Chapter 22

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Everyone in the waiting room jumps up and runs down the hall to where they had taken Tim. They find Tim fighting the doctors with what little strength that he had left.

"NO! PLEASE!" Tim screams with a hoarse voice as he swings wildly at the doctors who were trying to restrain him. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!"

"TIM! BABY!" Adam yells as he runs to his husband's bedside. "Honey, you're safe!"

"WHOA!" Chris shouts as Tim takes a swing in Adam's direction. "He's delirious!"

"Timmy, Baby. Stop, honey! It's me, Adam." Adam says as he grabs for Tim's arm. "Open your eyes!"


"PLEASE DON'T!" Tim screams as he begins to cry.

"Tim? It's me, Chance. We're not going to hurt you, Buddy." Chance says as they finally get Tim's arms restrained.

Kelsey hands Chance the hypodermic needle.

Chance quickly administers the shot of sedative.

Within seconds, Tim's body relaxes.

"D*mn." Rob breathes as he straightens his glasses.

"Even as weak as he is, he's still got one hell of a punch." Chance says as he rubs his aching jaw.

"Are the doctors going to need doctors?" Jenika giggles nervously.

"What is that smell?" Olena asks, holding her nose. 

"I'm sad to say that's Tim that's smelling that way." Rob says as he and Chance get back to work.

Olena turns and runs from the room with a hand over her mouth.

"Olena?" Austin calls to her.

"I'll go check on her, Austin." Jenika says. "You stay with your brother."

A heavy sob from Adam hushes everyone's conversation.

"I love you, Swamp Rat." Adam whispers as he kisses his husband softly on his dry and cracked lips. "Don't you dare leave me."

"Adam, we haven't found any life threatening injuries so far." Rob says softly. "Just a bunch of cuts and bruises. We're giving him fluids to help with his dehydration."

"But how is he going to be mentally?" Austin asks, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Honestly, Austin, we don't know yet." Chance answers. "But I'm beginning to think this man has nine lives. He's strong. I think he will be fine once the shock goes away. He just went through a horrific ordeal and he's in shock."

"Listen, guys, Tim will probably be out all night so why don't you all go home and get some rest." Rob suggests.

"I'm not going anywhere." Adam says, shaking his head. "I'm staying right here with my husband. I'll sleep on the floor if I have too."

"Adam, I'll be sleeping right in the next room. I'll be keeping a close eye on him all night." Chance says. "You really do need some rest."

"And I will. Right here." Adam says, pulling a chair up to Tim's bed. "I'm not leaving him, Chance."

"Guys, I would do the same thing if it were Rob." Kelsey says. "And if Tim happens to wake up sometime during the night, it may keep him calm if he sees Adam here."

"I guess you're right." Rob nods.

"Adam, I'm going to take Olena home so maybe she can get some sleep. But you call me if he wakes up." Austin says.

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