Chapter 51

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Tim sat on the top step of his porch and sharpened his knives. There was so much he needed to be doing. They were running low on money and he badly needed to be out trying to hunt gators or setting traps.

But his top priority was getting his husband home. Something in his gut told him that something was wrong and that he needed to stay by the phone.

Austin was doing what he could to help ease the money problem. He went out a few times with Bob hunting gators. But he also had a daughter that needed diapers and formula.

Sami helped with groceries and buying gas for the generator so they could still have power. 

But Tim felt useless.

Tim places the knives back into the pouch and lays it aside. He leans over, resting his head in his hands. If Adam would only call to let him know that he was okay, he would feel a lot better. But there still was that nagging in his stomach.

"TIM! PHONE!" Olena calls from inside the house.

He had been so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the phone ring.

Tim jumps up and hurries inside. Olena slowly hands him the receiver. The look on her face Tim could only describe as fear.

(one-sided phone conversation)

"Hello?" Tim answers as he continues to stare at the dark haired girl. "Yes, it is."

He closes his eyes and runs a shaky hand through his hair.

"Is .. is he okay? How bad is it?" Tim asks. "Okay, we live in Louisianna so it will take me some time to get there. Can .. can I get the address to the hospital? (Olena quickly hands him a pen) Okay." Tim nods as he jots down the address. "Please let him know that I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you."

"SH*T!!" Tim shouts angrily as he turns on his heels and head for his bedroom.

"What? Tim? What's wrong?" Olena asks as she follows him.

"Adam's in the d*mn hospital with a broken ankle. They may have to do surgery." Tim says as he grabs a suitcase. "I knew something was wrong. I just knew it!! D*mn you, Chris!!"

"Sweetie, calm down. You don't know what happened." Olena says as she begins to help him pack.

"No, but I could almost bet that that son of a B*tch had something to do with it." Tim says as he throws things in his luggage.

"Timmy, how are you going to get to Minnesota? None of our vehicles will make it." Olena says as she folds the clothes Tim had just thrown loosely into the suitcase.

"I don't know but I'll find a way." Tim says as he closes the suitcase.

Tim carries his suitcase out to his truck and throws it in the front seat. Turning around he sees Olena standing behind him. Her eyes full of worry.

He sighs as he pulls the small girl into his arms. 

"I'll call you when I can. Fill Austin and Sami in on what's going on, okay?" Tim asks as he hugs her tightly.

"I will. Please, be careful." Olena says as she kisses him on the cheek.

"I'll do my best." Tim says as he walks around to get in his truck. "Take care of Satchmo while I'm gone."

"Don't you worry about Satch, you just worry about yourself and bringing Adam home." Olena says as she forces a smile.

So many questions were running through Tim's mind as he drove toward town. What the hell really happened in Minnesota? Did Chris have anything to do with this? Where was he supposed to get help? Why was he heading to town? He wipes the tears that he had not realized were streaming down his cheeks.

He glances around at Rob's house as he passes. BINGO!! Tim slams on his brakes. Throwing the old truck into reverse, he backs up and turns into the driveway.

He puts his truck into park as he stares at the three nice vehicles belonging to Rob, Kelsey and Chance. Surely they would let him use one.

He tries to compose himself as he climbs the stairs leading to the front door. He takes a calming breath before knocking on the door.

"Well, hello there, Timmy. What a surprise." Rob smiles as he opens the door. They all knew about Adam going to Minnesota so it was no surprise to see Tim alone. Rob's smile fades as he notices his friend's red swollen eyes. 

"I need to talk to you and Kelsey about something." Tim states as he nervously runs a hand through his hair.

"Sure, come on in. We were just sitting down for a bite to eat. Would you like to join us?" Rob asks as Tim follows him to the kitchen.

"No, thanks. Well, I could use something to drink." Tim says as he looks around to see Kelsey and Chance sitting at the table.

"Sure. Have a seat. Would tea be alright?" Rob asks as he heads to the refrigerator.

"Yeah, tea is fine." Tim says as he sits down next to Chance.

"Tim, Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?" Kelsey asks in a concerned voice as she too notices his eyes.

"I... uh...I need your help." Tim says as he stares down at the table. "I have to get to Minnesota and I don't have a way."

"Minnesota? Is Adam alright?" Chance asks.

"He's in the hospital. He had some sort of accident and broke his ankle. He may have to have surgery." Tim says as he quickly wipes his eyes. "I have to get to Adam. I was.. I was wondering if I could borrow a car. My truck won't make it."

"You're in no shape to be driving all the way to Minnesota." Rob states. "You're an emotional wreck."

"Rob, I have to." Tim looks up at his bearded friend with pleading eyes.

"Then I'll take you." Chance says. "Better yet, it'll be faster if we fly there."

"Chance, I can't ask you to do that. You have a job." Tim says, shaking his head.

"I'll take his patients while he's gone." Rob says. "But we're not letting you go by yourself."

"We can catch a plane in New Orleans and be there within a few hours instead of days." Chance says.

"I'm on it." Kelsey says as she gets up from the table and goes to the living room to call the airport.

"I have another question." Rob says as he straightens his glasses. "I've known you a long time, Tim. I can read you like a book. I know you're wanting to be with Adam. That's understandable. But a broken ankle is not a life or death situation. There's something else isn't there."

"I just..." Tim says as he looks down at the glass of tea. "Rob, I just have this feeling in my gut that this was no accident."

"What makes you think that?" Chance asks.

"When Adam called me to let me know they made it, he said that Chris had been trying his best to get him to leave me and move back up there." Tim answers. "I believe he knew he was running out of time and had to come up with a way to make Adam have to stay longer. Giving him more time to try to convince Adam to leave me."

"All the more reason why Chance needs to go with you." Rob says. "To keep you out of jail."


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