Chapter 12

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"You know, Bob. A handshake these days don't mean sh*t. Someone could shake hands with you and then stab you in the back the very next minute." Tim says as he stares down at Bob's extended hand. "But to me, a handshake will always mean what it's meant to stand for. Trust, an unwritten agreement. If I shake hands with you that means I'm trusting you to keep your promise."

"I understand completely." Bob nods. "I have never extended my hand to anyone. I may not agree with your sexuality but that gave me no right to bully you the way I did. I'll keep my promise. The bullying stops."

Tim reaches slowly for Bob's hand, still a little unsure. He firmly grasps the larger man's hand and shakes it.

Bob smiles and nods his head lifting up his beer for a toast.

"To a new beginning." He smiles.

"It better be." Tim says with a slight warning while raising a brow. Tim reaches over with his beer and clicks it against Bob's. They both down their beers.

"Well, that was a little nerve wrecking." Jenika whispers to Chris and Mark who were sitting on each side of her.

"I just hope Tim watches himself." Chris says softly.

"Oh, Tim won't let his guard down. After years of abuse and harassment from that man, Tim will watch him like a hawk." Mark says in a low voice. "And if he goes back on his word, I, myself, will kill him."

"Whatever happened to that dude you used to date, Foust?" Bob asks.

"Oh, we never really actually dated." Tim says, shaking his head. "We only, you might say, hooked up a couple of times. He proceeded to singlehandedly ruin my reputation and then skipped town."

"As different as Tim, Bob and Mark are, they all have something in common." Rob says. "The townspeople don't like you."

"I don't really give a rat's ass if they like me or not." Tim chuckles. "I am who I am. I'm not ashamed of it."

"Same." Mark nods. "They leave me alone, I'll leave them alone."

"Hell, ain't nobody gonna bother you, Mark. Everyone is scared to death of you." Bob laughs.

"And I like it that way." Mark says with a smirk.

"What's really gonna freak everyone out is when they see you three getting along." Austin chuckles.

"Yeah, we should really make a big spectacle out of it at the next festival." Bob laughs.

"Count me in." Tim chuckles.

"Sure, why not." Mark adds.


After a week of construction, the clinic was beginning to take shape. Rob and Chance were so proud of everyone's hard work. They knew the coming week, everyone would be trying to get things ready for the festival. So they were trying to get as much done as possible. Those that could, worked late into the night. Usually, Tim, Chris, Mark and Bob.

Tim slipped quietly into the house. Trying not to stumble over anything or make any kind of noise to wake the others up. 

He was exhausted and every muscle in his body screamed out for mercy. The hot shower didn't help his aches much but did wash the sawdust and dust off his body.

Tim walks into their bedroom to see his handsome husband sleeping peacefully. He slips on a clean pair of boxers and moans softly as he sits down easily on the side of the bed. He leans over in an attempt to stretch the knotted up muscles in his back.

He suddenly feels the warm hands of his lover sliding gently up his back, stopping at his shoulders where he begins to massage softly.

"You overdid it, didn't you." Adam whispers, kissing him on the neck.

"Probably." Tim moans, relaxing a bit under Adam's comforting touch. "It's hard working with two giants." He chuckles lightly.

"Lay down on your stomach, I'll see what I can do." Adam says softly.

Tim groans as he lays down and tries to get comfortable. Adam straddles him, sitting down on his hips as he begins to massage the tight muscles in Tim's back.

"Did that hurt?" Adam asks after Tim groaned out in pain.

"Yeah, but in a good way." Tim says in a strained voice.

Adam begins to leave soft kisses on his husband's neck and shoulders, relaxing him completely.

As the pain eases, exhaustion takes over and Tim's eyes slowly close in sleep.

"You sleep now, my beautiful husband." Adam whispers, leaving a tender kiss on Tim's cheek.

The next morning, Tim wakes up to a silent house. 

"Adam?" Tim calls quietly as he slips on his glasses and walks out of the bedroom. He heads to the kitchen and sees a note laying on the table.

Austin, Olena and I have gone to the clinic. Thought you needed the extra sleep. :)  Breakfast is in the microwave. Hope you're feeling better. See you soon. Love you so much.'

Tim smiles as he reads the note. Adam was the best thing that has ever happened to him. 

"I love you too, Sweetheart." Tim says softly as he lays down the note and goes to get his breakfast.

After getting dressed and popping a couple of Ibuprofen, he and Satchmo hop into the truck and head to the clinic.


Everyone working was astonished at how well, Tim, Mark and Bob were working together. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought they had been best friends for years.

Bob, himself, was even surprised at how likable everyone was. He soon even learned to overlook Tim and Adam's constantly stealing kisses from each other. Or an occasional pinch or smack on the butt. They were very much in love and weren't ashamed to show it.

He found himself looking forward to the festival this upcoming weekend. The townspeople seemed to feed off the hatred between the three men. They loved seeing fights between him and Foust. It was their entertainment.

Boy, were they in for a rude awakening.


** PLEASE CHECK OUT "STEEL BARS" a 'Tidam' collaboration between me and ObsessedwithChance ! ADD IT TO YOUR LIBRARY!!


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