Chapter 9

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Tim didn't drink that much at the party. He was still a little hungover from his and Adam's private little party the night before. Adam wasn't drinking anything.

A couple of swallows of moonshine Tim drank only hit his head like a hammer. But he plastered on a smile for his friends that went out of their way to welcome the newlyweds home.

Tim sat quietly on the couch trying hard to concentrate on what was being said. His arm resting lazily around his husband.

Adam sat snuggled into Tim's side with his hand laying on Tim's leg. Trying hard to stay awake.

Satchmo laid on the other side of Tim with his head laying in his master's lap. Tim mindlessly stroked his canine friend as he listened to the conversation that was going on.

Jenika smiles as she squats down in front of the couple. 

"I'm going to try and wrap this party up for you guys, alright. You two look exhausted." She says quietly.

"We're trying." Tim chuckles softly. 

"I know, Sweetie." Jenika says as she pats Tim's leg.

"And we do appreciate everything you guys have done." Adam adds and Tim nods in agreement.

"We did it because we love you two so much. And we are very proud of you. It took guts for you guys to get married in a town that is so against gays." Jenika says.

"I think we can handle them." Tim smirks and looks around at his husband.

"I know you can." Jenika laughs. She leans forward and lowers her voice. "Oh, rumor has it, that your friend Dr. Chance and our very on Dr. Rob are talking partnership."

"What?" Tim smiles as he and Adam lean forward to hear the gossip.

"Yep, Dr. Chance loves our little town so much he wants to move here. Rob jokingly said they should open up a clinic together. But I think they're discussing it seriously now." Jenika says with a nod.

"That would be totally awesome." Adam smiles.

"I hope that Chance knows there's not a lot of money amongst these people." Tim says. "I mean, yeah, Rob could use some help. He stays quite busy but the people can't really afford to pay. Most of them pay with a trade."

"I think he knows. He's just tired of big city hospital chaos." Jenika says.

"Chance is a great doctor. He saved my life." Tim says.

Adam smiles and takes his husband by the hand.

"And we could never thank him enough for that." Jenika smiles laying her hand on top of the newlyweds' hands. "Could we, Adam?"

"True. If it wasn't for him and the good Lord, you might not be sitting here right now." Adam says.

"Alright, Guys, time to break this party up. Our newlyweds have had a long tiring week and need some rest." Jenika smiles as she stands up.

"Yea, I was just fixin to say my goodbyes. That diner won't open itself in the morning." Hattie laughs as she hugs Tim and Adam.

"Thanks, Hattie." Tim says as he returns her hug. "Love you."

"I love you too, Sweetheart." Hattie says and then points her finger at Adam. "You. I'm still mad at." She says with a slight smile.

"Sorry." Adam chuckles.

"Get some rest." She smiles and winks.

One by one the guest begins to leave.

"Well, I'm fixing to head out too." Chance says as he shakes Tim's hand. Rob and Kelsey stood next to him.

"You driving back to New Orleans tonight?" Adam asks.

"Uh, no. For the past couple of days, I've been staying with Rob and Kelsey." Chance answers.

"Hold up. What's this I'm hearing about you two starting a clinic?" Tim asks.

"Wow, word travels fast around here." Chance laughs.

"Especially if Jenika knows." Tim chuckles. "So it's true?"

"We're actually going to look at a place in the morning." Chance nods.

"It's the Burtons' house." Rob says. "They have it up for sale. They're moving to Baton Rouge."

"That's a nice place." Tim nods.

"Yeah, there shouldn't be a whole lot of work to do. Maybe just a little remodeling." Rob says.

"If you need our help just holler." Tim replies.

"Now that you mention it, Timmy." Rob laughs. "It would save us a ton of money if we did the remodel ourselves."

"Sure. We'll be glad to help. I mean, you worked your butt off helping us with this place. So we'll just return the favor." Tim says.

"Awesome." Rob says before turning his attention to Austin, Chris and the girls. "What about you guys?"

They all give him a thumbs up.

"I'm sure Mark would be glad to help too." Austin adds. "He's really good at building things."

"Cool. We'll let you know something tomorrow. If we get the place or not." Chance says.

"I'm sure you won't have a problem. It's a nice house and all, but no one wants to move down here." Tim chuckles. "Except for Chance."

"I've always been drawn to adventure." Chance laughs as he heads toward the door.

"Talk to yall tomorrow." Rob says as he and Kelsey follow him out.

Chris and Jenika leave a few minutes later.

Tim yawns as he lays his head over on Adam's shoulder.

"You ready to go to bed, Mr. Foust?" Adam smiles as he reaches up and rubs his husband's bearded jaw.

"I was ready to go to bed an hour ago, Mr. Foust." Tim gives a tired smile.

"I'm really sorry. Everyone started planning this little party days ago." Austin says.

"Don't worry about, Squirt. You didn't know Adam and I already had hangovers and that brat on the plane just made them worst." Tim says.

"Peace offering?" Austin smiles as he pitches a bottle of Ibuprofen into Tim's lap.

"That'll work." Tim chuckles picking up the bottle.

"Peace offering?" Olena hands him a glass of water. "This party was kinda my idea."

Tim laughs as he hands the medicine bottle to Adam then reaches for the water.

Adam opens the bottle and hands Tim two pills.

"You both are forgiven." Tim says before popping the pills into his mouth.



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