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"Aye bitch your phones ringing!" Sam screamed through the house. "BRING IT TO ME THEN WHORE " I scream back brushing my teeth. I heard loud footsteps running up the stairs then Sam handed me the phone with a fake smile. "Your welcome master" she joked I just flicked her off and answered my phone slightly annoyed cause it was Nina
×phone called A is amiya and N is nina×
A- what
N- I just wanted to know if I could come to the game.
A- honestly yo. You can do whatever the fuck you want just don't think you'll be with us at the game. Ain like you ever support our dreams any fucking way
she honestly just doesn't understand. She never comes around and when she does she starts shit that doesn't need to happen.. like when we were little we went days without eating whike they ate daily and lived with wealthy people. Basically leaving us behind to suffer.  She always gets butthurt cause us five are so close and her and Mani just aren't in our circle. They left us behind so we can leave them behind. She left us for dead. "Babbbbbeeeeeee" geo threw his arms over my shoulders standing behind me. "Whaaaaattttt" I yell giggling. "Your beyond beautiful" he wispered smiling at me through the mirror " fuck boyyyyyy" I laugh running out of the bathroom. I walked to my closet and grabbed my cheer uniform putting it on. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and put on light natural make up with maroon lipstick to match my uniform. I put on white cheer shoes and i was ready for the game. Geo came out of the bathroom in black ripped jeans a white t-shirt that said "Ramirez 7" my baby represent! Thats one thing I love about geo he supports anything I do. Hes like my #1 fan at all times. "Baby we gotta go" geo snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly grabbed my phone and  run into the hallway bumping into a very very very hard object. I look up and see Hector in his football uniform.i jump up and squeal "YAYYAYAYAYYAAYYAY YOUR BACK ON THE FIELD"
"Calm yo ol over excited ass down before I slam you" yami walked out of his room groaning. "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" I retort. "a hang over nigga shut up we gotta go" he shoved us all out of the door and into the car. Ten minutes later we arrived at the school and me and Hector got out jogging to the locker rooms.  "WASSUH BITCHEEEESSSS" I yell opening my locker. "bitch the sky" loren jokes and I flicked her off. "Yo miya what's ace doing after the game?" Lidian smiled looking down . "AHHHHHH BITCH" I scream teasing her. "Nothing that i know of sis. Better snatch him up before he snatchs a thot for the night" I state very true facts because ace and yami are fast. They fuck and duck like no other! You wouldn't believe how many females ive fought because my brothers did them wrong but I still took there side cause fuck them thot ass bitches my brother over any bitch in this world ya know? "Alright girls show time." My coach yelled and we all huddled up placing out hands inside the circle. "VICTORY ON THREE
1. 2. 3. VICTORY" we all threads our hands in the air and ran out of the locker room meeting the boys. I grabbed number 7 and put my hand up to do our handshake. We smacked out hands together three times then twice on the back then we sapped and chest bumped. "Win this game for me twin" I smacked his chest and ran onto the field cheering with the football players close behind us. I screamed like there was no tomorrow.i always have tram spirit. I mean COME ON MY BROTHERS ON THE TEAM!! Im my brothers biggest fan I have jerseys for when I didn't cheer or I would bring him a bunch of little presents and leave them in the locker room for motivation and i always carried a Gatorade for him. Twins gotta take care of each other man. Without him I'd dieeee.
*Games ending now*
I watched as hector ran the ball to the touchdown
"LETS GO RAMIREZ YOU GOT THIS". I screamed jumping up and down as he slammed the football and ran to hug me. I handed him a blue Gatorade and he took his helmet off out of breath smiling the whole time.. he loves football that's for sure. "YOU WON THE GAME" I screamed shaking his shoulders. He just chuckled. And we seen the rest of the crew coming down from the bleachers. "Nina's here" yami wispered in my ear walking to Hector. I burst out laughing I don't give a damn what she does. She could be dead. As soon as those words played in my head i seen the face.. she was honestly so beautiful. As much ad I hate to admit it I look like her.. same body shape and all. She's perfect to me.. she just hurt us so bad that I could never let myself get close to her.. I'm afraid of the outcome. She will alwayd be my sister though.
"Miya I need to ask you and geo a question" she stuttered.  Why did she look afraid? I simply nodded and pulled her and geo to the side. "Make it quick. We have reservations" I fake smile. "I did a painting of you and geo a couple weeks back and there's this art shoe coming up and I really wanna use it for ny piece but I have to have your okay or I'll get sued please mo " she basically pleaded us. " Why us?" I curl my eyebrow. "Because he madr you love.. you've never had somebody who made you happy and now he came in and you got that twinkle back in your eyes.. you lost the twinkle when we lost daddy.. I can see it when you and geo go live and in the pictures and Snapchat videos. Miyas back.. I had to capture it" my heart melted at her words.. nobody noticed things like that about me.. ever in my life. "I wanna see the painting first" I say trying not to sound weak. "I have it in my car if you guys wanna come look" she suggested. I signaled the guys and we all walked out to her black Jeep. She pulled out a canvas and the sight of it was beautiful. It was dark grey but I was bright.. she even made the sparkle in ny eye. In the painting it was geo staring at me like I was the queen.. and I was looking up at him in a daze. I examined the painting and I seen my dads faint shadow in the skyline of it. He had a halo above his head. It also looked like shattered glass was placed all over the painting. "Whats that?" I asked referring to the glass.. "the pictures you shattered at the old house" she wispered. I just starred at the painting longer. It was so meaningful. It just showed the pain and hurt of our past and then hes the light.. he makes me feel like my crazy stops.. he tames my crazy.
"You can use it" my voice cracked. "I love you mo.. go enjoy that victory dinner" she kissed my forehead and got in her car driving off.  I turned on my heels and fell into juwany chest letting out a loud huff of air. "She's right" I groan backing up.
"NIGGA THIS FOOD NEED TO BE RIGHT IN MY GAH DAMN STOMACH" Hector yelled jumping. "Alright bitch stfu let's go" we all ran to the car.. yami drove us to dairy Queen because long story short Hector is a crybaby bitch and always has to get what the fuck he wants. We walk inside and I other a large Oreo blizzard and geo orders the same. The rest of the group ordered there food and we sat at a table eating. "Ayo Sam" Hector smirked looking at my beautiful best bitch of all. "Hmm?"  She took a big bite of ice cream. "be my girl?" He looked at her and quickly back to his food. " For the first time in 12 years.. yes Jose" she laughed. " WAIT WHAT" I screamed clearly suprised by the events that just took place. "HOLY FUCK" geo screamed as well. " You disrespectful piece of shit I'm your twin why the actual fuck did you not tell me" i get defensive. "You want me to stop havin sex and tell you mo cause next time I'll make sure to take a break and tell you" he said sarcasticly "duddeeeeeee I'm eating! And we should interupt you bitch you always interupt us" she pulled his eyebrows together. "Nah that would be me" ace took the blame causing us all to break out in laughter.  The rest of the night was full of laughter and fights and just enjoying there company.. we gotta flight to catch tomorrow bitches
Casually gonna go drink bleach😛
Stay lovely💕
Word count: 1561

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