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right now geos in a radio interview and I'm listening in and I can say in so proud of my boy. 
"so you have a girlfriend right now what's she like? "
"crazy man,  she's insane like a lunatic" I laugh at his response. 
"no but she's my lunatic so it's fine with me " he finishes making me smile harder. 
"so I've seen on messy Monday and all about the cheating rumors and pregnancy rumors I'm your relationship wanna address that? "
I heard him laugh nervously,  I hate when people put him on the spot his anxiety takes over. 
"w-well um yeah she's pregnant with um twins actually " he stumbles on his words. 
Come on juwany you got this baby
"yeah I fucked up alot in this relationship but she's strong enough to stick by a boys side so I mean I gotta love her crazy ass,  even if I have to take a few slaps sometimes it's fine by me I mean she is Puerto Rican after all " he joked it off
That's my boy,  come back with the jokes
"so are you excited about the dad life here soon or what? "
" oh Fuck yeah,  I'm ready for my babies to come but like I hope we get a boy and a girl instead of two girls or two boys because I wanna play football and teach my boy how to box,  or my girl if she's into it but I also wanna spoil my daughter and braid her hair you know?  Best of both worlds plus amiya is a twin so her and her brother are beyond excited for the babies " I smile loving his energy and how well he is doing. 
"alright last question do you think you'll pop the question anytime soon?"
Come on geo,  answer calmly don't choke up
"she just turned 18 not to long ago,  shout out to my baby happy belated birthday "I smile really big at him being cute " but no I don't think I will I just want us to be more stable and in our own place with the kids already three maybe four just have our adult lifestyle together "
That's good to know..  I love geo but I'm not ready for marriage I wasn't even ready for kids. 
"hey amiya" jennishka layed down on the bed beside me as I turned off the radio. 
"did you listen to his interview? " I chirp. 
"yeah he sounds like a love sick puppy with his cheesy as she's my lunatic line bitch please " she made a funny face and we burst out laughing as I smack her in the arm. 
"leave my baby alone " I defend him as she threw her arms up in surrender. 
"your taking sams passing well.. " she fiddled with her palm. 
"sure you could say that,  I just know if Sam was here she'd kill me for being sad so I have to pick myself up and pick my spirits up I know one day we'll be united and it'll be amazing "
"AMIYA WE HAVE THE VIDEO WITH THE DOLAN TWINS IN AN HOUR HURRY UP" Hector yells opening my door as I'm slipping my shoes on ready to leave.
" okay what's your twins favorite food"
I immediately smack the fake buzzer at the same time as Ethan. 
"bitch mangos" I scream before Ethan could form words. 
"okay point for the Ramirez team,  jeez dolans step the game up " we all laugh as Grayson fake pouts. 
"aww dolan you sad?  Get to know your twin better then maybe you'll have a chance against us " I smack talk. 
" alright which twin is taller "
Hector automatically screams himself before Grayson.
"it's obvious I'm 6'3 and this short stack is only 5'5" we stand up side by side. 
"yeah identical twins my ass" Ethan mumbled. 
"say it with your chest " Hector joked as Ethan secretly flipped him off.
"which twin lost their virginity first" she asked and we all sat there quietly. 
" I think it was me but around the same age " Hector puzzled. 
"all of you are bad sets of twins I need new twins " Gabbie laughed. 
We finished the video and now we were sitting in a cafe talking,  just me and Geo. 
"babe does this hat look good?"
" no juwany it makes your head look large " I joke. 
"why you always have to hop on my case? " he laughs pointing to himself. 
"I'd rather hop on your face but oh well "
"I swear all you think about is sexual activity " he shakes his head. 
"Fuck off" I laugh. 
"pregnant women are always horny Jesus Christ "
"Juwany Roman I will throw this cake at you " I threaten. 
"your not about that life "
" your right bitch, wait until we get home.  I'm throwing every piece of food in that house at you hoe " I joke
Honestly I'm sorry to all my readers I've been in a bad spot lately and this book is going to shit but I promise in trying to revive it I just put myself in a stump

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