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"OOOOOO let's talk baby names " Sam squealed laying her head in my lap. 
"I was thinking Julia"i said leaning my head back onto the couch. 
"EMILIO! " she screamed excitedly. 
"why emilio Sam? " I laughed us both sitting up facing each other. 
"I found an old diary and when we were nine we argued over who would get to name their baby Emilio and when we settled the argument we agreed whoever had a baby first would be the one so I think you should make that dream true " she jumped up and down before coughing really hard,  like so hard she had to grab a tissue coughing blood into the napkin.. 
"Samantha " I sighed. 
"I'm fine. " she sternly said really wanting to avoid the situation.
"you are not fine!  You know what the doctor said " I stood up trying to make her face me. 
"miya I'm dying,  I know exactly what the doctor said.  He said soon my lungs will give in and ill be done for" she threw her hands in the air with a loud sigh. 
"you are not dying!  Samantha leanne NEVER say that again!  You won't die you'll be fine you just need more medication,  maybe another surgery " I ramble knowing things are bad for her but yet in at a loss for words,  I wouldn't know what to do without Sam..
"let's make that YouTube video " she changed the subject "the interview of your relationship " I laughed lightly nodding walking into my room setting up the camera.  We all three sat down in front of the camera and Sam did her intro to the video before asking us our first question. 
"how did you two meet? "
"geo was such a Fuck boy! " we scream at the same time laughing. 
"okay biggest pet peeves."
" SHE BITES ME" he screamed showing a bite mark on his shoulder. 
"you fuckface that was from sex! " I defend myself. 
"WOAAAHHHH" Sam laughs. 
"geo you hit it that good? " Sam joked. 
"enough to put a bun in the oven" he winked.
"I will stab you " I mumble. 
"okay what position were you in the night you got pregnant?" Sam wiggled her eyebrows,  she knew the answer. 
"noooooo Sam we can't " I laugh. 
"come onnnnnnnn " geo begs. 
"Iwastiedup" I mumble fast. 
"what was that? " geo put his finger behind his ear. 
"stooopppp" I whine. 
"REPEAT" Sam screamed. 
"I WAS FUCKING HAND CUFFED JESUS CHRIST " I scream back blushing as red as a rose. 
"ooooooooooouuuuuuu what type of kinky shit are y'all into?" Sam laughed teasing me. 
"Fuck you " I laugh. 
"Fuck geo love not me " we all burst out laughing as she finished her video.
Me and geo were laying in bed watching Disney channel when Hector rang my phone. 
"hey " I chirp in a hella good mood.
"hey,  um they just got Sam back into the hospital" he stuttered quietly. 
"oh god..  It's not that bad is it? " I lightly whisper..
"just come see her,  she needs you" I ended the call putting on sweat pants and a sweatshirt rushing geo to leave.  I didn't make a hurry to the hospital seeing as I don't know the situation. 
Finally we got there and I. Instantly met fear.  My heart sank low in my chest as my breathing got really heavy, what if I walk in to late..  I would be  heartbroken, devastated. 
Finally I got my feet to move walking into the hospital I seen hector.  He looked pale and worried. 
"hey " I walked to him quickly. 
"room 315" I didn't say anything handing him my purse I walked to the elevator alone I got that dark feeling in my stomach as I walked down the hallway meeting her door.  I place my hand on the knob,  heart pounding.  I have yo get it together.  I paused taking a breath before walking in. 
" MIYYYAAA " she whisper yelled, breathing tubes surrounding her. 
"sammyyy " I whisper covering my mouth.  She's has this illness for years..  Sam has fluid in her lungs which causes her to cough up large amounts of blood,  we knew one day it would hit her hard but I was ready for that day. 
"what did they say to you" I grabbed her hand. 
"amiya baby" she whispers a single tear rolling out of the side of her eye. 
"oh god, that bad?" My lip trembling. 
"I'm scared amiya" her chest heaved up and down at a fast past just sobbing. 
"no,  baby don't be scared,  we can pray..  I promise we can pray Sam" I placed my lips on her forehead tears crossing from my face to hers.
"remember when we found out? " she asked sniffling. 
"We cried for hours" I smile whipping a tear. 
"here we are,  six and a half years later,  they gave me two years amiya and I lasted four and a half more"she smiled. 
"can you go a million more? " I joke still letting the tears flow. 
"oh baby,  this pain has to come to an end " she whispered grabbing my hand tighter. 
"Samantha " I mumbled crying. 
"hey you raise them babies to know,  god momma Sam ALWAYS loved them.. Even before they were here " she placed her hands on my slightly showing belly. 
I nodded listening to her voice.. 
"get the boys in here.  We all need to talk " I grabbed my phone texting all the boys within seconds they all entered. Dreadful faces. 
"dude pick up you're attitudes" Sam tried to joke.
"baby " Hector chuckled trying to hide his tears. 
"Joseph! " she stopped him by saying his real name.
"after this,  you have to move on with your life,  find a new girl. "
"MOVE ON?  Samantha baby no,  your fine you are not gonna die I promise Samantha " he tried but she covered his mouth. 
"have babies,  teach them the importance of their first love,  teach them to treat a women like a queen,  the way you treat me..  Live your life.  Get out of these streets you hear me?" we all looked at her heartbroken.
"I got nineteen good years,  many of them with you beautiful idiots " she joked "six of them in an extreme​ amount of pain. Do not be sad that my soul gets to rest now,  boys put the dope down put the guns down.  Leave the streets alone.  Your sister needs you now! " they all nodded tearing up. 
"amiya monic " she started "make me proud,  sing your tiny soul out, raise those tiny souls inside of you good.  Let em know that I was a real g " we smiled crying,  I could notice her breathing. 
"Samantha! " I shout, her eyes slowly closing.
"NO GOT DAMMIT SAMANTHA NO!" I scream running out of the room now. 
"I NEED A NURSE " I scream grabbing a women. 
"SHES DYING " the women along with three men run in shocking her heart,  no response they did the same action a couple times before the three men walked out and we all froze. 
"I'm sorry " she whispers. 
"no ma'am. Please no sorrys please bring her back do something!" I shout crying.  Yami grabbed me pulling me to his chest rubbing my head as I cried, I open mouth ugly cried into him desperately trying to catch my breath. 
I turned around to see Hector on his knees praying to god.  I wrap my arms around his neck resting my chin on his head. 
"god please " I started singing
"please protect my angelll
My guardian Angel
Because my life has been a million miles of hurting,  but her smile always came in and protected all our souls from the heartbreak that we know so well,  and I'm speachless  my heart is broken I'm breath less,  trying to fight back these tears,  and now everyday we gotta live with this aching pain wondering if it goes away please Sammy just fly away" I pause crying. 
"my guardian angel, baby please protect our souls, we loved you alive but now your gone,  but your memories will never be away from my aching soul,  please protect our souls " I kissed his head, letting my hopeless tears fall. 
"I love you Samantha Leanne" I whispered feeling Hector stand up hugging me tightly. 
"I'm so sorry baby " I whisper into his chest. 
"no I'm sorry amiya" he rubbed my back soothing me. 
"for what?  You lost the love of your life " I stood back confused. 
"you lost your other half "
I just want to say,  do not attack me

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