Chapter 23

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** This chapter is going out to: 08wvidolfan and Rhitchco


~~ This takes place a few hours after Mark & Bob leave the clinic ~~

"Man, it stinks in here." Bob says as he sits down on a bale of hay.

"It smells like piss." Mark says as he watches out the window.

"No telling what all they did to him." Bob comments as he looks around the barn.

"Hmm, at one time, I would have thought it would be you doing this to Tim." Mark replies as his dark eyes watch the hill that the vehicle would have to come over.

"Truthfully, me too." Bob says.

"And I would be waiting here to kill you instead of them." Mark says with a slight smirk as he glances around at Bob.

Mark looks back out the window just in time to be blinded by the sun's glare on the windshield of the truck coming over the hill.

"It's showtime." Mark says.

He and Bob get into position as they hear the truck pull up near the barn.

"I'm tired playing around with this fag. Let's finish this so we can head back to Shreveport." A voice says as it nears the door.

They walk in and freeze in their steps as they see their prisoner gone.

"What the Hell?" Steve says as he stares at the cut rope hanging from the rafter.

"Where the f*ck is he?" The other guy says.

Suddenly, they are startled by the door slamming behind them.

"Surprise." Mark growls with a smirk on his face.

"Geez! Who the heck are you?" Steve asks as he stares at the two giants in front of him.

"Your murderers." Bob chuckles.

"WHAT?!" The other guy shouts in a panicked voice. "But we haven't done anything."

"That man that you two tortured happens to be a good friend of ours. He's alive and safe." Bob says.

"Uh, it was his idea." The guy says as he points to Steve.

"Shut the f*ck up, Shawn." Steve growls.

"Hands behind your back." Mark says as he pulls a pistol out from underneath his long black coat.

"Screw you. I'm not doing no such thing." Steve snarls.

He's met with Mark's gun up side his face knocking him to the ground.

"Now, I'll repeat myself one time and one time only." Mark says as he points the gun at Steve's head. "Hand's behind your back. And don't think it will bother me to pull this trigger."

Shawn looks around at the door with the thought of running but meets with the barrel of a shotgun pointed at his face.

"Go ahead. I dare you. Run." Bob says with his finger on the trigger.

"We don't want any trouble." Steve says as he puts his hands behind his back.

"Well, you got trouble." Mark says as he begins to tie Steve's hands. "Foust was a friend to me when no one else was. You f*cked up when you came into this Bayou and thought you'd have some fun by hurting my friend."

Mark forces Steve to the floor on his stomach. Reaching down he grabs his feet and proceeds to hog-tie him.

"Your turn, Benedict Arnold." Bob says as he hits Shawn in the stomach with the butt of his gun.

Shawn slumps over grabbing his stomach and collapsing to the floor. Mark begins to hog-tie him. He also ties a rope around their necks and ties the other end to the concrete blocks that the two men had tied to Tim's ankles.

"Hmmm, I really was expecting at least a little bit of fight from you assholes." Bob chuckles as he shakes his head.

"So how does it feel now that the shoes on the other foot. Not too fun is it." Marks says as he reaches down for a can of gasoline. He hands the can to Bob. "I give you honors."

Bob begins to spread the gasoline over the bales of hay, on the floor around the two men and even pours the remaining gas on the clothes they had on.

"Any last words." Mark asks as he lights a cigarette with a match.

"Please, don't. Please don't do this." Shawn begs.

"I imagine Tim was saying the same thing as yall beat him with a whip and pissed on him." Bob says.

"Let's go, Bob. We can watch the bonfire and have a few beers." Mark says.

"Sounds like a good idea." Bob laughs as he gets the gas can and head for the door.

"See you in Hell." Mark says as he drops the match, igniting the gas and walks out the door.

Bob had pulled the truck out from its hiding place. He was now sitting on the tailgate holding a couple of beers.

Mark walks out of the barn, smoke rolling out behind him.

"Now for the show." He smiles as he sits down on the tailgate. Bob hands him a beer. 

"To Foust?" Bob smiles as he holds up his beer.

"To Foust." Mark chuckles as they make a toast.

It wasn't long before the old barn was fully engulfed in flames. The men's screams were barely heard over the roar of the fire.

Soon the crackling of the fire was all that could be heard.

"Shreveport? What were they doing all the way down here?" Mark asks as he stares into the flame.

"New Orleans is having Mardi Gras. Maybe they came down here for it. Made a stop in Teche, heard Tim was gay and decided to have some fun." Bob shrugs. "At his expense."

"Guess they wished now that they had stayed out of Teche." Mark says.

"So what now?" Bob says as they watch the flame quickly die down.

"Unfortunately, we need to do something with the bodies and the truck." Mark says as he stands up from the tailgate.

"Ewww, I was afraid you were going to say that." Bob laughs shaking his head.

With the help of heavy rain to quickly cool down the remains of the barn, they were able to get the two charred bodies and dispose them into the Bayou and watch as the gators quickly devoured them.

The truck was pushed off into the Teche River where it sunk to its final resting place at the bottom of the river.

"Our job here is done." Mark says as they watch the truck sink into the dark waters of Teche River.



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