Chapter 57

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Five weeks had passed since the "accident". His ankle was healing nicely and they were hoping that the cast could come off at his next appointment in a week. Chance had told him that even though the cast may be taken off, he would probably have to wear an ankle brace until his ankle is stronger.

Adam was bored and Tim was suffering from what people called 'cabin fever'.

Adam tried to convince his husband to go with Austin and Bob gator hunting but Tim was afraid that Adam would need help with something that Olena and Sami would not be able to help him with.

But truthfully? Adam was bathing in all the attention that his lover was showing him. Austin argued that Tim was spoiling him and he was probably correct. 

Adam sits on the front porch, sipping a glass of sweet tea, as he watches Tim do a little yard work.

Austin was out somewhere checking the gator traps with Bob. Olena and Sami had gone to the grocery store to get groceries.

Tim was doing anything he could find to do to keep busy. Whether it was pulling weeds around the house or filling in the potholes in the graveled driveway.

Adam reaches for his crutches and stands up, catching his husband's eye.

"Where're you going?" The brunette asks, looking up from his work.

"To pee. This tea is running straight through." Adam says as he heads for the screen door. "And, no, I don't need any help." He adds with a laugh.

"You sure? I can hold your dick for you." Tim says with a smirk.

"It's my ankle that's broken, Sweetie, not my hands." Adam chuckles as he goes inside.

As he's leaving the bathroom, the phone begins to ring. Adam figured it was Hattie, Kelsey, or Jenika calling again to check up on him.

"Hello?" Adam answers.

"Hey, Bro. I'm glad you finally answered instead of that dickhead Austin." Chris laughs. "Are you not allowed to answer the phone?"

"What the hell do you want?" Adam says with a roll of his eyes.

"Can't I call to check up on you? After all, you are my brother." Chris answers.

"Huh, that's a laugh. State your business." Adam says in a stern voice.

"So, how are you doing?" Chris asks.

"I'm doing great now that I'm home with my husband. Thanks for calling. Bye." Adam says as he starts to hang up.

"No! Wait! Adam, we need to talk." Chris says.

"I truly don't think we have anything to talk about, Chris." Adam replies.

"Don't let that son of a b*tch come between us, Adam. We were doing fine until we met that slimebag that crawled out of that mud hole swamp." Chris pleads.

"Seriously? I really can't believe you are blaming your stupidity on Tim." Adam argues. "YOU are to blame for all of this. Not Tim. Not Jenika. Just you."

"That's not how I see it." Chris says.

"No, of course not. You are completely innocent." Adam growls. "That's BULLS*T!!! I am done talking and don't EVER call again you ASSHOLE!!"

Adam slams down the receiver not hearing Chris's final comment. He turns around to see Tim standing in the doorway.

"I'm so sorry." Tim says softly.

"Babe, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for." Adam smiles as he walks over to his husband and slides his arms around his waist, kissing him tenderly on the lips.

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