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I don't chase nobody
It's been two weeks since geo left. He has a girlfriend named Madison. He post about her all the time and how much he 'loves' her. I don't give a fuck.  Clearly he's a liar. I didnt bother telling yami what happened. I just said I left him cause I met somebody but in all reality I didn't. I really had feelings for geo.. I still do I mean I'm not gonna just forget them that quick. I'm so used to playing guys and being heartless that I dont know what im feeling honestly. I just wish I would stop feeling it all in all. He knows that he created a weak spot in my heart for him because out of all the bad qualitys i see in that boy I look past them and i look for the good.. I have faith he can change..
I'm currently getting ready to go to dinner with a bunch of our friends. It's like me, skate, Sammy, FUCKING EDWIN BURGOS, Zach Clayton and whoever they bring as there dates. (A/n im not going along with any tlg or poms tour or magcon or nothing these are just my favorite internet people)
I'm skates date because niether of us are dating anybody and hes like my bestfriend so why not?
I wore a tight black dress with my hair straight and natural make up. I added a white visor with a black check mark just because I'm miya and I do what the fuck I want.

I posted the picture and captioned it"Missmiya-  Did it ever matter to you?💔"  I slipped on a pair if black laces heals and waited for skate to come

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I posted the picture and captioned it
"Missmiya-  Did it ever matter to you?💔" 
I slipped on a pair if black laces heals and waited for skate to come. As if one que he knocked on the door. I opened the door to see a very sexy skate in a tux. "Oooooo you like nice" he joked wiggling his eyebrows pulling me in for a hug. "Glad I do cause your a hot fucking mess" I emphasized mess. "Bitches love me" he stuck his tongue out. "like who?" I laughed really hard. "Nigga beyonce" he joked once more. "fuck you skate c'mon lets go" I say starting to walk out the door when I heard the words that honestly sounded idiotic to me. "That's geos job" I turned around and punched him in his chest causing him to bend over and hold his chest. "God damn who taught you how to fight?" He stood up straight fixing his jacket. "Yami" I shrugged it off. We got in the car and drove to a fancy restaurant called ' bevos' Nate wrapped his arm around me as we walked to our table. I seen a bunch of people already sitting down. I stopped in my tracks as soon as I seen his face. "Why the fuck is geo here!?" I wisper yell not wanting to cause a scene. "He is still apart of the group! I cant just not invite him lets go sit down now" he spat through his teeth.
I huffed and walked over to the table sitting down beside Sammy acrossed from geo. Nate sat beside me closely. I looked around the table and seen Edwin and Kylee witch im fucking dying about Im actual in his presents my biggest inspiration of anything in this actual fucking world. Then I seen Zach and Ariel. I already know Ariel but this is the first time I've met Zach face to face. "My my my geo why did you leave a Beauty like her?" Zach asked wiggling his eyebrows. Geo brushed it off laughing lightly. Well ima pretend that didn't hurt my fucking feelings. "Nigga?" Ariel smacked his chest causing him to yelp like a little girl. Edwin started laughing pointing at Zach. "Shut up bitch I'll kill you" Zach pointed his butter knife at Edwin. " Heyyyyyyyy  if you kill him kedwin can't be cute" Kylee pouts I just smiled at them. " Okay okay miya is a fan and I feel like we haven't properly had a conversation so heyyyyyyyy bitch im Edwin and you are now my bestfriend so hmm be comfortable and enjoy this ride" Edwin said in a girly ghetto voice. I busted out laughing. I coukd feel geo staring at me.. I don't understand why. He left me. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked to see a text from geo.
"From 💔- you look beautiful Monica"
I lightly laughed causing skate to peek over my shoulder. He laughed to. Im not gonna let geo do this to me. Fuck his little mind tricks he likes to play I'm done with it.
"To 💔- good thing cause madi looks a mess😘"  geo looked at me and I smiled nicely at him. I looked at Sammy and him and stass were whispering in each other's ears. I didn't bother interrupting they were always this lovey dovey way. I sat my phone on the table and took a sip of my dr.pepper. skate placed his hand on my leg reassuring me. I know I can get through tonight without ripping geos head off I just know it. "Hmm excuse me miss miya but are you tryna steal my style?" Zach interrupted my thoughts while fake sipping his tea. "What?" I furrow my eyebrows. " I wear white visors every day hoebag" he fairly rolled his eyes. " Uh uh uh nope!i think the fuck not bitch cause I'll throw this damn tea at yo ass bout my bitch miya" Edwin started snapping his fingers at Zach as soon as our waiter walked up. "Excuse these immature ass oops I mean butt children" skate put on hsi mom voice. "Oh it's fine" she laughed and started asking what we all wanted. She kept flirting with geo though and I'm not gonna lie it made me jelous.. "um excuse me can you not see he has a date on his arm? Yeah well he does don't flirt with him thanks" I fake smiled. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Our whole table busted out with laughter even juwany laughed. " I'll be right back guys" I stood up and started walking in the direction for the bathroom. I reached the bathroom and walking into a stall doing my business. I finished and walked out of the stall to wash my hands and I seen geo lock the door. "Get out" I said with no emotion. I continued to wash my hands. "No. I wont get out and neither will you. Your gonna listen to me amiya" what did he think he was my father? Im not listen to a god damn thing. "Whos listening? Not me fuck? Bipity bipity back the fuck up"  I trued to push past him and go get a paper towel to dry my hands only for him to pull me back into him. "God juwany go away!" I screamed. " Im sorry! Okay im sorry but you dont understand" he screamed back. "Don't understand what? YOU WALKED OUT NOT ME" I felt tears brim my eyes. Im not gonna cry. "Baby listen to me" he said softly walking close to me. "Why should I? In thise four months i got attached to you juwany. I cared about you and i fucked up once and you bounced? I'm gonna fuck up Im human juwany think about it" I threw my hands in the air. "I fuck up to amiya! You think I've enjoyed these three weeks!? " He raised his voice. " Im not sure have you juwany? Sure seems like it with Madison all over you everyday!" I scream getting angry at him. He didnt even reply. He smashed his lips onto mine forcefully I didn't kiss back. "Kiss me back" he basically wispered resting his forehead against mine. " I cant do this juwany... your girlfriend is waiting on you" I felt my voice crack. Im not gonna cry. "Your my fucking girl friend she was a cover up" he gritted his teeth. "Kiss me back" he wispered again before once again placing his lips on mine. I lightly kissed back.i felt his smile and a tear rolled down my cheek. I pulled away and looked at him. " "We need to get back to the table everybody's gonna worry" I fixed my make up and walked out of the bathroom with geo following behind me. I sat down beside skate and he smiled at me knowing exactly what just went down. " So we gon pretend they wasn't gone for twenty minutes?" Edwin burst out laughing. "Nothing happened shut up fag" geo threw a piece of lettuce at him. "Yeah uhhu! Me and Kylee used to say nothing happened to its alllllllllllllll good geo" he winked at geo and I burst out laughing. I once again felt my phone vibrates but thsi time it was ariel.
"Ariellllll💜😏- yall f ?"
To ariellllll- no but we did kiss and argue😭😂
From ariellllll- YALL KISSED!?

I didn't even text her back I just enjoyed the rest of the meal.
After we finished eating we all separated ways. Skate took me home.
I walked inside dropping my purse on the kitchen counter and kicking off my heals. I walked upstairs to see Hector laying in my bed. I flopped down next to him. "Wanna tell me about it?" He asked. "I think I want to take him back" I finally admitted..
"Do whatever your heart says mo.. g ain a bad guy no shit.. he just ain never been shown any real true love you gotta guide him and I promise you he'll learn along the way" I thought about his words.. maybe he was right. Maybe geo just needed me to show him what love is.. we talked for about an hour. Then Hector went into his room. I slipped off my dress and got under my covers. I blasted music through ny speaker as I drifted off to sleep. I felt a body slide under my covers and kiss my forehead. I knew it was geo.. I know his touch from anywhere. "I love you amiya" he wispered .
"I love you juwany" I cuddled closer to him. That's the fist time I ever heard those words come out of his mouth.. did he really mean it or does he just want me back? All I know is im tired as fuck.
Maybe he loves me.. maybe its lust.
I should have uploaded yesterday im so sorry you beautiful losers💜😭
Stay lovely💕
Word count: 1760

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