Chapter 55

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"Dude! What the hell is your problem!?" Austin says with an angry tone as he comes out of their house.

"What?" Tim asks as he tries to help Adam out of his truck.

"I asked what the hell is your problem, Bro.?" Austin asks again as he comes down the steps and pushes Tim on the shoulder.

"Whoa, you best back off." Tim warns.

"Austin, just calm down, alright?" Olena pleads from the porch.

"No! I won't calm down. He leaves without telling me then he doesn't call or anything?" Austin says as he shoves his older brother again.

"I swear to God, Austin if you shove me one more time, I might just forget that you're my kid brother." Tim warns once more. 

"Will you guys just stop it!" Adam demands.

"Austin, I told you what happened." Olena says as she takes him by the arm.

"Yeah, but he should have told me." Austin replies.

"Listen, kid, when I get a call that my husband has been hurt, my first thought is to get to him. I didn't have time to wait around for you to get home." Tim says as he helps Adam toward the porch. 

"You couldn't have called?" Austin asks.

"Austin! Put your f*cking attitude aside and help me get him up these steps." Tim says sternly.

"I'm sorry, Adam." Austin says in a much calmer voice as he takes Adam's arm and puts it around his shoulders for support. "I haven't even asked how you were."

"I'm going to be fine." Adam says as he hops on one foot up the steps. 

Olena hands him his crutches once he got on the porch.

"I'll try to explain everything to you once I get him settled." Tim says as he opens the door for his husband.

"I'm okay right now." Adam says as he makes his way over to the couch.

"Do you need anything? Something to drink? A pillow?" Tim asks as he lays the crutches aside.

"No, Honey, I'm fine." Adam smiles at his attentive hubby. He leans back on the couch and props his foot up on the coffee table.

"Austin. Sit." Tim says as he points to the recliner. Without hesitation, Austin quickly sits down. Tim sits down beside his spouse and lays his hand on his leg. "When the hospital called me, I panicked. I knew I had to get to Minnesota but didn't have a clue how. I threw a few things in a suitcase and then took off not knowing where the hell I was going. I needed money, I needed a car. When I passed Rob's house, I thought that maybe they would lend me some money or a car. I was pretty upset so they didn't think it was too smart trying to drive all the way there. So they suggested flying and Chance insisted on coming with me. He knew things would not go well between me and Chris. I'm sorry I didn't leave you a note or call you. My mind wasn't functioning properly."

"So, did anything happen with Chris?" Austin asks.

"Well, when I walked in, he looked as if he had seen a ghost. He quickly made his exit to go smoke. That gave Adam time to talk to us. He told us that he was positive that Chris had pushed him down." Tim answers.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Austin asks with a shocked expression.

"From the very minute we left Teche, he was trying to talk me into leaving your brother. He even started using the word 'we' when it came to looking for a house. He didn't really expect Tim to find a way to Mankato. He thought that if he could hurt me that I would have to hang around and he'd have more time to try and brainwash me." Adam says. "He even admitted me into the hospital under the name Rupp."

"I was pissed. I went looking for him and found him out in the parking lot." Tim says.

"I hoped you kicked his ass." Austin says.

"That was my intentions and I would have if Chance hadn't stopped me. I did get a good punch in though." Tim says with a slight smile. "But Chance probably did the right thing. Chris would have had me arrested."

"Then he wouldn't give me my luggage. He kept wanting me to come over to talk. So I told him to f*ck off and here I am and my luggage is still in Mankato." Adam chuckles.

"Do you think he'll show up here?" Olena asks.

"If he knows what's best for him, he won't. This is my property and I don't take kindly to trespassers. Like I told him, I'll shoot first and then ask questions later." Tim says.

"I'm just happy to be home." Adam says with a slight groan as he attempts to reposition his broken ankle.

"Are you hurting?" Tim asks.

"It's throbbing." Adam says with a nod.

"Aren't you suppose to have it elevated? You've not had it elevated all day. It might be swelling." Tim says as he reaches inside his jacket pocket to get Adam's medication. 

"I'll get you some water." Olena says as she heads for the kitchen.

After taking his pain medication, Tim helps the blonde to their bedroom. Adam lays down after Tim pulls back the covers. The brunette gets an extra pillow from the closet to put under his foot.

"I'm sorry to be such trouble." Adam says.

"Seriously? As many times as you've had to take care of me?" Tim says with a smile as he sits down on the bed beside his husband. "I owe you. Just don't make this a habit. I don't like seeing you hurt."

"Awww, you're so sweet." Adam smiles a drunken smile. His pain medicine was quickly taking effect.

"Let's keep that just between us, okay?" Tim smiles as he brushes back his lover's hair.

"And you know what else you are?" Adam says with a slight smirk.

"No, but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me." Tim chuckles.

"That's right, I am. Cause I think that you need to be reminded just how beautiful you are." Adam replies. "You're eyes are like Hershey's Kisses. The most beautifullest chocolate brown that I've ever seen."

"Beautifullest?" Tim asks with a chuckle.

"Uh huh, and those glasses are sexy as hell." Adam nods. "You have the perfect nose. And oh, God, your lips, are so soft and kissable. And your smile melts me every single time. And I could spend all day just running my hand through your hair. So soft and silky. If you ever cut it, God have mercy on your soul."

Tim could only chuckle at his husband's drunken ramblings. He knew the pills were working quickly because of Adam's exhaustion. It was just a matter of time.

Adam pushes himself up into a sitting position, trying hard to focus on Tim's eyes.

"And your body..." Adam whispers as he runs his finger down Tim's chest. He falls back into the bed with his arms stretched out to his sides. "I'm at your mercy...." His last words before falling asleep.

Tim pooches his lips as he nods. He stands and carefully pulls the covers over his sleeping spouse and tucks him into bed.

"I'll take a raincheck on that, Angel Face." Tim says in a whisper as he leans down, kissing Adam softly on the lips.


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