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"CAUSE IVE GOT ISSUES BUT YOU'VE GOT EM TOOOOOOOOOO" I sing loudly swinging my spatula around in geos face dancing to the loud music. 
"so give em all to me and ill give mine to you" I sway my hips goofily dancing making him laugh extremely loud. 
"your a mess my love " he lowers his head to kiss me quickly as I scramble the egg whites when we head the door slam and heavy footsteps. 
"yo? " geo called out when we seen jennishka pop into the kitchen mascara down her face. 
"what the fuck" we all rush to her. 
"I can't fucking do it geo I just can't!  I hate that place do you know what them kids do to me!?" she screams throwing her hands in the air. 
"Who?  What who does to you!?" geo puts his arms in his shoulders trying to calm her as I turn the stove off removing the eggs so nothing burns. 
"the boys,  all the fucking white boys at my school theirs atleast ten of them geo!  Then they have a bunch of girls who hate me and I can't do it anymore please don't make me please " she pleads falling into his chest crying. 
"what did they do? " yami growled as geo loosened his grip slowly allowing her to escape his arms she pulled her black T-shirt up revealing bruises,  there was a giant purple one on her left side as if somebody stomped her and just hand prints it made me so angry. 
"your fucking kidding" geos face turning bright red from anger. 
"we're going to the school" I growl putting on my shoes,  within minutes we were in the car me,  my brothers,  Geo, Loren,  and jennishka. 
The car ride was silent with anger none of us could even think straight.  Walking into the office we didn't bother to stop by the front desk our large group marched directly to the principles office. 
"remember me? " ace crossed his arms as we all entered the small room with our arms crossed. 
"lovely surprise from the Ramirez and Roman family hello " he leans back in shock. 
"why is my sister in law being bullied?" yami sat down instantly slouching. 
"bullied? "he cleared his throat. 
"come on don't play stupid  I showed you the bruises you promised you would handle it and you didn't but you know  who will?  Them. " jennishka sat down directly beside yami. 
"jennishka I can assure you I looked into the situation " I tried to calm us. 
"oh did you?  Because nothing happened!  Two VARSITY football players slammed me and stomped on my rib cage two days ago and it was clearly in footage and you didn't pay one second of attention to me or my injury, but that's okay because they are fucking white privelaged boys but I guarantee if I so much as push a cheerleader I'm automatically suspended for three days I don't even want to hear this anymore " she ran her fingers through her hair tearing up. 
"handle it or I will " Hector put on his intimidation face. 
"matter of fact,  jennishka who's the main bully? " yami stood up pulling up his black jeans. 
"Micheal slavey and Michelle Jordan " she lightly said looking down. 
"I want you to take us down to the conference room and we can sit and have a civil conversation " yami suggested. 
"okay all of you go sit in the conference room while I go grab them from class " we all nodded walking out of his office down the hallway. 
"what are you guys gonna do? " jennishka grabbed aces arm nervous.
"I'll scare the piss out of that boy" he threw his arm around her pulling her close.
We sit down in the conference room pure silence everybody on their phones waiting for them,  soon enough the three of them walked through. 
"yeaaaahhhh? Remember me?" Hector adjusted in his seat. 
"uh yeah of course star player on varsity last year, Roman " they did the handshake but Hector grabbed his hand roughly. 
"so um why are you all here? " they took a seat across from us. 
"hello Michelle,  you know jennishka?" I also adjusted recognizing her from cheer last year. "yeah we are cool I guess " she shrugged and I could feel geo tense his hand angry. 
"so you stomp on your friends? " instantly Michael choked.
"what? "he stuttered to get out.
"my little sister has bruises all over her body from you and your bitch boy friends and I will say this ONE time.  If you touch her again just remember I have nothing to live for. I will go to prison for the rest of my life you hear me?  Why the hell would you put your hands on her?? " ace instantly growled getting worked up. 
" I didn't hit her ace " he stuttered. 
"really?  Then how the Fuck did she get bruises? " yami tilted his head. 
"maybe I did hit her,  but so what?  What you gonna kill me on school grounds?  She's not even your sister "he scoffs. 
"so you think your better than her? " I ask. 
"way better,  I'm a handsome white boy who plays varsity football come on" he dead panned. 
"no Fuck that who the hell do you think you are??  BEING WHITE DOES NOT GIVE YOU A FUCKING ADVANTAGE ON ANY PERSON!  These beautiful Puerto Rican people at this table are the most loyal and loving people I have ever met,  these people have been through world war twenty two and still smile everyday and bring each other up. This PUERTO RICAN boy was the star varsity player three years in a row AT THREE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS!  You can not our beat him on the field and you cant whoop him in the streets and may I remind you he's not white what so every,  Amiya have five million subscribers on YouTube,  her voice is angelic,  cheer captain for the past six years,  at different schools all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA and guess the Fuck what SHE IS NOT WHITE!  so don't sit here and pretend like your all high and mighty because you are not shit compared to this success" Loren finally snapped walking out slamming the door. 
"actually Fuck this,  jennishka won't be attending your school again and I'm calling your super advisor I be damned if I watch another kid be bullied IN this school and for you white boys watch your back you don't get away Scot free "
Bullying is a problem that we don't address so I add real life problems to my book and put my options in it

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