Chapter 45

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** Tim's boat is pictured below 👇

The adrenaline pumped through Adam's veins as he watched Tim and Austin pull in their second gator, throwing the beast on the floor of the boat

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The adrenaline pumped through Adam's veins as he watched Tim and Austin pull in their second gator, throwing the beast on the floor of the boat.

He could do it. He knew how to shoot a gun and he observed closely where the gator was being shot. He had visions of he and Tim being partners in hunting gators. Yes, it was dangerous but very heart pumping.

Pulling in a fighting gator is very tiring and hard on the hands. After a while, Bob takes Tim's place to let him rest and cool off.

Adam hands Tim a cold bottle of water as he sits down next to him.

"Having fun?" Tim asks as he opens the water and takes a huge swig of the cold liquid.

"This is exciting. Sure beats sitting at home." Adam smiles. He was just about to asks Tim if he could try.

"You wanna try it?" Tim asks. A huge smile comes across the blonde's face. "Knowing you, I'm sure you've been watching and learning. Itching to give it a try."

"You know me way too well." Adam chuckles. "I have been watching. I know I can do it, Tim. Can I?"

"Of course you can. I love that you're so eager to learn what I do for a living." Tim smiles. "We're a team, remember?"

"We are a d*mn good team." Adam smiles as he leans over and kisses his husband just as a large gator falls into the boat.

"Shift change?" Bob laughs at the two startled men.

"Sure." Tim says as he puts the cap back on his water. "Austin, why don't you take a break and get something to drink. Adam wants to try."

"Cool." Austin says as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. He hands the rifle to his brother-in-law. "I could use something to drink."

Bob drives the boat to the next location. The Foust team gets to work. Adam was doing a great job. Tim was very proud of his Yankee husband.

After catching a few more gators, they decided to take a break and eat the sandwiches they had packed.

"You know, Foust, me and the kid was talking while you and the misses were working." Bob says causing Tim and Adam to look at each other and laugh.

"Misses?" Adam laughs.

Bob chuckles and shrugs. He still was unfamiliar with the gay relationships.

"Anyway, both Austin and Adam are doing such a great job. I know you were wanting to show Austin the ropes so y'all could hunt gators. But I need a partner. I was wondering if I could steal Austin for my help since you have your misses or hubby or whatever." Bob says with a smile.

"Well." Tim says as he looks around at Adam and Austin. Both were eagerly waiting for his answer. "It's totally up to you guys. Adam, Sweetie, you know it's hard work and we have to be in the swamp bright and early during hunting season. That means no more sleeping late."

"I know. I can do it." Adam nods. "Believe it or not, I am capable of getting up early."

Tim glances around at his little brother for his answer. He's answered with an eager nod.

"I guess we have our teams." Tim says with a smile.

After Tim saw that Adam was comfortable with the shooting of the gators and was doing an excellent job of helping pull the dead gator into the boat, he gave his husband a training session of wrangling the gator to the boat. That way, when it was just the two of them, they could switch up. Austin took the rifle from Adam as Tim begins to show him what to do.

Adam quickly discovered that it wasn't as easy as it looked. It took a lot of strength to pull a fighting gator to the surface. It also took a lot of good balance to keep from falling over the side of the boat. Which would not be a good thing with an angry gator just a few feet away.


"I've always loved this old house." Sami says as she hangs her clothes in the closet of the upstairs bedroom.

"You know that both Tim and Austin were born here." Olena says as she hands Sami some more clothes.

"Yeah, I know. Bo has had a tough life. I'm glad to see him finally happy." Sami says as she walks out of the closet and closes the door behind her.

"He's definitely happy now. Something clicked between those two the first time they laid eyes on each other." Olena says as they climb down the ladder. "Sooooo, when are you and Dr. Chance going out?"

"As a matter of fact, we're going to the festival this Saturday together." Sami giggles with excitement.

"I'm happy for you. He's really a sweet guy." Olena says as she feeds Bailey some baby food.

"That he is. And very cute." Sami nods. "So how is it living here with three gorgeous guys." She laughs.

"Never a dull moment." Olena laughs. "I'm warning you though, Tim and Adam can get pretty loud in their room. If you know what I mean."

"Oh, my God." Sami laughs as she covers her mouth. "Seriously?"

"Trust me, you'll see." Olena laughs as she wipes her daughter's mouth.

"LUCY, I'M HOME!!" Austin yells out in his best Ricky Riccardo impersonation as he, Tim and Adam walk into the house.

"We're in the kitchen!" Olena calls out.

Austin heads to the kitchen while Adam sits down in the recliner. It had been a long hard day. It had been fun learning to work alongside his husband but very tiring. It was a very physical job much different than what he was used to. He used muscles that he didn't even know he had, until now. He leaned back in the recliner and within minutes he was fast asleep.

Exhausted, Tim slips off his boots and lays down on the couch and throws his arm across his eyes. Everything hurt. His arms, his hands, his back. He was either getting too old for this line of work or he was way out of shape.

He grunts as he feels someone sit down on his mid-section. It was too light for Adam.

"Oh, dear God. Don't let it be..." He slowly raises he arm enough to peek out. "Sam."

"Hi, Bo." Sami says with a huge smile.

"Did you get moved in?" Tim asks as he lays his arm back over his eyes. Trying to get some much-needed rest.

"Yep." She answers. "The bedroom is awesome! We just got through hanging all my clothes in the closet and unpacking. "I absolutely love it."

"Good. The first thing you need to know is that we do have chairs." Tim says. "And I am not one of them."


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