Chapter 43

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** I wasn't planning on updating this story again considering it was just updated yesterday. But I was afraid ObsessedwithTidam and Freak-of-Madness would form a lynch mob and come looking for me if I didn't smooth things out. LOL


Tim sat on the cold bathroom floor with his head laid back on the bathtub. He had just emptied the entire contents of his stomach into the toilet.

A cold wet washcloth covered his face in an attempt to ease his throbbing head. A combination of his head injury, the alcohol, and trying to see without his glasses had caused one massive headache. One that he would not wish on his worst enemy.

His body felt as if someone had beat the holy hell out of him. If only he could remember the events of the night before.

The bathroom door opens and someone stumbles in.

Tim lifts the corner of the washcloth to peek out. He sees his husband fall to his knees beside the toilet and starts to throw up.

"I'll share." Tim says in a hoarse voice as he lays the cloth back on his face.

"Oh, my God." Adam groans as he wipes his mouth. He sits back on the floor beside Tim, laying his head on the brunette's shoulder. "What the hell did we do last night?"

"I was hoping that you knew. I feel as though someone beat the crap out of me." Tim says as he slowly removes the washcloth. "There's not an inch on my body that doesn't hurt."

"The last thing I remember is sitting with you next to the fire." Adam says.

"I kinda remember talking to Sami but after that, it's blank." Tim says. "Did, uh, did we make love last night?"

"I don't know. I don't remember." Adam answers as he rubs his forehead. "Why do you ask? Do you remember something?"

"No, just that my ass really hurts." Tim says. "I thought that I was going to have to crawl to the bathroom. Do you have any idea where my glasses are? I can't see sh*t."

"No, the last time I remember seeing them, you were wearing them." Adam says, as he starts to look around, his eyes sweep across Tim's crotch. The leg of his boxers was up high enough for Adam to see his inner thigh. "Tim?" 

"Hmmm?" Tim answers as he rubs his temple.

"Baby, you're bruised. How did that happen?" Adam asks, his voice full of concern.

Tim looks down but without his glasses, everything was a blur.

"I don't know." Tim says as he rubs his thigh. "What the hell happen last night?"

"Adam? Tim?" Chris calls on the other side of the door. "You guys alive in there?"

"Not really." Tim answers. 

"Come in, Chris." Adam says as he rubs a finger over the hickeys on Tim's neck. He barely remembers putting there. Could he have been the one to bruise Tim's thighs?

"Wow, you guys look pretty rough." Chris says with a slight smirk.

"I feel like death is near." Tim moans as he lays the washcloth back over his face.

"Chris, what happened last night?" Adam asks. "Tim has bruises on his thighs."

"I would imagine that you did it." Chris shrugs.

"What!!?? No way would I be that rough with him." Adam says.

"Bro., you were totally berserk last night. We were trying to get you two separated before you started screwing by the bonfire. You went crazy thinking we were trying to take Tim from you." Chris says. "Tim was right on the verge of passing out but all you wanted to do was f*ck."

"Oh, my God." Adam says quietly as he covers his mouth, his eyes filling with tears. "Did I rape him?"

"Impossible." Tim says from under his washcloth. "You can't rape a willing soul."

"Honey, you weren't fully conscious." Adam says as he wipes a tear.

"Okay, stop right there." Tim says as he pulls the cloth off his face. "Look at me, Blondie."

Adam looks around at his husband as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"No one raped anyone, got it? So, what if I was semi-conscious. From the looks of these bruises, I missed out on some awesome lovemaking." Tim smiles warmly as he softly kisses his husband's lips.

"I'm so sorry." Adam whispers.

"Hush. And stop this." Tim says as he wipes a tear from Adam's cheek.

"Oh, by the way, here's your glasses, Tim." Chris says as he hands the Cajun his glasses.

"Where'd you find them?" Tim says, slipping his glasses on.

"On the ground by your chair. I guess they were knocked off your face when Adam pulled you from the chair by your hair." Chris says with a wicked smile.

"WHAT!!?? Oh, my God!" Adam begins to cry again as he covers his face.

"Dammit, Chris." Tim growls as he pulls Adam into his arms.

"Sorry, Y'all. Hey, you guys feel like eating something?" Chris asks.

Tim quickly shakes his head no.

"Not until I get this headache under control. Anything I try to eat will come right back up." Tim says.

"What about you, Adam? You hungry?" Chris asks.

"No, I just want to lie back down." Adam says as he wraps his arms around his husband's waist.

"Are you guys done in there? I need to pee." Sami says from the doorway with her arms crossed over he chest.

"Stop yelling." Tim groans as he puts his hand on the tub for support as he attempts to get up. His face grimacing with pain.

"I'm not yelling, Bo." Sami smiles. "Are you alright?"

"It's just...." Tim starts to answer with a cocky remark until he glances around at Adam's sad eyes looking at him. Eyes that were filled with guilt. "It's just my head is hurting. I get really severe headaches since the car wreck sometimes and then add a hangover on top of that. It's pure Hell."

Chris helps Tim and Adam back to their bedroom. He goes to the kitchen to get Adam some pain reliever and Tim's prescription medicine.

"I do know one thing...." Tim says as he slowly lays down on the bed with a groan. "I'm done with drinking. I'm too old for this sh*t."

"You're not old. If you're old then so am I considering our ages differ by just a few months." Adam says as he pulls Tim over so his head was laying on his chest. He begins to massage the side of Tim's head which usually helps with his headache.

"Yeah, but I'm serious about not drinking anymore. All it does is wipe away hours of memory." Tim says as he closes his eyes relaxing under his lover's touch.

"And make you do things that you regret." Adam says softly, kissing Tim on the head.

"I do regret last night." Tim says.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'll never be able to forgive myself." Adam says, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Sweetie...." Tim says as he raises his head to look into his husband's tear-filled eyes. "My only regret was not being sober enough to enjoy it. Can I get a rain-check?"

"You got it." Adam smiles through his tears.



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