Chapter 15

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Tim hangs his head and begins to sob. He had thought all the hate and harassment was over. He knew most of the townspeople hated him for being gay but none of them acted on their hate like Bob did. But since he and Bob had buried the hatchet, he had hoped that things would get better. 

Adam quickly pulls his weeping husband into his arms. Tim buries his face into his husband's neck as he cries.

Adam too had tears in his eyes. But his tears were from anger. He was tired of the way Tim was being treated in this sorry town. Looking over Tim's shoulder, his eyes meets the cold dark eyes of Mark.

"I want you and Bob to find out who done this. I want them dead." Adam says softly but sternly as he rubs Tim gently on the back of his head.

The 'Son of Satan' slowly nods his head.

"I'm so sorry, Tim." Bob says as he steps forward laying a hand on the crying man's shoulder and gently squeezing it. He couldn't help but think if Tim had reacted the same from all the years of harassment that he, himself, had put him through. The feeling of guilt and shame swept over him. "We WILL find out who done this and they WILL pay."

"Thank you, Bob." Adam says, his eyes dark with anger.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks as he puts his arm around Austin's shoulder. 

"No." Austin answers quickly wiping a tear as he stares at their graffitied home. "Why is this even happening, Chris?"

"I can't answer that. I wish I knew. People can be so ignorant." Chris says.

"This pisses me off so bad." Jenika says, shaking her head.

"Tim, we have plenty of paint left over from the clinic. We'll get this covered up." Chance says.

Tim nods as he raises his head and wipes his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"I can't but help wonder what they might have done to Satchmo if I had left him at home." Tim says, his voice cracking. Tears swell in his eyes again just for the thought.

"You don't need to think about that. Satchmo was safe with you." Adam says.

"I'm sorry guys." Tim says, after taking a deep breath trying to calm himself. "This just gets so tiring."

"I can imagine." Rob says. "But, Buddy, you can't let them kick you down."

"Exactly. You have to fight back just like you fought me back." Bob says. "Tim, you don't know this, but I gained so much respect for you for doing just that. No matter what I did to you, you fought back twice as hard. You never backed down."

"And I won't back down this time either." Tim says. His eyes taking a darker tone of brown. "You guys find out who done this and bring them to me."

"You got it." Mark says with an evil smirk.

"Well, I guess Kelsey and I will head home." Rob says.

"What? Yall not staying for drinks and bonfire?" Tim asks.

"Well, uh, I didn't know if it was still on or not." Rob says with a shrug.

"Hell, yeah, it's still on." Tim smiles. "Like you said, Rob, I'm not going to let them kick me down. I've had my little breakdown, I'm fine now."

"That's the Tim we all love." Jenika laughs.

They broke up in groups getting things ready. Some collected firewood, some gathered all the chairs that they could find and set up a few tables while the others fixed snacks and filled coolers.

As the sun began to set, Tim lit the fire. Austin cranked up the music and the alcohol was brought out.

They all sat around the fire laughing and talking. Soon the conversation turned to ghost stories and urban legends of the bayou.

Adam cuddled with his husband as they lay together on a lounge chair covered by a blanket.

Bob Jennings was one story telling fool. He knew all the legends of the swamps. His stories were actually scaring Adam. With each story, Adam would snuggle closer and closer to Tim.

Bob began telling about a creature the Cajuns call The Skunk Ape, a Bayou version of Bigfoot. The creature got the name from it's smell. Bob claimed that his dad had actually seen one when he was younger while he was running his traps.

Adam shivers in fear as he grips onto Tim's shirt.

"Baby, are you cold?" Tim asks, pulling the blanket around Adam's shoulder.

"No, is that true?" Adam asks.

"The Skunk Ape?" Tim asks. Adam nods quickly. "Honey, I've lived here my entire life and I've never seen no d*mn monkey that smells like a skunk."

"It's because they don't want to be seen." Bob says.

"That's bull sh*t, Bob, and you know it." Tim chuckles.

"What about you, Mark?" Austin asks. "You and your pa live up in Black Bayou. You ever seen anything?"

"Nope, not really. But something did tear up one of our stills once." Mark answers.

"See? What else could tear up a moonshine still but a skunk ape." Bob says.

"Our competition." Mark answers. "Moonshiners get very competitive."

"Well, I hate to be a party-pooper. But Dr. Chance? We have a clinic to open in the morning." Rob yawns.

"True." Chance says with a stretch.

"We'll see you guys later." Rob says as he takes Kelsey by the hand.

"Bye, guys." Kelsey says as she hugs their necks.

"Catch yall later." Chance says as the three of them walk to their vehicle.

"Honey, I'm getting a little tired too." Olena whispers as she lays her head on Austin's shoulder.

"Chris, I guess we need to go too. I forgot I have a job to go to tomorrow." Jenika giggles.

One by one they began to leave until Tim and Adam were the only two left snuggled by the fire. Tim stared into the fire. Hypnotized by the dancing flames.

"Penny for your thoughts." Adam says softly as he notices that Tim's mind was a million miles away.

"I just wonder who it was." Tim says lazily.

"At least we know Bob is innocent this time." Adam says. "He was with us all day."

"True." Tim answers as he reaches down beside their chair and pets Satchmo, who had been laying by the chair all night.

"Do you think they would have actually hurt Satchmo if he had been here?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, they might have even killed him. He would have tried to protect the house." Tim answers as he stares down at the large dog.

"That's scary." Adam replies.

"So you know what that means?" Tim asks as he kisses his husband on the forehead.

"What?" Adam asks, looking up with tired eyes.

"We're going to have a bed partner tonight." Tim smiles.




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