark chuckles as he throws another log on the fire. The flame lighting up his face making him look even more demonic.

Tim and Adam give each other a worried look, knowing they were defeated.

"Well, alright." Tim answers. "But no funny looking monkey suits (tux). I've never worn a tie in my life. I feel like I'm choking."

"YES!" The girls shout out in unison, high-fiving each other.

The party continues after everyone had eaten. Tim and Adam get comfortable in a lawn chair together.

"Hey, guys? Can I talk to you about something?" Austin asks, squatting down by the chair.

"Sure. What's up?" Tim asks as he wraps his arms around Adam who was laying back on his chest.

"I was wondering if it was alright if Olena moved in with me?" Austin asks.

"And you're asking us, because?" Tim asks tilting his head giving his little brother a confused look.

"Well, it's your house, Tim." Austin answers.

"No, it's our house, Bro.." Tim replies shaking his head.

Adam sits quietly thinking this was a discussion for the brothers.

"So y'all won't mind her living here?" Austin asks.

"Of course not." Tim answers. "Why should we mind, I love Olena like a sister. Besides, did I asks you if Adam could move in?"

"No. But I would have said yes." Austin smiles.

"You don't have to ask me either." Tim smiles. "You love her and want to be with her so ask the little squirt. It's not like she hadn't seen me in my boxers before."

"Actually less than that." Austin laughs.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about them walking in on me before I could get my britches up." Tim laughs.

"That was hilarious." Adam laughs. "Your face turned three shades of red."

"It was a little embarrassing for girls that are like your sisters to walk in and catch you a little exposed." Tim smiles, his cheeks blushing a little.

"Hey, Olena. Babe, come mere." Austin calls for his girlfriend.

Olena runs over and sits down in the lawn chair, squeezing in making Tim move over.

"Excuse you?" Tim grunts, looking down at her smiling face. 

"Tim said it was alright for you to move in." Austin smiles.

"I've changed my mind." Tim growls down at her.

"Please, please, please." Olena whines laying her head on Tim's shoulder.

"Get off me, you little pest." Tim grumbles. 

Adam and Austin laugh hysterically at the two.

"Only if you agree to me moving in." Olena says, wrapping her arms around his arm nearer to her.

"Fine, you can move in. Now get off me." Tim smirks.

"Awww, you're such a sweetheart." Olena giggles as she gives Tim a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Austin, if you want to keep your girlfriend, you better get her away from me." Tim grumbles, wiping his cheek.




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