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Miyas P.O.V.
"Yami" I wispered shaking his shoulder. "Hmm" he groaned . "I need to refill my pills" I wisper praying that nobody can hear us. Its currently 7:18 am and I'm afraid that people are gonna know me and yami are sneaking off to refill my crazy pills. I know it sounds stupid but juwany doesn't exactly know about my issues yet.. I don't want it to effect how he feels about me.. I don't want him to leave me because I have these issues in my mind. Maybe I'm over thinking it but once people knwo the truth they always dip out. "Yeah c'mon'" he slipped on his shoes and a shirt and we walked out to the car heading to the pharmacy.
We picked up mine and aces prescriptions and headed back to the house. "Thanks for bringing me" I mumbled walking back inside. I placed my pills in my suit case and got ready to go catch the plane in a couple hours. "Yo babe where did you go?" Geo walked in the room shirtless. "Oh,,, um,,, I ,,,, uhh,,,, " I couldn't pronounce words. I couldn't tell him. If i tell him then.. he'll leave. I dont wanna lose geo. "Baby.. tell me"he gave me his puppy dog eyes. "Nothing juwany." I sternly zipped up my suit case. I slipped on a pair of adidas joggers and a white t shirt with Nike slides. "C'mon juwany" I call throigh the room letting him know we were all getting ready to leave.
*Skip the whole plane ride because sadly ive never got the chance to be on a plane💜😃*
"WE IN THE BAHAMMAS BIATTTCCCHHH". Sam screamed basically running off the plane. "Mkay excuse me bitch shut the fuck up before I fucking slice your throat open with my nail" I smiled fairly
"Can you not " loren rolled her eyes. "I didn't piss in your Cheerios mamas so watch ya attitude" I point my finger at her. I'm not the type to let people be rude to be or disrespect me for no reason. I'm the type to punch you in your shit. That's just how I am. I guess I pick one thing up from my bothers. "Alright soo geo and miya in a room and Hector and ace in a room and i get my own room" yami handed out the cards. We all agreed and headed to our hotel rooms. Me and geo instantly fell face first into the bed. "I'm dead" I whine. "Wanna take a nap before anything?" Geo whined back. I nodded my head rapidly. I fucking hate plane rides they make me so tired. I kicked off my shoes and changed into a pair of Nike sweatpants and a sports bra before climbing into bed next to geo. I grabbed my phone and texted yami
To protector💓
Me and geo are gonna take a nap. Ill call you when we wake up and we can all go out to eat okay?

From protector💓
Yeah tahts fine. I love you

To protector💓
I love you

I put my phone down and snuggle into geos chest. "I love yo" I mumbled before drifting off into a deep sleep
"WAKE THE FUCK UP" sam yelled jumping on my bed.
"I'll actually fucking murder you" I grabbed her ankle slamming her onto the bed. She yelled and rolled into the floor. Causing a huge thud. Me and geo burst out laughing. "Poor baby" I laughed looking down at her. "Yo have you been talking to loren?" She asked standing up taking a seat in the middle of mine and geos legs as I laid back down. "Not really why?" I didn't really bother going deep into question knowing Sam will tell me anything. "Promise you won't get mad" she stuck out her pinky. I locked mine with hers. Before she took a deep breath. "Okay so at the football game geo kept raising his shirt and rubbing his nipples saying go number seven and hectors daddy so I was snapchatting him and taking videos and stuff and this morning I was watching the videos laughing with Hector and she was there and she was like god hes so hot and I asked who cause I mean its my best friends man" I cut her off"SHE SAID WHOS HOT?!" i scream. "Geo" she said quickly and very very quiet. "Got me fucked up"I mumbled standing up slipping my shoes on. I watched as geo and Sam quickly followed. I took my fist and slammed it into Loren's door like six times before she opened the door allowing us three to walk in. "Hey babes" she attempted to hug me but I pushed her arms down. "Listen to me bitch. You are supposed to be one of my best fucking friends yet you steadily speaking about how geos hot and sexy and shit like that. Don't you know I'll rip your fucking head off!?" I waved my hands in her face every word. "I didn't say that" she wispered. I got real close to her almost touching her when I felt geo grab my arms pulling me back. "One more slip up bitch" I jerked my arms from geo walking out of the room. Once again geo and Sam followed. "Baby" I could hear geos laugh. I turned around and burst into laughter. "What i dont like people talking about MY BOYFRIEND " I emphasized the last two words. He just laughing and pulled me into a hug. "Excuse me still here" as coughed I pulled my head from geos chest and took off running to our room like a little child knowing geo and Sam would follow behind in the race. I placed my hand on the door out of breathe "I won"
"Cheatin ass bitch" Sam rolled her eyes. I blew her a kiss and walked inside.
This is short but guys you have to remember. Im in highschool I can't write everyday I have school then cheerleading practice and a bitch be sleepy
Stay lovely💕
Word count: 1024

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