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I'm currently at target buying a bunch of doddery pregnancy tests, the lady at the counter looked at me like she was disgusted.  Fuck it.  I don't have time to worry about if she's judging me I'm judging myself and I just want the answers and it all to end but if in pregnant it won't end.
"have a nice day" she handed me the bag. 
I silently drove home,  contiplating (not sure how to spell that word)
The possibility and what I can do if I am pregnant,  how would I tell geo. 
Did I mention geos back in town?  Not with me but he has stopped by but I have my brothers open the door and make him leave.  Ariel and everybody have also came home sadly I've not made it to Hang out with them just yet. Finally I make it home and waste no time running to the bathroom taking every test,  and now we wait. 
I sat on my bed with my hands over my face dreading the moment I Have to walk back into that bathroom and face the truth of my future, as I'm waiting I get a face time from Ariel.
"hey shordy I need you and everybody else to come over later okay?  Not geo. Tell Zach if he brings geo his ass is grass!" I laugh. 
"uh okay is everything okay? " she tilted her head. 
"I'm actually about to find that out I love you I gotta go" I hung up.  I place my feet on the carpet slowly moving my feet a bit further in front of me,  I make it to the bathroom with my eyes closed.  It's time. 
I opened my eyes almost screaming at the first test-positive and the second-positive every single test was positive.  This Can not be true.  I'm pregnant.  With juwanys baby.  I can't be.  This is not happening to me. 
"miya? " I heard hectors voice and it was music as I collapsed into his arms crying.
"your pregnant? " he sighed grabbing a test. 
"I'm a single mom and I'm only seventeen " I raise my voice desperately trying to catch my breath.
"you not raising this kid by yaself you think we will not help you?  WE GOT YOU AMIYA! this baby will be taken care of with or without geo but I tell you what,  if he doesnt step up and be a man about the pregnancy. I'll kill him " he growled but all I could do was nod and try and make myself believe what I just figured out, this is all so crazy and mind racking that I cant physically make my mind believe its true.  Maybe it's not though hey are cheap little tests.  That made no difference to me,  I texted Ariel telling her I have news and everybody needs to be at my house, within ten minutes Sammy, skate, all my brothers, Ariel, Edwin, kylee, Zach,sam,loren and Nina were all in the living room. So far only hector knows. 
" so tell us" ace made a go on motion with his hands.  I picked up the plastic bags with the boxes in them taking out a box. 
"no" Ariel whispered
I handed it to yami and seen his face go bright as he stood up hugging me as tight as he could. 
"your really pregnant?" he yelled as I nodded my head.
" SERIOUSLY!?" Ariel screamed hugging me,  she was crying,  now she just looks like me.
"oh my fuck " Sam held her hand over her mouth. 
" wait its geos right? " Zach interrupted yet before I could Sam did. 
"no shit you fucking dumb ass!" so protective. 
"so when are you gonna tell him? " Nina raised her hand like we were fucking in school. 
" I don't know okay?  Right now in just letting it sink in" I take a breath sitting back down. 
"just know the baby  will be loved more than enough got it?" Loren raised her hands praising themselves as I giggled we sat and talked for hours until one by one everybody left,  all that was left was me and sam. I crawled onto the couch laying by head on he thighs while she played in My hair. 
" so your really done with him?" she asked her fingers softly caressing my head. 
"I don't " I stuttered off " I know im not" I could just feel tears running onto her pants
"I can't stop crying because it just Fucking kills me every single day because im so used to his love and I don't want it to end and finally when I really end it I find out im pregnant and what do I do please tell me what to do,  I'm lost and afraid and I honestly just wanna die right now" I cried as hard as I could just finally letting it out.
"okay fucking first off don't ever say you wanna die again I'll punch you so fucking hard Pablo gonna feel that shit"i smiled at her joke. 
"and second.  You need to talk to geo,  most importantly he needs to know his kid is coming " I nodded my head pulling out my phone
Come over
💔 - why so yami can kick me out again?
Me-juwany just fucking come over I have to talk to you
I didn't get a reply but thirty minutes later there was a knocking on the door.  Sam ran upstairs to eavesdrop as I opened the door to geo in sweatpants and a Nike shirt. 
"you gon stare at me or fucking what?" his tone sounded full of hatred.
"uh yeah " I step aside and let him walk in.  He instantly say down on the couch like he owns the place,  I may be stressed and depressed but I'll still snake him in his shit.
I took a seat beside him just planning exactly what to say in my mind yet no words came to mind. 
"stop thinking and just say it amiya " he snapped me out of my dase
'yeah?  I'm pregnant" I spit out scared to make eye contact. 
"by who?  Surely not me" he scoffed. 
" well who the fuck have I had sex with other than you!?" I raise my voice angry.
" amiya I'm not the father you had to have cheated on me " he ran his hands over his face.  My blood boiled at his words.
"you can't fucking be serious" I scoff " grow the fuck up and take responsibility! In nine months I'll have my child and with or with I yell you they will be fine" I purse my lips standing up.  His tall figure towered over me as he stood up but before he said anything his phone rang. 
"yeah hey baby,  shiiiiiiiiitttt I mean I can be there in thirty minutes " he rubbed the back of his head. baby?  Who the actual fuck is he calling baby?
He hung his phone up and towered over me within a second with a smirk on his lips. 
" sorry love " he put his index finger over my chin lifting it up to face him "I got a Lil shawty waiting just for ya boy " he tried  to pull my face closer to his for a kiss, at that point i was over the entire situation i balled my fist up aiming for the side of his face within seconds my knuckles stung and his face was  swung to the side in shock
"i don't know if you have forgotten who the fuck i am, but you got me fucked up juwany" i screamed now getting in his face as he back up his back against the wall.
" and you left" i just felt anger, not sadness not annoyed i was angry and i couldnt stay calm if i wanted.
"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" i scream as loud as i could.
" kiss me one more time, you dont feel anything ill leave" i stared into his beautiful eyes and just cringed at his remark.
"nah you got a lil shawty waiting on you right? Get out." i pointed to the door.
"okay, you made your choice" he shrugged leaving.
Is this it? What do i do now?
Without a thought in my mind i chuked a lamp at the wall. I try and i try, i broke a picture of me and geo, and what do i get? Hurt.
After broken lamps, cups, a couple pictures and a necklace snapped in half i gave in, dropping to the floor i just cried repeatedly punching the floor wanting to regain myself but just stuck in a trans not know ehat to do or how in supposed to fix it all i know is i want it to be fixed now. A row of heavy footsteps ran down the stairs and everybody  rushed to the floor as yami bear hugged me stopping me from any more damage i was bound to do.
" AMIYA" he screamed as i cried out.
" i want it to be over jose i just want it to fucking end" i cried my body going limp.
" want what to be over baby?" sam tucked my hair behind my ear.
" my life! Im fucking up sam one thing i promised myself i broke it!" yami let me go now sitting beside me.
"promises are made to be broken. Getting pregnant at seventeen is not ideal but its all gonna work out mo! You are not alone" hector pulled me into his chest where i just cried for a good thirty minutes until i decided to go to bed.
I was laying in bed when my phone lit up
💔- i love you
Me- if this is love i dont want it
💔- you know i love you monic
Me- yeah you love me aigh, love hurting me, leaving me, fucking up my mind more and more everyday. Pain is not love!
💔- you'll never ever find somebody who makes you feel the way i do
Me- you right, but i gotta save myself. Stop texting me.
At that point i was already back in tears, i threw my phone at the wall not caring one type of bit if it shattered.
How you like these feelings bitch?
Word count: 1770

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