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"hello you just had a boy brought in um his name is juwany Roman I was wondering if I could see him " I groaned to the buff white man at the desk.  He typed on the computer for about A minute then turned back to me "it takes 24 - 48 hours for an inmate to be booked I'm sorry but no" I huffed not even wanting to argue with this man.  "just let me see him-" I stopped talking when I seen the investigator who does all of yamis cases. 
"Robinson " I yell catching up with him. 
"let me see juwany " I plead.
"amiya "he huffed pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"no Robinson you know how terrible this system is!  We both know he didn't do it please I need to see him before he gets booked!  The next visitation day is Thursday I can't wait that long! "I grab his arm begging.
"five minutes" he groaned leading for me to the interrogation room where geo was sat at a white table.  I sat down across from him and he looked scared out of his mind. 
"juwany " I sigh running my fingers through my hair. 
"I didnt fucking do it!  If I did I'd be a man and do my time but I didn't commit the crime so I'm not confessing to a god damn thing" he slammed his fist on the table out of anger. 
"I out of every single person would know you didn't do it juwany!  I get it but if you confess they will lock you up for the rest of your life!  You have got a kid coming now. Don't confess just to get the trial over with.  We can go to trial.  Fight your case and you can come home.  Worst they will do is keep you until your 18 but that's just a few months away okay? "  I tried to seem upbeat for his hope.  He slightly nodded. 
" I don't want to miss any ultra sounds,  the babys heartbeat. Birth. Nothing's I want to be there through every single thing while your going through this pregnancy.  But I know yami, ace, Hector and all the kids who never go home with take care of you" I laughed at the last line. It's very true they never want yo leave our home. 
"times up " Robinson opened the door.  "I love you juwany,  chin up "
"I love you" the disappointment in his voice made me upset but there is absolutely nothing I can do.  I followed the interrogator through the off white and kind of dirty halls of this unpleasantly familiar jail. 
Finally we git back to where people where waiting to be booked in or waiting to bail somebody out.  I signaled Edwin and Sam and we were out. 
"so when are they going to release him" Edwin stressed causing me and Sam to lightly laugh. 
"you don't understand the system " I looked at him for approval. 
"no clearly not explain something "
Without taking my eyes off the road I said 
"it's like this they lock geo up because they have an Anonymous tip saying it was geo,  the boy on the tape as the sane skin tone as geo,  that's all they will see,  grant they may release him until trial but that's highly doubted,  he just can't confess to a crime he didn't do,  if geo gets locked up all we can do is hold it down till he gets out " I shrug. 
"why are you so okay with this " Edwin looked like he saw a ghost. 
" I have four brothers,  they all sell dope,  they all kill niggas,  they rob people. Force of habit to know what to do"
I focused my eyes on the black pavement ahead of me steadily just trying to get home already. Finally we pulled up outside of the Middle class white house parking the car I couldn't help but think I want better for my child, as I walk inside I seen every kid that never goes home asleep on the couches but Loren and Maddie though I know where they are.  I drop my keys walking into the kitchen I took a seat at the island in front of  my cake, lifes tough.  But never something that we can't over come,  I took a bite of the beautiful cake letting the sweetness fill my mouth,  I finally let my head hang crying not a hard heartbroken cry but a simple few tears knowing that we've been defeated there's absolutely nothing for me to do but support the kid.
I heard a cough and I snapped my head up to see Hector I quickly whipped my face smiling at him as we both continued to eat our cake.
"remember when we were younger and all we wanted was to be rich " he chuckled making slight contact with me " I wanted to marry a rich man and have little Puerto Rican and white babies,  instead I married a somewhat wealthy man and im having a full Puerto Rican baby while he's in jail " I laughed at the changes in my dreams.
"so what's he in for "
" oh they got a tip that geo killed Omar " I growl angry at the situation. 
"but y-yami " I cut him off.
"do you think for a second I'll snitch on any of you? No im not,  me and geo will go to trial and fight he is innocent, if we lose then we lose, I'll still hold him down until he gets out " I sigh still eating the delisous bread mixture in front of me when I seen Sam sit down beside him.
"I'm never in the family talks anymore " she joked getting a fork taking a bite of my cake then his.
"this was a twin talk" I laugh back. 
"those are always needed in this crazy place " I died laughed because she was. Absolutely correct. 
"do you guys ever think what your lifes would be like if you weren't a twin " we both looked at each other cluelessly
"never,  god gave me my twin for a reason and I couldn't imagine a life without her big headed ass " he laughed as yami walked in sitting down also taking a bite of my cake.
"everybody okay?" we all smiled at him.
"so much for a birthday " Sam laughed. 
"It's still your birthday " yami shrugs relighting the candles. 
"now make y'all wish and blow them bitches out " we both closed our eyes blowing out the candles.
"make a wish? " Sam chirped. 
"yeah" I smiled.
Yami kissed mine and sams forehead and gave hector a bro hug
"I love yall I'm going to sleep ", we all said I love you and continued eating until my phone went off with a notif that 'musershaderoomig'posted I clicked on it and my heart completely stopped the picture was a picture of geo getting arrested and she captioned it 'so apparently geo got arrested for murder and drug trafficking if you don't know what that is it means he was selling drugs, also it's been said that geos girl friend may be pregnant, thoughts? " I instantly face timed Kayla (owner of musershaderoom )
" ARE YOU INSANE!? " I scream as soon as she answers.
"no amiya this is what my account is for "
"no that is private information that we did not chose to share with you!  We can sue you for this take it down now " I hung up and patiently waited for her to delete the post.  Once it was gone I grabbed my laptop and went live. 
"I understand that there are so many questions so yes geo went to jail no he did not murder anybody!  They have an anonymous tip that he did but they are basing this case off of skin color,  I know because me and geo were in LA the day the crime happened he is also not a drug dealer,  I'd know "I chuckle. 
" but there was one true thing about that post "I pause looking at hector and Sam for clarification they both nodded rapidly. 
"I am pregnant " I kind of said in a hush tone. 
"me and geo are bot together but he will always be around and one day we will fix our relationship guys,  so until then goodnight and do not believe any social media rumors I will personally tell you what's going on with geo " I ended the video and let my head fall on the table sighing.  This is stressful but I know in my heart everything will end up okay.  It always does. Finally I headed up to my room just desperate to rest.  Sadly all I could think about was geo.  It must suck even worse for him.  Poor boy probably terrified.
I was awaken by the ring of my phone angry that I had to wake up but happy it was a jail call.  I accepted the call and waited to hear geo.
"hey " I said into the phone. 
"hey, so I need to talk to you " he sounded nervous
"oh no that's never good " I chuckle quietly bot to wake Loren up.
"well I got offered a plead " he sounded terrified now.
"well what is it"
"I confess and they keep me until I'm 18 then charge me as an adult "
"I know you aren't even considering that" I scoff. 
"yes!  I want to be with you and the baby and that's the quickest way to get out "
"you sound absolutely restarted!  If they charge you as an adult for MURDER you will no doubt get life! " I scream not caring if I woke the entire house up. 
"amiya they told me-"
" they lie!  The system is dirty!  That's all it is they want you to confess so they can drop the trial and not have to worry about processing it through,  so if you take the easy deal they will keep you on the inside until your 18 and then move you to a prison and keep you for a longer sentence " I basically yell trying to force reality into his head. 
" this is about my life amiya! I need to do what I think is right "
"so confessing to a murder you didn't do is right?  The drugs must've really fucked your head huh?"I laugh yet being so serious. 
"two minutes left on the call" he groaned 
"well hope you enjoyed our talk,  call me later,  I'll be to see you tomorrow, don't be a fucking dumb ass" I hung up the phone groaning. He's got to be the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life I check the time '10:18' I have an ultrasound at 11. I walked out of my room and into yamis to wake him up. 
"wanna go to the baby doctor with mr" I chirp jumping on his bed.
"wouldn't miss it " he stood up getting ready while I woke up hector and ace who also are going to attend with Me.
Finally after a year and ninety days we were all four ready to leave.
"hello miss Ramirez and a bunch of Mr Ramirez " the doctor smiles at us. 
"sorry I have a lot of brothers that have to be in the loop "she smiled at ace. 
" no I don't mind, as long as they are nice " they all laughed. 
"perfect gentleman " yami assured. 
She placed the cold blue jelly on my tummy then started to rub the monitor across finding the baby after a couple seconds we heard thumping.
"that's the heart " yami had tears in his eyes.
"oh Fuck my life the thugs gonna cry before me" I scream also tearing up.
"SHUT YO ASS UP" they all scream basically crying. 
"c'mon don't become uncles and go soft now we don't do that" I joke.
"listen " she kind of whispered.
"why is the babys heart irregular!? " ace got worried. 
"I hear two heart beats " she focused on finding another body. 
" well maybe it's mine my heart beats to" I joke. 
"no ma'am I'm looking at two heads " I knew exactly what she meant. 
"your having twins " she smiled dearly cleaning off the gel from my tummy.
"you've got to fucking be joking " I groan throwing my hands over my eyes. 
"FUCK YEAHHHH " hector screamed throwing his fist in the air. 
"twins rule the nation baby soon there will be four twins and they will look like us because they will pop out if your vagina " hector screams. 
"shut up you dumb Fuck people can hear you " I threw my slide at him. 
Yeah this chapter is boring,  fight me I'm going through shit. 

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