Chapter 17

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Tim sighs as his little brother hangs his head. Maybe he was a little harsh.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like an ass." Tim says putting his arm around the smaller man's shoulder. "But I thought you guys used protection?"

"We do. Except." Austin says and then looks back down at the ground.

"Except?" Tim asks, raising a brow.

"After we left the festival, we were both drunk and I don't think we used anything." Austin says running a hand through his reddish brown curls. "What am I supposed to do, Tim?"

"Stand up to your responsibilities." Tim answers. "That's your baby that she's carrying. Don't make her feel like she did something wrong. And that it's her fault. You are just as much responsible."

"You're right. I guess I did make you feel bad." Austin nods. "But, Tim, I'm scared. I don't know anything about raising a child. What if I'm a bad father, like our dad?"

"And you think she knows? This is all new to her too. And don't even compare yourself to that S.O.B." Tim says shaking his head. "You need to go back in there and tell her that everything will be okay, because it will. You're going to be a daddy, Austin. And I'm finally going to be an uncle." Tim smiles.

"You're right." Austin says with a smile growing on his boyish face. "I'm going to be a daddy, Uncle Timmy."

"Come on, let's go back inside." Tim says as they hop off the tailgate of the truck and walk toward the house.

Tim opens the screen door and he and Austin walk inside. Olena was sitting on the couch wiping her eyes with a tissue. Adam was sitting beside her with his arm around her.

"Uh, Baby, let's go to town and get that paint that Rob and Chance said that we could have." Tim smiles, holding his hand down to his husband.

"Okay." Adam smiles as he rubs Olena on the back.

"Thank you, Timmy." Austin says softly.

"Anytime little brother." Tim says, then walks over and gives Olena a hug. "Congratulations." He whispers in her ear.

"Thanks." She smiles through her tears and kisses him on the cheek.

Tim takes Adam by the hand and head out to the truck.

Austin walks over to the couch and sits down beside his girlfriend and pulls her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I acted that way." He tells her. "I kinda panicked."

"I know." She nods and wipes her tears.

He smiles as he reaches down and rubs her on the stomach. 

"Olena, I don't know the first thing about being a father. My dad sucked at it. What I learned, I learned from Tim." Austin chuckles lightly. "He has always been a father figure to me. So if I screw up, blame him."

Olena giggles as she takes Austin by the hand.

"So are you okay with this?" She asks.

"Of course I am. It was just a shock and I handled it wrong." Austin says, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sure we will make our share of mistakes but we'll make them together."

"I'm sure Tim and Adam will help." Olena smiles.

"A lot of good that will do." Austin laughs.

"I'm excited but nervous at the same time." Olena says.

"Me too. But I guess that's to be expected." Austin says. "But I hope you know, I will teach him how to run traps and fish."

"And what if it's a girl?" Olena asks, raising her brows."

"I'll teach her too." Austin smiles.


"So how do you think it's going at home?" Adam asks as he stares out the windshield.

"It'll be fine." Tim smiles. "Austin just panicked. He's never had any responsibility and now he does and it scared him."

"That's because he's always had his big bubba." Adam giggles as he reaches over and rubs Tim on the arm.

"You said that as a joke but it's true. I've always taken care of him. When mom got sick, I had to take over." Tim shrugs.

"Baby, you took over before your mom got sick. You became the man of the house when your dad died." Adam reminds him. "I know you don't like talking about him."

"Not really. And for the record, the b*stard wasn't my dad." Tim says in a low tone.

"I know. I'm sorry I .." Adam was saying before being interrupted.

"That's okay, Baby Doll." Tim says leaning over for a kiss while trying to keep his eyes on the road. Adam giggles, placing his hands on Tim's cheek and kisses him.

"Wait a minute." Adam says as he stares at Tim.

"What?" Tim asks.

"Where the hell are your glasses?" Adam asks.

"Uh, at home." Tim says quietly.

"Why aren't they on your face?" Adam asks, raising a brow.

"Well, we left in such a hurry, I forgot them." Tim answers with a shrug.

"Sweetheart, you are supposed to wear your glasses all the time. You can barely see." Adam says, looking back at the road. "Stop the truck, I'll drive."

"Honey, we're almost at the clinic. I can see some it's just really blurry." Tim says.

"What if we had met another vehicle?" Adam asks, crossing his arms across his chest as he glares at his husband.

"But we didn't." Tim says.

"But what if we had?" Adam asks with a tilt of his head.

"We're here." Tim says, smiling over at Adam.

"I'm driving home." Adam states as he gets out of the truck, chuckling at Tim's crooked parking.

"Yes, dear." Tim answers with a smirk.

They walk into the clinic to see that there were actual people in the waiting room. Jenika smiles as she looks up from her paperwork.

"Hey, guys. Is everything alright?" She asks, wondering why they were there at the clinic.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Tim whispers in a low voice as he leans over on the counter. "We just came by to pick up that paint the guys said we could have."

"Hey." Chance smiles as he walks out from the hallway, carrying a folder that he hands to Jenika. "What's up?"

"We're here to get that paint." Tim repeats his request.

"Oh, alright. Follow me." Chance says as he heads back down the hallway.

"Looks like yall have been pretty busy." Adam says as they follow Chance to a supply room.

"Yeah, we have. But nothing too serious. Bad backs, arthritis, stitched a few cuts." Chance says as he points to the paint.

"Pregnancy test." Adam smirks.

Chance looks at them with a surprised look.

"Yeah, we know." Adam chuckles.

"So how did Austin take the news?" Chance asks.

"Not good." Tim chuckles. "He panicked. But he's better now."

Chance begins to laugh.

Tim and Adam give each other a quick glance with puzzled looks on their faces. The good doctor has already lost his mind.

"I'm sorry." Chance says as he tries to calm his laughter. "The thought of you two babysitting."

The couple shares another glance but their puzzled look turned to more of a panicked look.



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