Chapter 44

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Adam carefully gets out of bed, trying not to wake his sleeping husband. He slips out of the bedroom, peeking around to make sure the coast was clear before heading to the bathroom to shower. The house was quiet but he heard voices outside.

As he let the hot water run over his body, his thoughts were on the bonfire. How could he let himself get so drunk? How could he let himself hurt the most precious thing in his life?

He smiled slightly as he dried off. He had to agree with Tim though, he wished he could remember the lovemaking cause it had to be AMAZING!!

Slipping on some clean boxers, he heads to the bedroom as he towel dries his hair. The towel was partially over his face as he enters the room. He failed to see Tim's cowboy boots laying on the floor. He trips over the boots and falls on the bed right across Tim's mid-section.

"F*CK!!" Tim yells as he's startled awake. He tries to sit up but is unable to because of a giggling Adam.

"I'm so sorry." Adam giggles as he sees the shocked look on his husband's face.

"What the Hell, Adam?" Tim asks, his eyes wide with shock as he tries to catch his breath. "Can you not wake me like a normal person would?"

"I'm sorry, Baby, I tripped. Are you alright?" Adam says as he tries to get control of his giggling.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just scared the sh*t out of me is all." Tim says, running a hand through his hair. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, I had a soft landing." Adam answers with a smile.

"Gee, thanks." Tim chuckles as he sits up and looks around at the clock. It was way too blurry to see without his glasses. "What time is it?"

"Two-thirty." Adam says as he goes to the closet for his clothes. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I'll feel a lot better after a shower. Taste like something died in my mouth." Tim says as he slowly gets out of bed.

"Good thing I didn't wake you with a kiss then." Adam laughs as he slips on a tee shirt then reaches for some jeans.

"No, you just decided to body slam me instead." Tim laughs as he grabs him some boxers. "Where is everybody?"

"They're all outside so the coast is clear." Adam says, pulling his hair back into a ponytail and slipping on a bandana. "I'm going on outside, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit." Tim says as he heads to the bathroom.


"Well, look what raised from the dead." Bob laughs as Adam walks out on the porch.

"Is Tim up too?" Austin asks as he rocks Bailey.

"Yeah, he's in the shower?" Adam nods as he sits down on the front steps.

"So, how are you two feeling?" Mark asks as he leans against a post of the porch.

"We had a pretty rough start this morning. We were both hugging the toilet. Tim had a pretty bad headache. But we're feeling okay now." Adam answers. "Could anyone tell me what happened last night?"

"You both got plastered." Bob laughs.

Tim walks out of the house and takes a seat next to Adam on the steps. He too wanted to know what went on.

"I know that, Jerk." Adam chuckles as he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "I meant after we got plastered."

"Well, it started getting late. The Doc and Sami were already passed out. Austin and Jenika were drunk but not out of it. You guys were sh*t-faced drunk. You were sitting in Foust's lap and you two were practically having sex." Mark says.

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