Chapter 11

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"Hey, you sexy thang you. You need to wake up. We're supposed to start working on the clinic today." Adam says as he bites his husband's neck.

"Nooo." Tim groans in his morning bass voice and throws the covers over his head. "Just a few more minutes. I'm exhausted." He mumbles as he tries to go back to sleep.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you wanted sex at three o'clock this morning." Adam laughs uncovering the blankets from Tim's head.

"Actually, it is your fault. You shouldn't be so d*mn sexy." Tim says as he pulls Adam down on top of him.

"Seriously though, Sweetheart, we need to start getting ready." Adam says, brushing Tim's hair back and kissing him on the forehead.

"Yeah, I know." Tim pouts.

"Austin and Olena have already left. Besides, You get to see your new friend today." Adam chuckles as he gets up from the bed.

"New friend?" Tim asks, propping up on his elbow.

"Mhmm, Bob." Adam smiles.

"Yeah, what's up with him being all nice and stuff?" Tim asks, sitting up on the side of the bed and catching a pair of boxers that Adam pitches to him. "It's kinda scary."

"I don't know, but watch yourself." Adam says as he goes to their closet getting them something to wear.

"Oh, I know. I don't trust him at all." Tim says as he slips up his boxers.

"But just don't let you be the one that starts anything, you hear?" Adam says handing him a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

"Yes, Dear." Tim smirks. "I'll be on my best behavior."

"You better." Adam smiles as he kisses Tim on the nose.

When they arrive at the house everyone is already there, including Bayou Bob. The front yard was full of new lumber.

"Well, I'm so happy the Fousts decided to join us." Rob chuckles as Tim and Adam walk in.

"I couldn't get Sleeping Beauty awake this morning." Adam laughs.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty is still not awake." Austin laughs, looking at his brother.

"Sleeping Beauty just needs coffee." Tim yawns.

"I have some in my thermos." Jenika says.

"Bless you, my child." Tim smirks reaching for the thermos.

"Alright, Jenika has drawn up the perfect blueprint for the clinic." Rob says as he lays the blueprint out on the table.

He begins telling them which walls were to come down and where he wanted walls put up. The carpet was to be ripped out and plumbing rerouted.

Rob gave Bob and Mark jobs on opposite rooms of the house. For safety reasons. He knew that Tim would not start anything unless provoked.

The house was soon filled with the sound of sledgehammers crashing into walls, people yelling to each other throughout the house and an occasional cuss word when something didn't go right.

All the discarded wood was being thrown in a pile out back. Rob and Chance came up with the idea of a bonfire after dark with plenty of beer for the workers.

At lunch, Hattie surprised them by delivering food. She, herself, was surprised to see Tim, Mark and Bob working together in the same house without killing each other.

They had gotten a lot accomplished the first day. The sun was beginning to set and they were all exhausted.

Kelsey and Olena had left to go fix sandwiches for the group. They return, not only with the sandwiches but every lawn chair that they could find. Rob and Chance brought out a large cooler filled with beer, water and soft drinks.

The sandwiches were quickly devoured. They all claimed a seat, popped open a cold one and just relaxed around the fire after a long day. 

"I have to ask you something, Bob. It's been gnawing at me all day." Rob says, looking around at the giant of a man.

"Sure." Bob answers as he opens a beer.

"Why were you so determined to help with this clinic, considering you hate everybody here." Rob asks, bravely.

"I don't hate everybody here." Bob chuckles. "Especially you, Dr. Lundquist. You moving here was the best thing that ever happened to this town. Just wish you had come a year earlier."

"And why's that?" Rob asks, adjusting his glasses.

"You might have been able to save Beth." Bob answers as he stares into the fire.

"Who's Beth?" Chance asks.

"Beth was my wife." Bob says.

"Whoa, wait a minute. You were married?" Tim asks with disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah, Foust. I was married. Believe it or not. She was beautiful. She got sick and died of fever." Bob says.

"I'm so sorry, Bob." Kelsey says.

"So that's why I wanted to help. It's too late for Beth but maybe not for someone else." Bob says.

"Wow, you think you know somebody then turns out you don't." Tim says.

"Well, we've never been on the best of speaking terms." Bob chuckles.

"And why is that, Bob?" Austin asks. "Why do you hate Tim so bad. He's never done anything to you."

"Do you even have to ask, Austin?" Tim says as he wraps his arms around Adam. 

"I was raised in a very strict household. My old man ruled with an iron fist. I was taught that being gay was the most horrible thing there was. It was sinful." Bob says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I don't condemn you for your beliefs, Bob, I really don't." Tim says. "It's alright for people to disagree on things. You have the right. BUT. My sexual preference is my business and no one else's. I found someone that stole my heart, took away my loneliness and made me very happy. That someone just happened to be a man. And that man is now my husband. But laying my sexual preference aside, I'm just like you. I trap and fish for a living, I love my beer and I stand to pee. But most importantly, we both found that special someone."

"Whether you agree with Tim's choice of love interest is totally fine." Adam speaks up. "But what isn't fine is the harassment, the name calling and the abuse that he has been through just because he fell in love with someone of the same sex."

"I know." Bob says quietly and nods his head. "Maybe I was jealous of what he had. Love, friends, I really don't know. But I saw a whole different side of Tim today. He wasn't a pansy but a hard working man."

"Pansy?" Mark chuckles, shaking his head.

"Well, you know what I mean." Bob laughs. "He's not what I expected."

"This is the real me. Like I said earlier, you think you know somebody but you don't really know them at all." Tim says.

"Saying 'I'm sorry' doesn't make up for what I've done to you in the past. But, in front of all these witnesses, I wanna say that I am truly sorry, Foust." Bob says as he holds out his hand to Tim.

Tim bites at his bottom lip as he looks down at the big man's hand. Everyone's eyes were glued on him to see if he would accept Bob's apology.


PLEASE CHECK OUT MY republished "SIBLING LOVE"!!! (Avi & Esther, Kavi and Estim)


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