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I was currently walking down the street with no shoes on. I didnt have my phone, i havent even brushed my teeth but I'll be damned if I stay in that fucking house with her. Would you? I mean the pain she has caused me is absolutely unacceptable i was just an innocent child. "Mo" I heard the soft voice of geo called out behind me. "Please leave me to be" I wisper barely even audible. "Yeah cause you actually think that's gonna work smart one?" The sound of sarcasm filled his voice. How can he always be so happy.  He has the biggest heart I've ever seen.. so much love and compassion yet when he gets angry it all fades.. no more love and joy he turns into geo instead of juwany and its not the same person and ive never u understood that but maybe thats the way he wants it to be.. maybe he doesn't wanna be figured out.. "stop ignoring me" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Wasn't ignoring you I was faded into my head" I roll my eyes.. i turned to cross the street. I looked to my left and didnt see  any cars. I put my head down then I heard the loud horn that didn't scare me. I turned and faced the car head on. i stared into the headlights waiting to feel the collision of my body and the vehicle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as i felt my body being yanked to the ground. " YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT" geo screamed in my face. "Do what geo?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "are you suicidal?" He let out a deep breath. " No" I said " I'm not suicidal but if a car was coming at me head on and it didn't stop I wouldn't jump out of the way.. if I had a gun to my head I wouldn't beg for my life.. if I had a way to die without doing it myself.. I would be gone" he looked at me with soft eyes.. "if you died.. I wouldnt be alive.. id take my life because I can't be alone without you.." I stood up and placed out my hand for him to grab. He slowly took it standing up. I jumped up and hugged him real tight. I leaned my head back and kissed him. Without hesitation he kissed me back.. slow and passionately. " Alright that's enough let go" I heard ace growl. "Shut up bitch" I laugh.. geo grabbed my hand and started walking.. I followed along with them knowing they were gonna make me go back to the house. When we got there I didn't even look at my mom I walked straight to my room and locked the door behind geo. I don't know why but she just makes me so fucking mad! Like what did I do so wrong to her? I decided to forget about it. "Wanna go to Maloney's party?" Geo smirked at me. "Fuck yeah " I yell smiling.
I run to the bathroom to get ready. I hopped in the shower and heard geo walk in and sit on the counter I bust out laughing. "Is this like our talk of the day every damn day?" I say through my laughter. "Yeah. Its nice and its the only time you can't run away from me cause I'm irritating" he explained his reasoning to me. It actually made hella since tho cause I do walk away often. "You think it would be better if i do online schooling?" I ask while rubbing shampoo through my hair. " Honestly yeah " he agreed with me. " Is it hard?" I furrow my eyebrows. "My friend zach said its way easier than real school that's why I'm switching you should to tho" I bit my lip thinking. Soon I got out of the shower and geo got in while I was starting to get ready. I threw on a white lace bra along with a pair of white lace underwear. I sat down at my make up table blow drying my hair then straightening it before putting on natural make up with a little lip gloss. Geo walked out of the bathroom and stared at me. "Can we cancel going to the party?" He bit his lip. "No juwany!" I giggle walking to the closet. I felt a sharp pain on my butt cheek causing me to yelp. I turned around and geo was smirking. "Yo ass lookin nice in them pantys" he winked at me squeezing my butt. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some jeans slipping them on. I put on a white tank top and a tan polo hat. I just slipped on a pair of white huaraches and called it an outfit. I didn't feel like dressing up. Fuck them I was getting drunk! I turned around and seen geo standing fully dressed. I just starred at him in awe. He was wearing  a black long sleeve with white ripped jeans and white shoes. He looked FINEEEE "stop staring it's rude" he chuckled snapping me out of my thoughts "fuck. You" I said slowly. "Mhm I wanna but c'mon lets go" he winked at me. I walked out of the room and seen yami, ace, and Hector ready to go somewhere. "Yall going to Maloley's party to!?" Hector groaned really loud. "Sure am" I smiled at him walking down the stairs.

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