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Geos P.O.V
I don't know why or how but I think I might be falling for miya..I know it's early and all but momas is really growing on me ya know? Im thinking about asking her to be mine at homecoming or after im just not sure yet.. but its currently 4:00 A.M. and im up all alone because sadly I can't fucking sleep..I took a look at miya and just admired her.. shes just so beautiful.i grabbed my phone off the charger and opened the Snapchat app. I quickly snapped a picture of her and posted it to my story with the caption '💙💙💙'

I turned my phone off and slowly slid my arms around miyas tiny body. I put my head in her neck and gently placed a little kiss. I felt her body shift and roll over where she was facing me. I dont know what was going on in my mind but I wanted to kiss her so bad.. no geo.  No no no. Wait until homecoming make everything special for her.. fuck it. I gently places a peck on her slightly parted lips. She shifted and licked her lips. I did it again but this time she woke up and rolled over once again facing me. "What are you doing juwany" she sleepily whispers. "Kissing you." I blank say. Her eyes opened a little more and I could tell she wanted to smile. I sat there contemplating it in my head while she stared at me. I slowly leaned my head closer and closer to hers and right before I attached our lips she rolled over laughing. "Sucks to suck" she jokingly teased. "Just wait" I groaned.. I got a big special plan for hoco night. I felt miya snake her tiny arms around me cuddling into my bare chest. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her body slowly drifting off to sleep.
Miyas P.O.V
ITS FUCKING HOME COMING DAY AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO I WANNA FUCKING CRY BRO!! I'm so serious I'm stressed because just fucking UGHHH!! I grabbed my phone and clicked on the 'snapchat' app. I watched a few peoples stories then I decided to watch geos I clicked on the 'flamingeos' name and watched his story. I smiled really big when I seen the picture he posted of me sleeping. It was just sooo freaking cute yet I looked like a dying chimpanzee. It was cute. I rolled out of bed and walked to my bathroom brushing my teeth and my hair and putting on deodorant.  Walk back to my bed and woke geo up. "Ayo fuck boy" I yell while shaking him.his eyes fluttered open and he licked his lips. "Good morning geourgus" he mumbles into my pillow. "Goodmorning my hoco date but you gotta go to your house to get ready for hoco and all!" I yell. Geo got up and brushed his teeth and all then went home to prepare for tonight. I'm not gonna go into detail about what I did to prepare for hoco but I got everything waxed😉, I got my hair done, professional make up, new heals, and I got the hotel room for me and geo to night 😏
FINALLY! It was time for me to walk downstairs and great geo and my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews.. I took a deep breathe and walked out of my room I took a step down the stairs and paused. I got a little nervous.. you know what. FUCK IT! I slowly walked down the steps and every one was silent. They all stared at me in awe.
"Holy fuck.." I heart geo say with his mouth wide open. He looked sooo fucking handsome in his suit it's crazy ! "Your just so fucking.." he trailes off. Was he gonna say I looked bad!? My heart beat increased
"Fucking stunning" he finally finished gulping hard. I blush a little smiling. I finished walking down and hugged geo. He bent down and placed his mouth by my ear. "you look so fucking sexy ma" he growled in my ear. I smirk and pull away turning to ace and Hector to hug them.
"GOD DAMN MO MY TWIN LOOK GOOOODDS" Hector screamed spinning my around by my hand. "I mean ya know wassup" I jokingly dance a little. Everybody laughed and my mom took pictures of EVERYBODDYYY. After our photo shoot me and geo were getting ready to leave and Hector stopped us. "Uh no I got a suprise walk into the kitchen with me please?" He looked nervous. I walked in and seen two giant posters hanging on the cannot one said. "Maybe not here physically but I'll always be here spiritually babyg! -daddy" I smiled trying not to cry. I looked to the other one nd it said "WHAT IT DO MO!? Ive killed for you and watched you kill, lived my life holding your hand noe ima let go and you continue your own path. I love you mo- Hector" I bit my lip trying my hardest not to break down right there. I felt geo wrapped his arms around me and kiss my forehead. We pulled away and I smiled at my family. "I love you guys so fucking much" I whine. "Oh no baby that isn't even the important suprise" my mom smiled with a tear rolling down her tan cheek. "This is" I heard a deep voice from behind me. I froze for a second. IS THIS REAL FUCKING LIFE!? I peeked ny head just a but to look behind me. I seen his face.. the face that basically raised me. "Thsi is a fuckedup joke " I laugh. Then I felt his muscular arms wrap around me. "Its me." I heard him exhale. "Yami" I scream hugging him. "Yeah yeah skip this lovey dovey shut go enjoy yo hoco mo! And geo I'll break yo face you hurt her lil nigga" he threatened and I laugh. FINALLY me and geo left. I walked outside and seen a limo. I just smiled "ugh juwany" I groan. "C'mon ma its gon be great I promise " he smiled chessily dragging me to the limo.
As we were sitting in the back of this amazing automobile. I decided to post a picture of my hoco outfit.

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