Chapter 8

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The week was passing quickly. Too quick for the newlyweds. There was so much to do and see. They went snorkeling, kayaking, toured the rain forest, the pyramids and caves. At night, they checked out a few nightclubs and local entertainment.

Tim even faced his fear of heights and went ziplining through the rain forest.

The food was amazing. Tim and Adam sampled things that they thought they would never eat. Making a game out of it, daring the other to try foods like squid or octopus.

But at the end of the day, they would find their way into the other's arms and resume their "honeymoon" sometimes ending in a late-night swim.

They sadly pack their bags and call a cab to take them to the airport.

"I don't want to leave." Adam whines as he sets the suitcases next to the door.

"I know what ya mean." Tim says as he wraps his arms around his husband's waist. "Maybe we can come back for our one year anniversary."

"Can we? That would be totally awesome." Adam smiles as he kisses Tim.

"We'll have to save up for it. But sure." Tim chuckles.

A knock on the door from the cab driver, tells them it's time to leave the paradise they have enjoyed for the past week.

"Guess that means it's time to head back to the swamps." Tim says as he picks up their luggage.

"I hope Chris remembers to pick us up at the airport." Adam chuckles.


Chris and Austin sit at the airport waiting for the arrival of their brothers' plane. Austin patted an annoying beat on his legs as he eagerly awaited his big brother's arrival. This had been the longest time they had ever been apart.

"Here." Chris says as he grabs a magazine from a nearby table and thrusts it into Austin's hands.

Austin huffs as he looks down at the magazine.

"Cosmopolitan? Really?" Austin asks with furrowed brows.

"Better than duct taping your hands to the arms of the chair." Chris chuckles.

"Shouldn't their plane be here by now? What if it got hi-jacked?" Austin asks with a panicked look.

"Austin, will you relax. We got here like an hour early." Chris says as he continues to read the newspaper he held in his hands.

"We've been here for hours." Austin whines.

"We've been here for 45 minutes. Their plane is due to arrive at 1:30 which is only 15 minutes away." Chris says shaking his head.

"That'll give me time to go pee." Austin says hopping up from his seat.

The bathroom had men waiting in line just to pee. Austin huffs as he looks at his watch. It was almost 1:30. Five minutes later he finally got to a urinal. Then he had to wait just to wash his hands.

After washing his hands, he hurried out of the restroom to see the corridor full of people. The plane must be unloading.

He began squeezing through the crowd trying to find Chris. He was getting somewhat claustrophobic. People on their cells hurrying around, bumping into him. None apologizing. He seemed to be the only person trying to go in that direction.

He finally looks up and sees Chris and with him was Tim and Adam.

"TIMMY!!" He yells as he runs toward them.

Tim looks up just in time to have to catch his jumping brother, knocking him back a step or two. He drops his luggage in order to catch Austin to keep from dropping him.

"You're home!" Austin says hugging Tim tightly around the neck.

"I'm glad to see you too, Squirt." Tim laughs. "Now you wanna get off of me, you little monkey."

"Look at you all tan and stuff." Austin smirks as he looks at his brother.

"The weather was gorgeous the whole time we were there." Tim smiles.

"I glad you had a good time." Chris smiles as he puts his arm around Adam's shoulder.

"Oh, we did, definitely. We did everything that we had wanted to do and still there was so much more to see and do." Adam says. "It was just so beautiful."

"Well, you really to come back to reality and head back to the swamps." Chris laughs as he helps with their luggage.

"So how are things at home?" Tim asks as they made their way out to the car.

"Pretty quiet." Chris answers.

"No trouble out of Bob?" Tim asks.

"He tried to start something like right after yall left but Mark put him in his place." Austin says.

"That's good." Tim says as he drops into the car seat. "God, I'm exhausted."

"You didn't get any sleep on the plane?" Chris asks as he started to drive toward Teche.

"Are you kidding?" Adam says and he lays his head on Tim's shoulder. "I think the same screaming kid on the flight down there was on the same flight coming back."

"He was screaming to the top of his lungs and kicking people's seats." Tim says leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "I swear, if that mother had turned her back for five minutes, somebody would have spanked that kid's *ss. I have got such a pounding headache. All I want to do is get home and see my dog, pop some aspirin and crash for a few hours."

Austin bites his bottom lip as he looks around at Chris. Chris slowly looks around meeting Austin's eyes.

An hour and a half later, they were pulling into their driveway.

Tim and Adam get their luggage and head for the house.

"What are we going to do?" Austin whispers to Chris.

"There's nothing we can do." Chris shrugs. "It's too late."

"Uh, Tim?" Austin says as he runs up the steps of the porch behind the newlyweds.

"Yeah?" Tim answers as he opens the door.


Tim lets the luggage slip from his hands and fall to the floor. He fakes a smile as his eyes scans the room at their friends.

A large 'WELCOME HOME!' sign hung on the wall.

Adam stands beside him with a shocked look on his face.

Tim slowly looks around at Austin, his fake smile fading.

"Surprise." Austin says with a nervous laugh.



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