Chapter 37

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"You still mad at me?" Tim asks as they follow behind Olena and Austin on their way back home.

"What if I am?" Adam says as he looks around at his husband with raised brows.

"I don't know." Tim says with a shrug of his shoulders. "I guess you'll just be mad. BUT, might I remind you that YOU were the one that provoked the lovemaking last night."

"I know." Adam says as he looks out the side window.

"Are you regretting it?" Tim asks.

"What? No! I loved every minute of it." Adam says as he reaches out and takes Tim by the hand.

"Okay? I'm confused. Then why are you mad at me?" Tim asks.

"I'm not really mad. Maybe embarrassed. I don't know." Adam says with a shrug. "You didn't have to announce to Kelsey that we had sex last night."

"Well, it's not like she couldn't tell." Tim says with a smile. "Honey, everyone knows how I am. I'm like an open book. They expect things like that from me. I've always ...."

"Like running your mouth." Adam says with a raised brow.

"If that's how you see it. I like to think I brag about what I have. I have you and we have an amazing sex life. We've been married a while now and it still feels like we're on our honeymoon."

"You're making it very hard to be mad at you." Adam says with a smile.

"Do you still hate me?" Tim asks with a pout.

"Awww, Swamp Rat, I could never hate you." Adam says as he leans over kissing his husband on the cheek. "I love you so much. I'm sorry for even joking about hating you."

"And I'm sorry if I embarrassed you." Tim says as he extends his hand. "Friends?"

"Lovers." Adam whispers next to his ear. He takes Tim's extended hand and turns it to kiss the back of it.


"How you feeling, Freckles?" Tim asks as he walks up to Olena's car to help his little brother out.

"Tired, weak and my leg is killing me." Austin groans as he gets out of the car. Olena hands him his crutches.

"Well, Doc said that you'd probably hurt for a few days. So that's to be expected." Tim says as he lays his hand on Austin's back to help him keep his balance on the crutches.

"Where's Bailey?" Austin asks as they walk into the house.

"Jenika has her. She's supposed to bring her home later." Olena answers as she turns down the covers of their bed.

Tim helps him get his jeans off so that he would be more comfortable.

"This sucks." Austin moans as he lays down. "We should be out running traps."

"You won't be running any for a few days." Tim smiles. "By the way, I talked to Bob earlier. I'm going to go with him on a few gator hunts to kinda refresh my memory on it."

"So. We're really going to do it?" Austin asks with a smile as Olena hands him his pain medicine.

"Of course. We're going broke running traps." Tim chuckles lightly.

(Later that evening)

Tim and Adam are in the kitchen fixing supper. Olena was feeding Bailey in the living room when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Olena calls out as she didn't want to disturb feeding Bailey.

The door opens and Chance peeks in.

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