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today me andd geo have an interview and tomorrow is sams funeral,  yeah I know I shouldn't because I am still very upset but there grind can't stop for emotion. 
"yo baby " I walk into our room to see geo still asleep,  we have to be at the interview in forty minutes. 
"MIGUELLL" I scream shaking him. 
"amiya I swear I will drop kick you " he groaned into the pillow. 
"if you aren't up in ten minutes so we can go to gabbys and film the damn interview I'm punching you in your nuts " I threat and run back downstairs to make sure yami is up,  I hired yami as my manager because he know how the game goes and he's terrifying so I know he can get things done for me but being my manager he has to do what I do.  Mirroring geo he's asleep. 
"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I scream making him jump up slightly drawing back his fist. 
"yeah okay hit me you fucking dumb as go get dressed before you and geo make us late! " I whine. 
"amiya monic" he warned because I was screaming at him. 
" I don't care?  Do you understand the type of publicity me and geo get from this?  This is the gabby show!  Millions of people watch her and she wants to start out her interview with US!  So go get ready or I swear to god himself both of you are getting hit in the nuts!" I yell stomping up the stairs to find geo still sleeping. 
"I'm up amiya" he groaned slinging himself off the bed and to his feet,  only on black basketball shorts.  I admire his body just looking at his perfect Carmel skin.  This boy has the same color skin all around its amazing.  I look at his torso my eyes first landing on the wound.
"I'm glad that healed " I whisper staring. 
"don't put your mind on anything bad " he wraps his bare arms around me kissing my forehead.  The hug didn't last long as he broke away going into the bathroom. 
Seconds later he was ready and we were on our way to gabbys apartment.
"HEY" she squealed opening the door. 
We said hello as she let us all in. 
" so the cameras set up over there but I would like to talk to you both before we officially shoot the video if that's okay with you guys" she sat down on the couch,  geo sat down and I sat directly next to him really close..  Not gonna lie im nervous. 
"so I need to know anything I can't ask about? "
"my best friend past away about a week ago and I don't want to talk about her at all"
Gabby agreed to our request and turned her camera on introducing us.  With no time she got right into the question. 
"alright how did you two meet? " she squealed.
"I was new to geos school"
" she was so hot "
I laughed at geos response. 
"so you two were friends before the love connection or what I have to know " we both laughed at the question. 
"no,  she HATED me!  But I couldn't be just friends when I felt so sexually attracted to her " I smacked geos arm because of his Fuck boy comment while gabby laughed. 
"bitch's I'm shook "she screamed as we all laughed. 
"okay so how did the relationship start? "
" he asked me to home coming and ouuuuuuuu that's when shit went down,  he isn't aloud to leave now " I raise my right eyebrow.
"yeah and shit going down is why your pregnant right? " she laughed putting her hand on my belly.
"yeah two and a half months " I smile rubbing my stomach. 
"once again bitch I'm SHOOOOKKK how did your brothers react? " she seems so interested.
" well my twin brother was ecstatic but wanted to kill geo u because we were split up at that time, then my two big brothers kind of showed more support and tried to be there mentally while I was trying to accept the news" I smiled at yami in appreciation.
"speaking of big brothers" she wiggled her eyebrows while geo all ready started with his AAAAHHHH
"any of them single?" she looks at yami smiling. 
" WHHAAAATTT" I scream throwing my head back onto geos shoulder. 
"yeah actually we are,  except her twin who is way to young for you"yami engaged in the conversation. 
"so amiya since we are now friends,  you have no choice bitch.  Can I ask your brother out? " she laughed making me and geo double over trying to catch our breath. 
" YES " geo screamed while I nodded my head. 
Soon moving on from that she asked if we had any specific couple hobbys
"geo likes to box,  I like to watch" I shimmy my shoulders being a creep. 
"amiya likes to cheer,  I like to watch"
" ALRIGHT BITCH " gabby screams. 
"so that's gonna wrap up the video but can I get you and your twin back next week for a video with the dolan twins?" I gladly agreed and we made our way home. 
Standing in the kitchen cutting up fruit I hear a crash in the living room.  I run full force to find hector sitting with his back against the bottom of the sofa and broken glass on the floor looking as he threw it at the wall. 
"Hector " I whisper prying the next piece of glass out of his strong grip. 
Looking him in the eyes I could see the pain,  his face tear streaked and he pooled devestated (I don't know who to spell that but you get the drift )
I couldn't bring myself to speak I can't begin to imagine the pain in his kind. 
"love " I whisper taking my thumb stroking away his tears my eyes daring to spill at any moment. 
"I can't keep it together"
"that's fine" I lightly smile trying to help. 
"amiya it's not I have to be strong!  I need to keep my shit together! I'm the brother I have to be strong for you! " he got angry flexing his muscle. 
"JOSEPH!  it's okay to be hurt!  You do not have to be fine at all times!  Break down and cry I'll wipe your tears I'm your twin sister! " I plead for him to drop his tough guy act. 
He dropped his head onto my shoulder letting all his hot tears fall onto my shoulder.  I stroked his hair with my hand also breaking into tears.
" it feels like my heart was just ripped from my body,  I love her and now she's gone!  I wanted to marry her amiya,  I should have married her I knew she was sick I knew but everytime I looked into her green eyes I got lost and believed her when she said she was okay and it didn't hurt,  I can't get her out of my head mY room smells like her,  I see her make up splattered in front of the mirror in the bathroom,  her shoes neatly in the corner.  My clothes Smell like her. I'm going so insane that yesterday I sprayed her perfume because I needed some type of Sam and that's the closest I'm getting..  Because now I will never hug her again,  she does this thing when I'm having a bad day she writes a letter about how kuchen she loves me and hides it so I find it during the day and it makes me happier,  she would freeze grapes and throw them from the top of the stairs so I could catch them in my mouth..  I've tried to impress her since the day I met her...  I still try to impress her almost a decade later " she ranted about her and I could feel the pain in my heart.
"I dropped the thug act around her..  I can't sleep,  I don't want to eat..  I don't want to go on social media because all I see is sam" his lip started quivering and I knew it was coming. 
"I'm in love amiya,  I lost her. " he dropped his head on my thighs as we both sat in silence crying over the beautiful lost soul.. 
I mess up in the book,  god get over it!  And right now I may not upload for a while things are so hard in my life and in stressing over finishing the book and I'm sorry in disappointing all my readers..

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