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8:49 p.m.
Walking out of that hospital room felt like I was walking out on geo. But I'm not. I will never. No matter what happens I will always be crazy in love with that stupid Puerto Rican boy with a shit attitude but a heart full of gold, I love him for geo and Juwany. One day I'll be mrs.roman.
One day.
I walked through the double doors trying to hide the tears.
I seen everybody sitting back down in the chairs but I just watched Zachs leg bop up and down. I knew he was heartbroken out of everybody on this tour I think it's very clear geo, zach, and Edwin are best friends. Like yeah geo is good friends with sonni and Nick and all them but it's clear who his riders are.
" does he look bad?" Zach picked his head up.
"He's in pain." I bit my lip dropping my head.
"Was he talking at all?" The hope in his eyes made my heart shatter.
" no, um he has a breathing tube in his throat so he won't really be able to breath until after surgery" i kind of whisper. Ariel isn't good with bad things she really freaks out.
" is he gonna die amiya?" Loren finally spoke.
I forced a laugh.
" guys he's a fucking fighter we will have him for the rest of our lives he won't let this take him out I know he won't " I grabbed Ariel hand squeezing it gently.
"Guys you mind if we say a prayer?" Rudan stood from his seat holding his hands out, we all stood up locking our hands standing in a circle, we bowed our heads as rudan started to pray.
" God I know we don't come to you very often, but geo needs you. Please just touch his body save him for us, he's not even 18 he deserves it lord please  heal him, let him liveout his dreams, just give him a chance,
We all took our seats and this time I placed my hand over maddies, she shot me a smile.
" it's funny, usually its us keeping you calm and being strong. Now the roles are reversed and your better than all of us when you should be the worst" I took my finger and swiped the black mascara lines from down her cheeks.
" I believe in him"
"Keep your faith strong " she squeezed my hand before standing up walking into the bathroom. I laid my head back closing my eyes.
11:27 p.m.
I looked over at sonni he was laid out on the couch sleeping with Mark sprawled out behind him. I walked over lightly shaking both of them.
" both of you guys should go back to the bus, we'll call if anything happens" I smiled.
So now with everybody walking back to the bus It was me, ariel, kylee, maddie,loren, Zach and Edwin. I felt Maddie laydown on the couch putting her head in my lap I smiled remembering geo.
" you know whats funny? When my brother got hit, me and geo sat in this exact position for three hours while I played in his hair" I let a tear slip.
" he truly does love you"
"I love him Maddie but now he's dying because of me " I put my hand over my chest trying to stop the pain.
"It is not your fault we all heard you fighting we know geo broke up with you because they heard you tell Mark you love him, it's no secret you love everybody on this tour but you don't love anybody nearly as much as you love him. That's your safe place" I smiled sniffling.
"It hurts" I finally started full out bawling my eyes out.
She lifted up pulling my head to her chest, she stroked my hair as I soaked her tank top.
"Juwany roman?" We all stood up rushing to her.
" he did well through surgery, still not all the way stable but he is very well getting there. Would you guys like to see him?" We all nodded vigorously except Loren she took a stepback.
" come on" I encourage her.
"No no, that's not my place just pray over him for me okay?"
"Loren the past is the past, come on and go support him" she nodded finally walking with us.
I stopped grabbing Ariel hand.
" so geo may have a breathing tube in his throat but it's nothing bad it's just to help him breath okay?" She nodded smiling. We all stopped in front of the hospital room taking a deep breath.
I twisted the door knob slowly revealing him, he had the breathing tube removed but a breathing Mask over his face,
His eyes opened and scanned the room very  slowly as we all gathered around his bed, me Being the only one to sit down.
He locked eyes with me and tears brim my eyes.
" I'm sorry roman"
I grabbed his hand in my placing my forehead on them letting tears fall, I felt him grip my hand causing my head to jolt up looking at him with puppy dog eyes. I watching his left hand slowly move up to his face slightly bringing the mask off.
" no no, don't talk" I tried to stop him but Edwin grabbed my hand curious of what he wanted to say.
" I " he took a breath.
"I love you ramirez" he quietly, breathlessly, shakingly said. I grabbed my chest crying.
" I love you roman" I wimpered kissing his hand.
" ride?" He finally put the mask back over his mouth waiting for me to finish his sentence.
"Or die" I locked our pinkys as if we were doing a pinky promise.
We heard the door open and watched Ana walk in.
"Hows he doing?" She laid her hand on Zachs shoulder.
" he said a couple words to amiya" Edwin smiled proud of geo.
" he's running out a breath quick though" I added.
" well I have a bit of bad news" she put her hands in her back pockets.
" isn't this enough?" I point at geo.
" tours over guys" she blurts out.
" your kidding, we still have four more stops!" Loren tried to argue.
" guys we almost lost geo! This tour has to end! There will be more opportunitys for you all and tlg is not finished it's just over this time, we all need a break, no possible way geo can heal so quickly, miya was going to leave to take care of geo and then we would fall apart. If Loren didn't follow him he would have died. I was physically told that in the ambulance." We all agreed.
" so I'll plan flights for whoever needs them tomorrow and if your staying with geo that's fine" an hugged us all individually before leaving the room. I heard soft music playing and I instantly recognised the song, love don't change by  Jeremiah
I closed my eyes smiling.
" what? Singing to him is your thing" Zach smiled sweetly as I began to sing.
"Boy I still kiss yo head
I'm the morning
Make you breakfast in bed
While ya yawning
And I don't do everything that you wanted
But you can't say yo girl don't be on it
Cause I know true love ain easy
And I know it's you cause you complete me
And you have my heart don't break
Even though I give you reason cause baby sometimes
I can tell this part of us has been gone
For so long
And I know there's no replacing what we had it's all love
Our love don't change
Love don't change.
Boy you still hold me close when you see me
And you still make me know that you need me
And I know sometimes you don't believe me
But you stay on my mind so believe me"
I kissed his forehead.
Its been about an hour and we are all just gathered around the hospital room sharing stories of geo. I was sitting on Maddies lap with my feet propped up on geos bed. While Loren, Zach and Ariel were on the couch Ariel laying down with her he's on Zachs lap and feet on Lorens. Kylee and Edwin were cuddled up on the other chair across from me.
"He asked my brothers for promission to take me to prom" I chuckle at the memory.
" Howd he ask you?"
" he left my house earlier than usually and I went to McDonald's and when I walked into school I seen a big sign said coño turn up with me at hoco? I dropped my chicken nuggets I was so happy, cause I had a big crush on him but I wasnt gonna give in to his charm, turns out being with him all the time, your Destin to fall in love" I smile thinking about him.
A lot of people say that being 17  you have no clue what love is. I do. I know exactly what love is. Because when I seen his body on the ground. I could no longer feel my heart of felt like somebody snatched my soul from my body, it felt like my best friend just stabbed me like a million people killed me at the same time because the love of my life is gone. I know I'm in love because if he put a gun in my hand and asked me to do a hit with him, without a doubt id put a mask on and get to bangin. He's my ride or die.
My tough thug with a mushy heart for a little puta.
When I met him I seen beautiful eyes but a fuckboy ego and  a shit attitude.
Now I see his beautiful eyes with a boyfriend ego and a shit attitude.
Yami always told me when you fall in love, fall in love with his eyes, they will never change, every time we get into a fight I look into his naturally beautiful orbs and I see the love. They never changed. Neither will mind.
My ride or die.
I'm in math class 🙃💓
I sound so stupid I'm so fucking bored right now you don't understand.
Lmao question what's
-13x + -4y = 21 ??
Comment your favorite song so I can listen to it😘
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Stay lovely 💕
Word count: 1752

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