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"so I wanna know how you were growing up,  like what was your attitude and life like,  who did you hang out with stuff like that " the interviewer sat back waiting to hear I guess my story.
"hectic,  it's always been hectic girl" I laugh "but don't get me wrong I'm shy and quiet I stay out of the way but don't cross me,  I roll with four big brothers and a best friend and we are not above throwing hands now, I have my oldest brother his name is yami, then I have Pablo next is ace and then finally a twin brother named hector,  I'm actually 4 minutes older than him but I let him claim to be older than me because he's taller and it helps his pride out.  Lastly I have my best friend Samantha who I lost literally two weeks ago, from a very rare blood disease but she was my dog man,  no matter what popped off or where she was down to ride with me and all my brothers.  Now my brothers,  they are beyond insane actual lunatics. They've always been my protectors and having a twin brother is amazing he's my human diary..  Growing up was hard for us we struggled with money and happiness.  Me and my brother struggle with depression and I have schizophrenia which is a hard thing to battle with mentally and it makes you feel like you're bat shit crazy but with my brothers around it made things a little easier.  My mom is a drug addict and has been for years which is heart breaking for me because I would love to help her get better and we can't but we will always love her as a mother she just really fucked us by giving us a hard life,  my dad was in and out but don't get me wrong I love him.  He passed away a couple years ago in a gang shooting..  It's still very very hard to comprehend. With my dad being gone my brothers feel like they have to fend for us and make sure we eat at night,  so they went out into the streets and they hustled for us,  they really did.  They sold drugs and put themselves in the worst position so we had food and clothes for school,  the second oldest Pablo.  He got shot a while back.  " I choked up on my tears, I didn't know how to continue my sentences praying she would start. 
"I just couldn't imagine going through the things you have,  howd you overcome the struggle? " she seemed so interested. 
"we looked for the better in life. We proceeded and with my brother and my father's death as for as I quote from my mom getting over it my brother yami would tell me we can not glorify guns and talk big talk but when one of our soldiers get hit sit and cry we just can't we have to fight through the storm and cry later. My best friend was dating my twin brother Hector and on her death bed my brothers promised to put the guns down,  put the dope down and find a way out.  The streets ain't got nothing for you but a prison cell and a casket. Don't get me wrong I'll always fight for my brothers weather its my twin,  my late brother,  my adopted brother, or my big brother,  we have always been a team its us six against the world and I guess that's the way it will always be" I smile " although recently we got new members of our team my boyfriend juwany and his little sister jennishka.. While awaiting the arrival of two more members " I tap the fingers on my stomach.
"NO WAY" she gasped. 
"yes I am "
"oh wow any names!? " now she's even more interested. 
"if it's a boy,  Emilio if I get at least one boy" I cross my fingers.
"well I'm genuinely sad this interview is out of time because I enjoy talking yo you but it is" she fake pouts as we end the interview.
" AMIYYAAAAA" juwany yells throwing himself onto the bed beside me. 
"what " I giggle as he laid his head on my belly kissing it.
"can I talk to my babies??" I nod my head smiling at him. 
"Emilio " he knocked on my stomach "I know your in there,  I Have a feeling your gonna be coming with a baby sister to..  Daddy already loves you guys, your tiny me's in mommys belly right now,  when you come out I'm gonna buy you allllllll the shoes in the world and teach you how to salsa so you can get da ladies " keep kisses my stomach again laying his head down quietly,  soon I heard soft snors.  He always falls asleep in this position.
Short.  But I updated twice get on my level g.
Amiyas life is based on me so I don't know where im taking this anymore

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