Chapter 5

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Olena kept Tim, Adam, Austin, Chris and Satchmo (the wedding party) at the house taking pictures. 

Jenika, Rob, Kelsey and the others, headed to Hattie's restaurant to make sure everything was set up.

"Well, that's all for now." Olena says as she puts her camera back inside the case. "The rest will be from the reception."

Tim let out an exhausted sigh and sat down in one of the chairs beside Adam, laying his head on his husband's shoulder.

"What's wrong, Sweetie? You tired?" Adam says in almost a motherly voice as he rubs Tim's cheek.

"Exhausted." Tim gives a tired smile.

"Well, Honey, it's not over yet." Adam smiles.

"But at least there will be food." Tim says.

"Did you not eat breakfast?" Adam asks.

"No, my nerves had my stomach all up in knots."Tim says, raising his head up.

"I'm ready if you guys are." Olena says.

"Finally! I'm starved." Tim says standing up taking Adam by the hand. "Satchmo, come on, Buddy." He calls over his shoulder.

Chris, Austin and Olena get into Chris's car and the newlyweds get into Tim's truck with Satchmo hopping over in the back.

The town was pretty dead. A few old trucks set at the Trading Post. Trappers trading in or selling their furs.

Chris, Austin and Olena jumped out of the car and ran inside the restaurant before Tim even had time to park. But it went unnoticed by the newlyweds who took a few minutes to enjoy a few private kisses, before getting out of the truck. Tim pats his leg and Satchmo jumps out of the truck and follows them to the restaurant.

Tim opens the door to allow Adam to go inside first. His hand gently laid on Adam's back.

They were showered with rice, confetti and streamers the minute they walked in.

Whoops and hollers could probably be heard throughout the small town.

Tim and Adam laugh as they shield their faces, holding on to one another.

There was a table set up to the side of the restaurant, filled with all kinds of Cajun food and drinks. Only a few tables were left because of such a small party which left room for a small dance floor.

Olena was busy taking snapshots while Jenika and Kelsey switched up videotaping everything.

Eating was first on the list. They filled their plates and ate, laughed and talked with no unpleasant interruptions (Bob). 

After the food was cleared away, the alcohol was brought out.

"Now I think it's time for the bride and gro .. , uh, groom and groom? Or whatever you call it." Hattie laughs. "The newlyweds first dance."

Tim and Adam get up from their seats and walks out to the makeshift dance floor as Chance starts the music.

Everyone watches as the lovers slow dance across the floor. Jenika and Olena were both shedding a few tears as they attempted to take pictures of and videotape their dance.

Chris and Austin were also wiping tears. Happy that their brothers' had finally found happiness.

As the song ended, Tim kissed Adam passionately.

"I've got a surprise for you." Tim says, removing his glasses to wipe his eyes.

"Really?" Adam smiles.

"Yeah. I hope you like it. I've never done it before but Jenika talked me into it." Tim says as he motions for Jenika. "You ready?'

Jenika nods and heads to a keyboard that they had set up.

Tim picks up a mic and smiles nervously at the others.

"Uh, I've never sung for anybody before but Jenika thought it would be a good idea. So I'm gonna try to sing this song for Adam, my gorgeous husband." Tim smiles then looks around at Jenika as she starts to play.

After Tim was through, Adam rushed up to him grabbing him into a tight embrace as everyone claps.

"That was beautiful." Adam sobs. "I had no idea you could sing."

"I don't think I can sing but Austin, Olena and Jenika seem to think I can." Tim says, his cheeks blushing.

"You have a beautiful voice." Kelsey says.

"I agree. You'll have to sing to me more often." Adam smiles, kissing Tim on the cheek.

The newlyweds go to set down in two chairs that were placed in front of their guest.

"I'd like to say something." Chris smiles as he stands up with his beer. "On January the second of this year, we accidently drove into this little town. We were on a road trip and got lost. Adam was petrified of Bigfoots and guys with banjos." Everyone laughs. "As a matter of fact, when I pulled up out here on the parking lot to ask for directions, he didn't even want to get out of the car. But we were both hungry and was looking for something to eat. The people weren't very friendly at all. I guess because we were strangers. Until we come across this tall, dark and I guess you would say, handsome stranger. Something clicked right away between this stranger and my brother. And almost a year later, they are sitting here in from of us as newlyweds. Tim, I'm proud to call you my brother-in-law. Cheers."

"Yelp, I guess it's my turn." Austin says with a smirk on his face as he stands up. "Adam, before you entered my brother's life, you rarely seen him smile. He was depressed and lonely. He didn't even want to go to the festival that day. Olena and I made him go. He said it would be the same as always, him watching people have fun and then end up with him fighting Bayou Bob. But this time was different, he met the love of his life. A Yankee from Minnesota, believe it or not. But I could tell by the way my brother looked at that Yankee, that he had already stolen his heart. I have seen my brother smile more this year than I have my entire life and it's all because of you, Adam. Welcome to the family. Cheers!"

"CHEERS!!" Everyone yells.



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