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I used to fight this shit but i ain't as tough.. Those words lingered in my mind the entire night, was she giving up on me? I love her, i truly do. Im only 17 i cant have a kid i can barely be faithful in a relationship and now i cant even fix my relationship.. Amiyas always been there for me and even when i fuck up she always comes in handy when i need her.. Well now i need her and she isn't here. Yes i cheated with ciara yes ive been getting high, yes ive been doing things that i shouldn't be doing but everybody and i mean everybody will make a mistake at least once.  Im all out of mistakes to make, she cracked.
After every thing I've done finally she gave in.. That's when my phone rang i looked at the screen my eyes widening as i read the name
I instantly answered
" yeah uh hello?" i stutter afraid something is really wrong.
" i have an ultra sound tomorrow are you coming or not?" she sounded like she had her same attitude.
" of course, when do we get to hear the babys heart beat and stuff, im excited for that part"  i admit trying to start a conversation.
" its at nine and probably about two months in when the baby starts to be developed​ you know? I just wanna know whos eyes it's gonna have" her voice high pitched with excitement.
" you do know i love you?" i slightly whispered.
" i know juwany loves me.. Geo im not to sure" she chuckled at her stupid little joke..
" they both love you, how do you see the difference"
" i met geo on my first day of school i thought he was the finest thing on earth but he had a bad attitude and a thug mentality, mind i never was afraid of you, i can see right through your thug eyes... Two weeks later i net juwany he took me to the hospital when my brother got shot.. None the less he stayed, then soon he was at my house everynight, then he asked me to home coming.. I see geo as my gangsta because even though people are afraid of you im not.. Its like yami everybody that we know is deathly scared of him.. Buy he doesn't intimidate me.  I know his heart and i know your heart! Everybody constantly asks why i try with you i try because i see the pain they don't. When they look at you they see  rich little mexican boy who can have whatever girl he wants when i look at you i see juwany miguel roman, hard working puerto rican boy who fights for what he wants.. When i look into your eyes i see tru beauty and pain.. Im your weakspot. Now we are gonna have a kid geo.  We absolutely have to get it together! Our kid can not be like this you hear me?" she ranted in my ear as i could just feel the water works on my face.
" yeah, yeah" i finally just started crying praying she couldn't hear.
" see what i mean?" she chuckled
" oh yeah" i laugh.
" do you want a boy or a girl"
And then wr talked for hours on end about having a baby and what we will do and hoe great we will be.  It felt amazing just to hear her voice and be able to have a conversation without screaming, yelling, getting punched every seven seconds, and the tears. Even though we had one good talk i know thats not enough to fix our relationship.. We're toxic.
8:39 a.m.
I ran into amiyas bedroom making sure she was up and moving.
For once in the entire time ive known her she was dressed and ready to leave, what shocked me is loren is cuddled up in amiyas bed watching tv.
"you going to?" i ask pointing at loren.
" no, todays for you and amiya but next time hell yeah me, ariel, and kylee are taking her fuck you" she joked making me laugh as amiya told me she was ready to leave no questions asked we were on our way to the doctor
I swear this shit takes so long, as im complaining the damn nurse walked in
" congratulations" she cheered shocking us both
"you are seven weeks pregnant" she nodded as amiya cupped her hands over her mouth.
" yeah?" i smile shocked looking at amiya as she nodded her head crying. This is it. We are having a baby.
"HECTORRRR" i scream running to his room. He and sam shot up thinking somethings wrong as i handed him the paper he read it with a smile the entire time.
" its real?" sam asked almost in tears as i nodded my head. Hector threw his arms around my neck rocking us back and forth.  Soon after he let go i knew i had to tell yami an ace.. They aren't to happy about the situation.. I called everybody down yo the living room.
" so in scared to tell you this" i took a deep breath " you all have been telling me to go to the doctor to see if its real and i know your not very happy about the situation" i sigh..
"just fucking tell us" yami sounded irritated as i handed him the paper seven seconds later he picked me up hugging me.
" you listen to me" he put me down "you are always welcome in this house do not be scared to tell me shit like this you got it? Even though you may be young you got a life plan, you can afford it, and you got all the love in the world for a baby and for that congratulations fuckface " i smiled at the satisfaction that he still loved me.
" wait wait your pregnant?" Loren stood up slowly as i nodded. She jumped up on me screaming congratulations a million times... So this was it. Im gonna be a mom.
Its been two days since we found out and i barely have even left my room. Geo is in new orleans with my brothers so in basically alone with sam,loren,kylee, and ariel and occasionally the boys but not often cause i enjoy having a few days with my girls.  It calms me just knowing that they are still here even when times are rough.
Its good to have bestfriends.
" your boobs are gonna be so big once your actually big belly pregnant you know?" loren grabbed her boobs frowning.
"for once in my life" i joke making everybody bust out laughing.
"i miss geo" i frown in a baby voice laying my head on sams stomach as we all talked.
"so are you guys back or what?" kylee asks
" we arent back together like for good but yeah we are working and making progress, i mean he did go to the doctor with me and he was askibg questions about the baby and he even brought​ up names" i smile thinking just maybe hes gonna work.
"OOOHHHHHH JULIAN LEE ROMAN" sam screamed! Shes wanted to name her kid that since we were little i smiled at her.
" or name him after your dad" loren suggested.
" i was thinking joseph to but if its a boy im gonna let geo have more of an input than me but if its a girl kali maria roman but you have to roll your r when you say maria" i explain the name to them making them all laugh.
" lillian " kylee puts on.. Hat name is actually really pretty but i dont know, ill think about that
" im really scared.  Well more nervous" i take a deep breath.
" why?" all at once.
" because what if i fuck up?" i look at them like dumb asses. They all laugh and tell me to shut up.. I miss my brothers

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