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"BAAAABBBEEEE " I yell hearing his phone ding. 
" WHAAAT " he yelled back walking out of the bathroom in just shorts. I pick up his phone,  HIGHLY shocked at what the text was. 
Cierra 😍😁
Just leave her already!  Man up. It's not like you love her
I didn't jump up to fight him,  I didn't scream.  I laughed and tossed his phone at him standing up.
"not like you love me"i sigh pulling my jeans up my thighs jumping a bit to make them go over my butt. 
"baby listen " he put his hands out trying to plead.
"listen to fucking what ? That's the same fucking girl you were texting when we first got together and you claimed that it was nothing and she was just trying to break us up,  what is this a scam to?  I'm not a dumb ass juwany! God why did I put my trust into you!? " I slightly raise my voice throwing my hands around in the air while searching for a shirt finally I threw on a white shirt and out on my shoes all while he sat silent with his head low. 
"that's exactly what I fucking though" I chuckled easily.
"you put me through so much,  here I am sleeping in hospital chairs,  going days without eating worries sick about you,  KILLING PEOPLE!  This is what I get? " I take my four fingers shoving his head back to face me. 
"I really do love y-" I cut him off. 
"if this is love its not what the fuck I want" I felt the tears start. 
" why? " I plop down on the opposite side of the bed. 
"I don't know" he whispered cowardly ashamed of himself. 
" what did I do wrong? Was I not supportive enough?  Was I not good in bed?  Maybe ill never get those answers, but I know for a fucking fact you will not make me out to be stupid.. I gotta leave" I stood up grabbing my suit case. 
"goodbye juwany " I grabbed the door nob not ready to wake away. 
"forever? " I seen the hurt in his eyes. Yet hearing those words created a giant lump in my throat. As if I just could not get the words to form in my mouth my hands were sweating as I played with them trying to not stand in one place frozen,  all I want to do is leave him and for it to be over but I've got to that point where he's my first love and sadly but honestly I can't get my feet to move. My chest heaved up and down rapidly my mind telling my body to love but my heart hurts and I just want a break that's all I want is for my mind to have a break and my heart to stop hurting I want it to be over I want to feel the love I had two weeks ago.. But I don't. 
" I don't know " I paused closing my eyes tight hoping it was a dream "goodbye love " with that I left. I turned my back and I didn't plan on turning around.  I held my chin high without a test falling just trying to get to Ariel's room to buy my plane ticket. Finally I stopped at her doorstep just a lump in my throat ready to burst. 
I lightly lasted my fist to her door four times patiently waiting for it to open. 
"yeah? " the door swung open but her face fell " hey hey babe what's wrong?" she pulled me into a hug. 
"it's really over this time I can't do it anymore! " I finally let my tears fall. 
"like over?  Why come in what happened? " Ariel let me walk in and take a seat on the dresser while she sat on the bed. 
" the cierra girl that tried to break us up when we first got together,  well she's back again and he's um" I stopped holding my breath not sure how to pronounce my words "he's been cheating with her " I exhale deeply trying to hold back the tears. 
"I really want to hit him with a bat" Zach was obviously done with the situation. 
"yeah I'm just gonna buy a plane ticket and head home " I sigh opening my phone seeing my lock screen,
Me and geo.. The picture was me falling off his back but it was cute and really funny but it doesn't matter anymore,my home screen was a picture of geo and my brothers smearing cake all over my face. I smiled for a brief second.  my smile faded seconds later.
I bought my plane ticket which was at seven its only six now. I leaned my head on the wall closing my eyes.
"it's okay to cry,  we all cry sometimes amiya" Zach huffed.
"I'm not crying! " I say my teeth grinding aggressively.
"we know your sad you don't have told hide it! " I opened my eyes just staring at them both.  Once again I can't say anything my mind won't let me.
"hey,  maybe one day she'll feel the pain your feeling " Ariel tried to cheer me up. 
"I don't wish this pain on my worst enemy, you feel this shit in ya chest" I placed by hand over my heart.
I can't believe I let him happen,  let my guard down and it fucked me up.  He reminded me why I had it up in the first place.  Speaking of up here my food comes. 
I ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth spilling all my food into the toilet Ariel ran behind me holding my hair. 
"what did you eat?" she made a stank face. 
"I didn't eat anything " I cough.
"think you could be prego? " she chewed on the side of her jaw. My eyes shot bold. No no no.  I can not be.
"no don't even say something stupid" I scoff rinsing my mouth out.
I'm finally getting on the plane and Im just sick to my stomach, I just wanna make it home first. 
No less than thirty minutes after the plane took off I was in the bathroom spilling my guts AGAIN.
I wonder what I ate that could make me so sick. 
- (skipping the plane ride)
I didn't want to bother my brothers so I took an uber home,  bad luck for me the doors locked. 
I dial hectors number - no answer
I call ace - no answer
Finally I call yami and he answered. 
" yo yo wassuppppppp "
"open the door" I hung up and it sounded like a stampede running down the steps to get that door unlocked. 
"YOUR HOME" he screamed picking me up spinning me around like a damn kid.
" I missed you " I cry into his shoulder.
" you need to talk?" he placed my feet back on the ground I nodded my head yeah trying not to break tears. 
"meet me in my room, I'll put your bag in your room " I agreed and ran up to his room laying down face first on his bed hugging the pillow, soon he came back laying down beside me. 
"we're over,  like truly honestly it's done this time" I put my hands over my eyes
"why? "
" he cheated with cierra " I swear you should see the steam come out of his ears.
"I'll kill him" he growled but I cut him off.
"I think im pregnant" I blurted
"like seriously? " his whole mood stopped as his eyes filled with love?  Maybe I can't tell. 
"I don't know maybe.. "
"hey,  well go see the doc and shut and figure it all out do not worry y'all Lil head about this" he kissed my forehead.
GO READ MY NEE STORY 'gangsta | d.l
Word count : 1304

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