Chapter 16

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Adam rolls over and starts to slide his arm around his husband's waist. But instead, he ends up hugging a massive ball of fur.

Slowly opening his eyes, they are met by the multi-colored eyes of Satchmo. The dog had taken his place between the two lovers.

Adam sees Tim asleep, laying on his side with his back to him and the canine.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the foot of the bed?" Adam whispers. "Or maybe on the floor, like a good dog."

Satchmo seems to raise his eyebrows causing Adam to chuckle softly.

"You know this is not going to become a habit, right?" Adam whispers again, not wanting to wake Tim.

Satchmo turns his eyes to his master as if needing back-up.

"Don't look at daddy. He'll agree with me. At least I hope." Adam smiles.

Satch raises his head and lays it on Adam's chest.

"Don't try to butter me up by giving me those sad puppy dog eyes." Adam giggles as he puts his arm around the beautiful dog. "You see, Satchmo. I love your daddy very much. One of my favorite things to do is to cuddle with him. Now, I can't very well do that with you between us, can I."

"Do you make it a habit talking to dogs?" Tim asks in his low morning voice.

"Sorry, did we wake you up?" Agam giggles softly.

"Kinda. Between you talking and Satchmo's wagging tail smacking me in the ass." Tim smirks as he glances over his shoulder.

"I think Satchmo is a little jealous." Adam smiles still hugging the large dog.

"Probably." Tim says as he rolls over to face them. "I found Satch in the swamp when he was just a pup."

"Someone just dumped him out? That's sad." Adam says.

"This town is full of superstitious people. I kinda figured they dumped him because of his eyes. Some might think an animal with two different color eyes could bring bad luck." Tim yawns. "But he's been my best friend since I found him."

"That's so sweet. I know the first day we met, he helped you out with Bob." Adam says.

"Yeah, and one word from me, he would have crushed Bob's throat." Tim says with a shrug. "He's come to my rescue many times."

"You ready to get up?" Adam asks.

"Might as well. What time is it?" Tim asks, squinting his eyes to try and read the clock.

"9:30." Adam smiles.

"Man, I've done got lazy." Tim chuckles. "I'm usually in the swamp running my traps by seven. That's something Austin and I really need to get back doing."

They get up and get dressed and head to the kitchen for coffee. They find Austin sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading a tabloid that Olena had bought.

"Morning." Tim says. "Where's your lady?"

"Morning." Austin answers without looking up too wrapped up in a story he was reading. "Uh, she had to run to town."

"Whatcha reading?" Adam smiles, sitting down at the table.

"A story about this man that claims that him and his dog were abducted by aliens. He says that now they both can speak over five hundred languages." Austin chuckles.

"The dog too?" Adam laughs.

"Yep. It says that experts are not believing his story." Austin laughs.

"Do people actually get paid for writing this crap?" Tim smirks as he sits down. "Maybe we should write something."

"Maybe we could get Bob to stand out in the swamp and we could take some really blurry pictures of him and then claim that we have proof that the Swamp Ape really exists." Austin laughs as he closes the magazine.

"Think we could get rich?" Tim chuckles. "Speaking of getting rich, bro, we're not making any money sitting around on our asses. Our cash flow is getting a little low. We really need to get back to our traps."

"I'm ready anytime you are, Bubba." Austin replies.

"We'll go out this evening and set the traps." Tim says as he takes a sip of coffee.

"Sounds like a plan." Austin nods.

"Can I tag along? I'd like to see you guys in action." Adam smiles.

"Sure. But wear old clothes, it gets pretty messy wading off into the swamp." Tim answers.

"Uh, I didn't say I was going to help. I just said I wanted to watch." Adam laughs.

"You go. You work. That's the rules." Austin says with a smirk. "If a beautiful blond like Jenika can wade off into the swamp, surely you can."

"Okay, Mister Austin. You don't think I can do it, do you? Well, I'll just show you." Adam says crossing his arms over his chest. "Just because I'm from the city doesn't make me afraid of getting dirty."

"Did I offend you?" Austin laughs.

"I'll show you. In no time at all, I'll be cleaning them gophers along side my husband." Adam says.

"Baby Doll." Tim chuckles as he puts an arm around his husband's shoulder. "Uh, we don't trap gophers."

"Well, whatever those big rodents are that you catch." Adam smiles as his cheeks redden.

They hear the front door open and close.

"Olena?" Austin calls out.

"Yeah, it's me." She answers as she lays down her purse and heads to the kitchen. "Morning." She gives both Tim and Adam a quick hug.

"Morning, Sunshine." Tim smiles.

"Uh, Austin. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Olena asks.

"Yeah, sure." Austin says as he sets his coffee cup in the sink and follows her to the bedroom.

"You hungry?" Adam asks.

"Not really." Tim answers and shakes his head.

"Me neither." Adam smiles as he lays his head on Tim's shoulder.

About twenty minutes later, Austin walks into the kitchen with an unreadable look on his face.

"Uh, Timmy? Can I talk to you outside?" Austin asks quietly.

"Sure." Tim shrugs and gives Adam a quick kiss before following his little brother.

They walk out to Tim's truck. Tim lets the tailgate down and sits down, lighting up a cigarette.

"So what's up?" He asks, looking around at his brother.

"Olena just came from the doctor." Austin says.

"Is she alright?" Tim asks with concern.

"Tim, she's pregnant." Austin says in a whisper.

"No Sh*t? That's great." Tim smiles but his smile fades when he sees his brother not smiling. "Uh, that is great, isn't it?"

"Timmy, I can't afford no kid." Austin says.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you got her knocked up." Tim says flatly.



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