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I need to find geo
I was stumbling around the house looking for one of my brothers or geo but I couldn't find them! "Yo lil ma" I heard skate run up to me. I looked at him trying to see correctly. "Uh you straight?" He curled his eyebrows "jussstttt fineaa" I slurred out smiling. "Nah you not. You wasted then a mufucka" he grabbed my arm steadying me. "Let gooooooo"  I yell tryna get away from him. "No sit down" he demanded pushing me into a chair causing me to flop down. I groaned in annoying grabbing somebody's cup drinking it in one gulp. He sighed looking at me. "C'mon Im taking you home" he pulled me up walking me to his car. " No no mr. I came with Roman!" I yell trying to fight him. "Ima call Roman and let him know I tool you home shut up Ramirez" I listen to him and sat in the car. He ran over to the drivers side getting In. He took off while dialing a phone number. "Yami? Yo tell geo I took amiya home cause she's wasted bruh! " I heard him talk. "Am not" I mumbled. "Are to" he said back. In a few seconds we pulled up to my house since it wasn't that far. He threw me over his shoulder walking me up the stairs ans layong me in my bed. "Yami will be home soon. Go to sleep amiya" he sighed and left my room.  I just laid there staring at the ceiling. The whole entire room was spinning.i slowly stood up walking to my window to get some air. I raised my window and took a deep breath of the some what cold night air trying to regain my composure. I looked down and seen aces motorcycle he never rides anymore.. I dont know what got into me but I ran and grabbed aces keys running to get on the motorcycle. I pushed the key into the key hole and started dthe bike up. I pulled out of the drive way and raced out of our neighborhood. I felt the wing hit my face as I sped down the highway. I looked down to make sure I was in the right lane but here were two my vision was so blurry I was seeing two of everything.  I chose to go in the left lane hoping it was the correct lane. I pulled my wrist back making the speed increase. I seen a bright line racing in my direction I tried to swerve out of the way but I wasn't quick enough. I felt a huge weight smash into me and my body flew. It felt like I was flying but it hurt. I felt like my body was a ragg doll i would throw around when I was a kid. My body slammed against the pavement skidding 1000000000000 feet until it stopped and the world went black.
We came home from the party last night around 4 and mo wasn't home and my moms said she stayed with loren so we weren't worried.. we all separated into our rooms to go to sleep. I put my phone on the charger and started stripping off my cloths. I got down to my boxers and I threw on a pair of baby blue basket ball shorts and flopped into my bed. I closed my eyes and soon I drifted off into my dreams.
My dreams were stopped by the loud ringing of my phone. I roll over and click the green phone on my screen flinging the phone to my ear. "Wassuh?" I yawn out. "Hello is this Jose Ramirez?" I heard the preppy ass lady through the phone. My body jolted up cause I knew something wasn't right. "Yes ma'am who's this?" I pull my eyebrows together. "My name is maria and I'm almost positive we have your sister here at Lakeview hospital (made up) are you related to amiya Ramirez?" My heart stopped.. this can't be anything major she ain that stupid. "Um yeah actually I'm here big brother why what's wrong?" I kinda raised my voice upset that amiya was even there. "Well she got into an accident with a motorcycle.. no life threatening injuries I'm just going to need you to come to the hospital imidiantly" I said okay and hung up the phone. I grabbed a black tank top and threw it over my head along with some Nike slides.  I walked out into the hallway and banged loudly on all three doors. In a matter of seconds they all stumbled out of there rooms. " Put shirts and shoes on right now we gotta fucking go" I say panicking pacing back and forth. They didn't argue they all did as I said and got in the car making our way to the hospital. " Bro why in the actual fuck are we up right now. I was wasted an hour ago" ace complained. "Just shut the fuck up and ride cause if I tell you. You will talk and worry the whole way so be the fuck quiet!" I snap gripping the steering wheel for dear life. Finally we pulled up to the hospital and everybody got out of the car.
why the fuck are we at a hospital? Is yami out his mind? Im still fucked up from a couple hours ago. I followed yami into the hospital not even listening to anybody's words. I walked straight to the waiting room not even sitting down. I watched yami talk to the lady at the front desk then walk up to me. "Go to room B347 " he sat down. "Why me?" My heart beat started racing not knowing who could be in that room. "Nigga just go! You'll thank me later I promise" I huffed and started walking towards the back. I stepped into the elevator and clicked B I got on pulled my phone out of my pocket holding my thumb on the home button unlocking it. I scrolled through my contacts searching for her number.
My 💙
I clicked the contact calling it. No answer. I called three more times and still no answer. WTF!? I was typing a text while walking down hallways trying to find the room
To MY 💙 -
amiya Monic wtf!? Answer your phone
I watched as numbers passed on the room labels until I seen the correct room. I nonchalantly walked in not caring anymore but my heart beat stopped when I seen her. I dropped my phone and just stared at her. Her long black hair spreader everywhere, her lipstick all over her face and the breathing mask covering her beauty.. it broke my fucking heart to even begin to see her in this state. 

"M-miya?" I stutter out

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"M-miya?" I stutter out. Her eyes fluttered open looking at me. I could see the smile under the breathing mask. She nodded her head yes. I couldn't believe my eyes. " What happened?" I asked anger laced in my voice. She pulled the breathing mask down to talk. "I wanted to ride the motorcycle.. there were two lanes in my eyes.. I didn't chose the correct lane and a semi truck hit me and fucked me up" she laughed dit off. Did she find it as funny? Cause I sure as fuck didn't. " ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!?". I basically scream at her. " A little bit" I saw a tear slip from her eye. "No no love.." I stroked her hair trying to make sure she didn't cry anymore. "Its all gonna be okay.. I promise I won't leave your side" I coo in her ear making her smile.. " I'm a wreck" she laughed. " A big one" pulled my lip in-between my teeth just admiring how truly beautiful this human being was.
Its amazing how much a hot mess could be perfect.
I'm gay
Stay lovely💕
Word count: 1332

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