Chapter 59

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Even though Adam wanted this taken care of as soon as possible, he also wanted to wait until he got the cast off his ankle. But he had been in constant touch with his attorney, Dustin Hoffman.

Mr. Hoffman also thought it was a good idea to wait a week or two. The extra time would give him the opportunity to court order the phone history from Chris's phone, bank statements of Chris's purchases since returning to Minnesota and phone recordings from the bank of the cancellation of Adam's card. He also advised Adam not to contact his brother about the situation. This would allow Chris to think that his brother was not going to fight his actions and possibly let his guard down. From what he had learned from Adam, Chris, to him, didn't seem to give a lot of thought about any of his actions.

"You know, until we get all this straightened out, I still have the insurance money I got after the car wreck." Adam says as he leans back into his husband's arms as they cuddle on the couch.

"But you were saving that for a car." Tim replies.

"Yeah, I know. But once we get my inheritance all situated, we'll be set." Adam says. "Before you say anything, I know that you don't want to live off the inheritance. But, we know that it's there if we need it. Like when Bailey gets older, she'll need a room of her own. We could really use a laundry room. I hate that Kelsey has to do our laundry." He chuckles softly.

"We are struggling pretty bad right now." Tim nods. Honestly? He was tired of worrying about how they were going to buy groceries and pay the bills. Having a generator helped tremendously. But it took a lot of gas to run it constantly. Worrying was also affecting his health. He stayed exhausted most of the time. Not being able to sleep at night for lying awake and worrying about their money situation. 

"We don't have to be, Sweetheart." Adam says softly as he raises up to look into his husband's tired brown eyes. "I have the money to put your worries to rest. You don't think I feel you tossing and turning at night? We don't have to live like rich people even though we will be. You can still go do the things that you love to do like trapping and hunting gators. We can still live like Cajuns only without the worry of if we're going to have the money to buy groceries."

"That would be nice." Tim says with a tired smile.

"Not to mention, your brother is working his ass off trying to support his girlfriend and his daughter. When actually, he doesn't have to." Adam says, shaking his head.

"Oh, so now you're using my little brother as a weapon against me." Tim says with a smirk.

"If it works then why not." Adam smiles.

"You're a dangerous man, Adam Foust." Tim says with a yawn as he lays his head back on the back of the couch and closes his eyes.

"So. Do I win?" Adam asks with a smile.

Tim smiles as he nods slightly and gives his lover a thumbs up.

"You rest, Sweetie. I need to go run an errand." Adam says as he kisses Tim on the cheek.

Tim nods as he starts to lay down on the couch. "The keys are in the truck. Please be careful. Take Satchmo." He mumbles as he starts to slip off to sleep. 

"I'll get Sami to drive me. You rest." Adam says as he gets his crutches and stands from the couch. Apparently, his husband was too tired to remember that his truck was a stick shift and Adam's foot was still in a cast.

Adam walks out on the front porch to find Sami sitting in the rocker, reading.

"Sami? You busy?" Adam asks.

"Extremely." She says with a touch of sarcasm as she looks over her sunglasses at the blonde.

"Good. I need you to drive me somewhere." Adam chuckles as he heads back inside.

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