Chapter 47

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** This may show up as 2 updates. Wattpad was not wanting to publish this morning.


Tim paces through the house like an animal in a cage. He hated not being able to go outside and work around the house. He wasn't born to be a couch potato.

The water from the swamp had risen to the top step. Just a little more and it will be over the porch and possibly even inside the house.

This had Tim worried. He didn't have the money to replace the floors, repair the walls and to replace any furniture that might get ruined.

He grabs a beer and walks out on the front porch to observe the situation.

"So what are you thinking?" Austin asks as he joins his older brother.

"I'm thinking we're going to be in trouble if the water rises any higher." Tim answers as he looks around at his flooded yard.

"Don't we have some sandbags in the shed?" Austin asks.

"Yep, but they're underwater." Tim answers.

"Hey, what about that tape that we used to patch that cracked water pipe under the house? It worked until we could get another one." Austin suggests. "It might hold the water back."

"I thought we used it all." Tim replies.

"No, I put it in the junk drawer. Maybe if the water starts getting up on the porch we can put some around the door to keep it out of the house." Austin says.

"I guess it's worth a try." Tim shrugs. "See if you can find it."

"I know exactly where it's at." Austin says as he turns and heads into the house as Adam is coming out.

"Hey, handsome." Adam says softly as he slides his arms around Tim's waist.

"Hey, gorgeous." Tim forces a smile as he glances over his shoulder.

"You had a very worried look on your face when I came out of the house." Adam says as he places a kiss on his husband's shoulder.

"I just wish we had been more prepared for this." Tim says with a sigh. 

"Olena and I were watching the weather. The hurricane has weakened a bit." Adam says as he props his chin on his husband's shoulder.

"That's good. I'm praying this is the worst of it." Tim says. "But until this wind dies down, I just don't know."

"Why don't you come back inside and relax." Adam suggests as he runs his hand over Tim's chest and lays his head on his back. "There's nothing we can do but wait. If the water keeps rising we can try that tape Austin was talking about."

Tim nods but remains still, staring out across the murky water in the yard.

"It's going to be okay." Adam whispers as he kisses his husband's shoulder again.

"I hope your right." Tim sighs as he leans his head back on the blonde's shoulder.

"Ain't I always?" Adam asks with a smile.

"Uh, no." Tim answers with a chuckle.

"Get your sexy ass into the house." Adam laughs as he smacks Tim on the butt.

Tim walks back inside and sits down on the couch with a heavy sigh. He leans over and rests his head in the palms of his hands with a slight groan.

Adam knew the signs. He had seen it too many times. All of Tim's worrying was causing his head to hurt. He quietly gets up and goes to the kitchen to get Tim's medicine.

"Here, baby." Adam says as he holds out his pill and a cup of water.

Tim reaches out with a trembling hand and grabs the pill and pops it into his mouth washing it down with the water. 

"Is it a bad one?" Adam asks softly as he sits down next to his husband. 

"Yeah." Tim answers in a soft whisper as he rubs the side of his head.

"Come here." Adam says as he scoots down to the end of the couch and pulls Tim to lay down.

"I don't need this right now." Tim groans as he lays his head on his husband's lap.

"You don't worry about a thing, Timmy." Austin says from the loveseat where he had been watching his brother. "I'll keep an eye on the water. If it starts rising, we'll take care of taping the door. You just need to rest."

Tim nods slowly as his eyes begin to close. Adam gently massages the side of his head that had been injured in the car wreck. That always seems to sooth the pain.

As promised, Austin kept an eye on the water. It was lapping upon the porch from the wind but didn't seem to be rising anymore. Maybe, just maybe, the worst was over with.

Olena sat Bailey in the highchair as she and Sami start supper. They were all being as quiet as they could to keep from disrupting Tim's sleep. Olena assured Sami, who had never seen Bo in this condition before, that he would be fine after he rested. Adam always took good care of him whenever he had these spells.

Adam hums softly as he gently caresses the side of his lover's head. This man was his life and it broke his heart to see him in such pain. He didn't deserve any of what he has been through. Even as a young teenager, he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Taking care of both his sick mother and his baby brother. Adam couldn't imagine the hell he must have gone through. And then having the whole town turn their backs on him when it came out that he was gay. Dealing with Bob. Adam sighs and shakes his head.

"You alright?" Austin asks when he notices the sad look on the blonde's face.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Adam says. "Life can be so cruel sometimes."

"Yeah." Austin says as he looks down at his older brother. He knew exactly what Adam was referring to. "But he's a man of steel, Adam."

"Even Superman had his weakness." Adam says as he runs his fingers through his lover's hair.

The phone rings breaking the silence that had fallen over the living.

"Probably Rob checking up on us." Austin chuckles as he answers the phone. "Hello? This is Noah speaking. Make it quick, I'm building a boat."

"Austin? Is Adam around?" Chris says in a serious tone.

"Yeah, hold on." Austin says as he hands the phone to Adam. "Some folks just don't have a sense of humor." Austin grumbles as he gets up and goes to the kitchen.

"Hello?" Adam answers the phone.

"We need to talk." Chris says firmly.

"Okay? About what?" Adam asks as he looks down at his sleeping husband.

"I'd rather discuss this face to face." Chris states.

"Okay? But we have a little problem with getting out right now." Adam says with a slight chuckle. "The bayou is leaking."

The phone line goes silent.

"Chris? What's going on?" Adam asks.

"As I said, this is something I don't want to talk about over the phone. Whenever you are able to get out. Come over." Chris says before hanging up the phone.

"What now." Adam sighs as he looks at the receiver.


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