Chapter 33

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Tim stands up and picks up his niece. He walks over to the laughing couple and hands the bare bottom little girl to her mother.

"I'm done. Never again." Tim growls before stomping to his and Adam's bedroom.

"Tim, we're sorry." Olena giggles as she calls to the Cajun.

She's answered by the slamming of the bedroom door.

"Y'all don't laugh at him." Adam scolds. "He did his best. At least he tried that's more than what I could do. I hid in the kitchen while he tried to change the diaper. Besides, you knew we didn't know anything about taking care of a baby when you left her with us. These things don't come with instructions, you know."

"I know. I'm sorry." Olena says as she begins to put a diaper on Bailey.

"But the look on his face was priceless." Austin chuckles as he wipes the tears of laughter from his face.

"Shut up, Austin." Adam growls as he stomps to the bedroom. Just as he reaches the door, it opens quickly and Tim steps out.

"And might I suggest you get your laughing ass to bed. We got traps to run bright and early in the morning." Tim says as he glares at his younger brother. He turns and goes back into the bedroom.

Austin sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. It was already close to midnight. He had forgotten all about the traps.

Adam turns around before entering the bedroom and looks at Austin with a smirk on his face.

"Don't see you laughing now." Adam says, giving a fake smile before going into the bedroom and closing the door.

"Looks like SOMEBODY is on their brother's sh*t list." Olena giggles as she carries Bailey toward the bedroom.

"It's not the first time." Austin shrugs with a slight chuckle as he follows her to the bedroom. "And I'm sure it won't be the last."

The next morning, Austin managed to drag himself out of bed the first time Tim called him. He definitely didn't want to get on his brother's bad side this early in the morning.

The sun had not even started to rise yet.

'Only a crazy person would be up at this time of the morning.' Austin thought as he stumbles into the kitchen to see that Tim had already fixed breakfast for them. Which means that he had been up for some time. 

"See what I mean." Austin mumbles to himself.

"Do you say something?" Tim asks as he turns around form the stove with their breakfast.

"How long you been up?" Austin yawns as he fixes himself a cup of coffee.

"Probably close to an hour." Tim answers as he sits down at the table.

"Aren't you tired?" Austin asks.

"Extremely. But we have work to do. Can't make money with our asses laid up in bed." Tim says as he takes a bite of his breakfast.

"Hookers does." Austin smirks as he sips his coffee.

"Maybe so but we're not hookers." Tim replies.

"Uh, listen. Sorry about last night." Austin says.

"Just do me a favor. Next time, find someone else to babysit." Tim says. "Adam and I are just not cut out for the job."

"Well, it was just a last minute idea and everyone else already had plans. Next time, we'll plan ahead." Austin smiles.

"Please do." Tim says as he carries his empty plate to the sink. He writes a note to Adam and Olena, telling them their breakfast was in the microwave. "You ready?"

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