Chapter 48

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The flood waters receded as fast as it had risen. But leaving behind a huge mess. Logs, sticks, trash and even dead fish littered the yard.

Tim and Austin get busy cleaning up the yard. Piling everything into a pile to burn once it gets dry enough.

"Tim? I'm going over to Chris's to see what's going on. I won't be gone long. I'll help when I get back." Adam says as he heads toward Tim's truck.

"Okay. Be careful." Tim says. "We don't know how bad the roads are."

"I will." Adam says as he pulls out of the driveway.

"What do you think is going on?" Austin asks as he bends over to pick up a plastic back that had washed up.

"I don't have a clue." Tim answers. "Adam said he sounded upset about something."

"Maybe he was just panicking about the flood waters." Olena says as she sat on the porch with Bailey. "Nothing like this has happened since he and Adam have been here."

"Well, I think he could have talked to Adam on the phone about that." Tim says as he throws an arm full of branches into the pile.

"Maybe Jenika is pregnant." Sami says.

"Naw, I think if she was they would have come over here and announced it in person." Tim says. "Something tells me that whatever it is, it's not good."

The temperature quickly rose and the humidity was a killer. Tim and Austin take a break and join Olena, Bailey and Sami on the porch for something cold to drink. A few minutes later, Adam drives up. Getting out of the truck, he slams the door and quickly walks toward the house.

Tim and Austin exchange worried glances as Adam stomps upon the porch.

"Babe? Is something......" Tim starts but Adam jerks the door open and walks inside slamming the door behind him. He didn't even acknowledge that they were sitting there. Tim lets go of a heavy breath as he starts to stand just as they hear the bedroom door slam. "I'll go see what's going on. Y'all stay here."

Tim cautiously walk inside the house and to their bedroom.

"Adam?" He calls out softly as he taps on the door. When he does not receive an answer, he slowly opens the door.

He stands in shock as he watches his husband throw clothes into a suitcase.

"Adam, what's ...what's going on?" Tim asks as he slowly walks into the room.

"I'm going to Minnesota." Adam says as he grabs some boxers and socks from their dresser.

"Minnesota? But why?" Tim asks as he watches Adam rush around their bedroom.

"I don't have time to explain, Tim." Adam says with aggravation. "Chris is on his way to get me."

"You'll take the time!!" Tim says as he grabs his husband's arm and turns him to face him. "Are you leaving me? What ... What have I done? Tell me."

Adam realizes that he was taking his irritation with Chris out on his lover.

"What? No. Sweetheart, I'm not leaving you." Adam says as he gently rubs his thumb across his husband's cheek. "I would never do that. You are my life."

"Then why are you going back to Minnesota?" Tim asks.

"Honey, it's just for a few days. Chris is moving back." Adam says with a heavy sigh as he sits down on the bed.

"Moving? But why?" Tim asks as he sits down next to him.

"He and Jenika broke up. I knew it was just a matter of time before he screwed things up." Adam says as he shakes his head.

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