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"somebody got freaky last night" ace shimmied his shoulders at me hunting at me and Geo.
" no you cunts, we didn't " I flick them off. 
"OOHHHHH" j yells jumping around ,  she's a idiot.
"alright hoe what did y'all do then hug?"yami nudged ace crossing their arms.
" we went out to eat,  came home,  watched friends for hours and fell asleep together like a soothing fucking couple,  but next time one of you brown fucking cunts try to use gang intimidation on me I swear for god I will personally kill all fucking four of you " I throw a plastic cup aiming for yamis head but he ducked. 
"your smarter than geo" I laugh aiming for juwany sadly I hit him. 
" WHAT THE FUCK MONIC" he rubbed his head while ace took off. 
" see I didn't join a gang,  be proud"jennishka joked making us all laugh. 
"so..  Trail tomorrow"yami sat down at the counter slightly making eye contact with me. 
"I'm aware " I shrug him off.
"how will you act?"ace lifted his eyebrow.
"fine.  I will act fine.  I'm gonna dress juwany so he looks like a preppy fucking white boy and me and jennishka will wear nice dresses and we will go and pray that I don't lose him. Okay? " I inform him that I'm in the correct state of mind and not freaking out majorly.
"wait these fucks aren't coming?" jennishka pointed to ace and yami.
" watch your fucking mouth girl" geo growled throwing a spoon at her.
"no,  they have warrants, can't take criminals to the cops baby " I joke. 
"don't call me a criminal,  and geo throw something else at my little sister and I'll break your neck" ace hugged jennishka,  they have got super close.
" Fuck you bitch" geo laughed throwing another spoon.
"Fuck you cunt" he threw the spoon back but hit me in my forehead. I scream and cup my face.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR AIM!?  HOW DO YOU AIM A GUN YOU DUMB FUCCER" I jump up to charge at him while yami picked me up from behind my small legs still desperately racing finally I give up and my body goes limp. 
Yami laughed placing me back on the floor. 
"watch your back bitch" I yell at ace laughing histerically.
One hour before trial,  one hour.  I'm going insane. 
While I dressed geo in black slacks and a baby blue button up shirt and did his hair elegantly, surprisingly he willingly let me.
I pick out a diet white dress that goes to about my knees while I gave jennishka a floral blue and black dress the same shape as mine.  We did our hair and make up and we were off,  off to figure out what our life will turn out to be.  As Geo drove he had his hand nervously on my thigh his thumb taping impatiently. 
"calm down " I exhale trying to concentrate on keeping the whole gang calm. 
"I can't amiya" he rolled his eyes. 
"just shut the Fuck up juwany,  your fine. Speak your truth and you'll be fine "
"juwany Roman where were you the night of August 9th around 10 o'clock" the lawyer asked geo standing beside the podium. 
"I was in Los Angeles california on tour with tlg" he realized. 
"california" the lawyer looks confused. 
"do you have any tattoos Mr.roman?" the lawyer lifted his eyebrow. 
"yes I do,  one on my chest,  one on the top of my hand of two triangles and one on my ankle that says my girlfriends name " he explained truthfully. 
"no tattoos on your wrist?"
"not yet "
"would you like to point out your girlfriend to us? " geo pointed to me as I raised my hand nonchalantly. 
"do you mind if I ask you some questions? " I nodded my head no as me and geo traded places. 
"state your name and place your right hand on the Bible " I did as told repeating after the officer before taking my seat. 
"where were you then night of the accident? " the lawyer just jumped directly into it. 
"August 10th me and juwany were both on tour in California "
"can you describe the tattoos of your significant other?"
"he has his birthday date on the left side of his chest directly under his colour bone,  he has two triangles on the top of his right thumb and my name on his left ankle" I truthfully explain. 
"do you have any tattoos? "
"yes I have juwany under my right boob and I got Samantha on my right foot "
"what were you doing the night your significant other was arrested?"
"I was just about to cut my birthday cake when the cops came in and brutally dragged my boyfriend out of our home " I swallow my pride still angry of that night. 
" so you know Anthony Jones?"
"no "
"does the name ring any bells in your head? "
"none "
"your dismissed" I stood up sitting beside Geo.
We listened to the judge talk before she made her final decision. 
"by the state of Florida we find the defendint innocent" it felt as if a weight was lifted off of my chest when I heard those words. I jumped up kissing geo. 
"thank you,  your honor " I praised her as we all filled out of the court room. 
It felt good for that trail to be over and him to be out of that situation,  sad case was yami is the one who killed that man.
As we got in the car jennishka started to speak. 
"how does it feel to not be guilty this time " she patted his shoulder. 
"I'm sorry,  this time? " I raise my eyebrow at him as he began to drive. 
"yes amiya, I've been arrested and found guilty don't act surprised"he squinted his eyes at me as if I looked stupid.
" for what? Stealing bubble gum" I joke holding my stomach in laughter. 
"3rd degree assault" he shrugged. 
"WHATTTT" I scream shocked. 
"I thought you were just a pretty boy" I laugh again. 
"oh baby I'm finer than fine wine " he winks. 
"your lame,  so lame "
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