Chapter 60

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Adam was able to get his cast removed yesterday. He felt like a free bird. In a couple of days, they would probably be flying up to Minnesota. His lawyer was waiting on one more bit of information that was crucial to their case against Chris.

It was a rainy day in the swamp, so everyone was just laying around being lazy. Tim and Adam had gotten comfortable on the couch. Austin and Olena were taking a nap with their daughter and Sami was up in her room reading. Just a nice relaxing day.

"You expecting anybody?" Adam asks as they hear a knock on the front door.

"Nope." Tim answers lazily.

The blonde crawls off the couch and goes to answer the door. He's shocked to see a man in a black business suit wearing sunglasses, even though it was raining. In one hand an umbrella and in the other a briefcase. Definitely looked like someone from the movie 'Men In Black'.

"Uh, can I help you?" Adam asks. Just figuring the man was lost or selling something.

"Timothy Regan Foust?" The man asks as he stares at Adam from behind his Raybans.

"No, just a second." Adam answers before looking over his shoulder at his husband still laying on the couch. "Tim?" He calls out, motioning him to the door.

"Who is it?" Tim asks as he begins to get up from the couch.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Adam replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Timothy Regan Foust?" The man asks in a monotone voice as Tim joins Adam at the door.

"Yes." Tim nods.

'Holy sh*t! Chris has done went and hired a hitman!' Adam thought as he gripped Tim's arm.

"Mr. Foust, my name is Thomas L. Jones from 'Blah, blah, blah'." The man says.

Tim stares at the man with a blank expression. The man's voice was so boring and annoying that Tim found it almost impossible to concentrate on what he was saying. After the introduction, Tim had no idea what the man had said. He glances around at his husband and sees a look of confusion on his face also.

"May I come in. It will only take a minute of your time." Mr. Jone says.

"What's this about?" Tim asks, remaining in the doorway and not allowing the man to enter. 

Mr. Jones stares at Tim through his sunglasses. Tim couldn't help but wonder if the man had told him already. Maybe he had zoned out and missed it.

"As I said, I'm from 'Blah, Blah, Blah' and Associates." The man speaks again. Once again, Tim lost concentration and was only catching a few words. "Blah, blah, insurance company blah, blah, blah, automobile accident."

"Oh, do come in." Tim says as he steps back from the door. Accident and insurance were the only words that he picked up but those were enough.

"I'm sorry that this has taken so long but there were a lot of loose ends that had to be finalized." Mr. Jones says as he sits down and opens his briefcase.

The couple had no idea that there was even a court battle going on between insurance companies.

"Because of your permanent disability of losing sight in one of your eyes, there was a lot of deliberation on the amount of settlement." Mr. Jones says as he hands Tim a manila envelope. "This is a copy of the court records. If you feel that the decision is not adequate, you have the option to counter sue. My card is enclosed if you decide to do so. If you find everything is satisfactory then the case will be closed. Again, I apologize for the delay." (a/n: Good thing this is fanfiction. I'm sure there's a lot more to it than this.)

With that being said, Mr. Jones shakes the couples' hands and leaves after bidding them a 'Good day'.

"Did you know anything about this?" Tim asks as he opens the envelope.

"No, I didn't." Adam says as he closes the door after their visitor had left. "It's all new news to me."

Tim pulls a stack of papers from the envelope that had been stapled together. He starts to read over the content but for an ole Cajun who had dropped out of school at an early age, it was all mumbo jumbo to him. He couldn't make heads or tails from it.

"Here." The brunette says as he hands the papers to his husband. "I might as well be trying to read French."

Adam couldn't help but chuckle as he takes the papers. Most of the Cajuns in Teche were French.

Tim reaches back into the envelope and pulls out the final sheet of paper. Adam sits down on the couch as he begins to read over the documents. He, himself, was finding them hard to understand.

Tim couldn't believe what he was looking at. He blinks several times to focus. He begins to have difficulty breathing as he finds himself getting light headed.

"Adam?" Tim says softly, before passing out and falling to the floor.

"Tim? TIM??!!" Adam screams out throwing the documents to the side. He falls to the floor beside his unconscious husband. "BABY!! WAKE UP!!!" He yells, pulling the brunette up in his arms. "AUSTINNNN!!!"

The door to Austin and Olena's bedroom swings open as Austin runs out. Sami had also heard Adam screaming and was climbing down from the loft.

"WHAT THE HELL??!!" Austin shouts as he sees his brother laying limp in Adam's arms.

"HE PASSED OUT AND HIT THE FLOOR!! I DON'T KNOW....!!" Adam yells, shaking his head as he brushes back Tim's hair. 

Sami runs to the bathroom and gets a washcloth and wets it with cold water.

"Is he breathing?" Olena asks.

"I ... I think so." Adam nods as he takes the washcloth from Sami and begins to wash Tim's face.

"Should I call Chance?" Sami asks just as Tim groans and reaches for his head.

"He's coming to." Adam says. "Baby? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah." Tim moans as he sits up rubbing his forehead.

"Are you alright? Do we need to call Chance or Rob?" Austin asks as he rubs his brother on the arm.

"I'm okay, I think. I guess I just fainted." Tim answers.

"Have you eaten anything?" Olena asks.

"Yeah." Tim nods and glances done at the paper he had dropped. He reaches out with a shaky hand and picks it up. "Baby, maybe you need to take a look at this." He says as he hands it to Adam.

"What is it?" Adam asks as he takes it from Tim. He gasps and lays a hand on his chest. With a look of shock on his face, he begins to gasps for air. "I..I ca.. can"t breathe."

Tim turns around and wraps his arms around the blonde. Whispering softly to him as he rocked him gently in an attempt to calm him down.

"What is up with this that it causes you to faint and Adam to have a panic attack?" Austin says as he snatches the paper. "You faint over $750?"

"Honey, look again." Olena says as she looks at the check that Austin was holding.

Austin looks more closely at the check. His jaw drops as his hands begin to shake. He slowly sits down on the couch. He felt as if, he too, was going to faint.

In his hand was a check for $750,000!!!!!!!


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