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8 months. 
I've been pregnant for 8 months and let me be the first to tell you this shit ain't no joke, I feel like in constantly carrying a watermelon in my stomach,  it's even worse with reins because usually babies only kick sometimes but the twins kick ALLL the time!  We've waited to figure out the gender of the babies just to add up suspense of what it could be,  so today we are all going to find out the gender. 
"we are going to be fucking late,  you all get ready like a bunch of bitches!" I yell at them all rushing around to find my other black shoe. 
"I'm ready " geo mumbled walking past me. 
"well be ready and please go turn the car on so we can leave " I plead.
"alright two minutes if you aren't ready you ain't coming " I put my swollen foot down. 
"Jesus Christ MO we're all ready let's go " Loren pushed passed me followed my ace, Hector, yami, and jennishka.  Satisfied I grabbed my phone following them pilling into the black SUV beside geo. 
"y'all ready? " Geo pulled out, something he should have done 8 months ago. 
"guys I'm excited " Loren smiled widely as we all agree.
"hello miss amiya" the nurse greets me as I sit on the plastic bed laying back. 
"you got the whole crew today huh?" she smiled seeing the room full. 
"big day for our family " I shrug smiling at them as geo grabbed my hand watching her spread the blue jelly. 
"okay before we find out I want to know guesses " she chirped. 
"I think a boy and a girl" George raised his hand,  Loren, yami and jennishka agreed. 
"I think two girls " yami was alone on his choice. 
"two boys " me and ace high five.
"okay here we go " she placed the sensor in my stomach moving it around instantly hearing their heartbeats it makes my heart melt. 
"ugh " geo groans tearing up,  I smile squeezing his hand.
"OH FUCK THATS THEIR HEART " jennishka freaks out as geo pushed her by her bicep. 
"stop cussing girl damn" the nurse laughed. 
"I'm sorry they are a mess " I apologize for them. 
"alright you guys ready " we all nod vigorously "you two get the best of both worlds" she smiled nervously instant reactions around the room as geo jumped up and down. 
"YESSAA" he screamed patting his chest. 
"any names? " she asked curiously. 
"Emilio and liliana" juwany kissed my forehead. I nod in agreement to him. 
We all make our way home and soon diverse into our parts of the house.
"so this is real " geo kind of realized laying with his hand on my stomach.
"so real "
"in less than a month we will be parents,  to not only one but two babies " he kissed my stomach. 
" and ugly two will be here and ill be able to hold you and take naps and get litt"he said in a baby voice holding his head to my stomach.
"you know the next step?" he looked me in my eyes.
"hmm? " I hum. 
"marriage" my eyes went wide afraid he was gonna propose. 
"not tonight amiya but soon I'll have to make you mine forever and we will raise the babies in our own home not a shared home,  well j will live with us for a few more years she's only 15 but we can buy our own home and you can start your fashion line and I'll help out and maybe keep making videos who know but we will have our own family " his fantasy always amazes me the way his mind works. 
"one day " I nod. 
"I'm coming in if your dicks out put it up " j opens the door as soon as she does geo throws a pillow at her. 
"why won't you stop cussing jennishka" he groaned catching the pillow as she threw it back sitting in my spinny chair. 
"why is it such a big deal? " she rolled her eyes. 
"jennishka I don't want you to be like me!  Your acting how I acted. "
"no juwany you sold drugs and beat guys up,  I cuss,  I use my words and that's it so get the Fuck over it and let me have this bit of freedom, it's not like I'm having sex with every male I come in contact with" she scoffs. 
"you saying geo was a hoe? " I join in laughter. 
"hoe is an understatement"
"I WAS NOT A HOE! " he screams. 
"you fucked anything that could walk" she lifted her eyebrow in disbelief. 
"did not "
"did to "
"did not"
"you two are like living with children" I stand up waddling to the stairs one by one going down. 
"she looks like a grandma " I heart geo quietly laugh to j. 
"THATS THE POINT " I finally made it downstairs and immediately went to the kitchen,  I'm eating for three. 
I decided to cook myself some pancakes,  just for em though these hoes don't deserve it. 
Updated twice in one day because my wife asked my to❤ even though her replies suck

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