Chapter 6

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Wet drizzle hung in the air, though the rain had ceased a few hours ago. Ren stood at one of the bases of the St. Louis Gateway Arch, a long stainless steel arch built as a monument to westward expansion.

He placed a hand on its thick side. Humans, always building monuments to themselves. No one ever learned from Shinar, from the Tower of Babel, but who am I to judge? He shrugged.

"You going to stand down there all night?" Araqiel had little patience for much of anything. "I've been waiting for you."

They had known each other since the beginning, when they both were cast out of heaven. Rennard didn't really like him back then either. "On my way up." He bent his knees and pushed up off the ground, flying up over the steel arch. Araqiel had been sitting on top with his feet dangling over the edge.

Rennard landed next to him, but remained standing. To his left the city lights shone brightly like man-made stars yearning for the horizon. To his right, the dark waters of the Mississippi flowed at a constant and quickened pace, a result of the heavy rain.

"Hello, Araqiel." Ren bowed, ceremoniously. "Its been a long time."

"Apparently, not long enough."

Ren took a step back. "That was a millennia ago."

"I remember it well."

"Does it still matter now?"

Araqiel took a heavy breath. "Ren, it will one day. I'm not going to defend you when the end is near, despite all that you have done to help build what will be Azazel's army." He stared off into the cloudy sky.

"What of the truck driver? Useless, like I thought?"

Araqiel cleared his throat. "Yes," he admitted. "You're more skilled in recruiting scions. So you were right?"

"And the machine?"

Araqiel laughed. "Yes, yes, that worked. It fooled a few of the watcher teams. That girl of yours--her group was the only one to actually barge into the room to check for themselves, but by then it was already too late."

Ren hated when the recruiters called Zoe "his girl" as if the two were in some sort of lover's quarrel. They both had risen in popularity over the last few decades. Zoe as the toughest and most effective watcher on the planet and Ren as the only one clever enough to outsmart her. Some of the times, that is. That last one was too close.

But even he knew the truth. He waited for her to get close. Part of him, wanted to taunt her, to wave the flag of triumph right in front of her defeated eyes. Another, more guarded part, longed to see her again and maybe exchange a few words.

"So, what now?" Araqiel asked. "How do we find this scion who can stop time?"

"We have to be patient. He will come around. No one with that kind of power can keep it hidden too long."

"I hope you are right. I say, we just kill all the watchers right now and here. Even your girl." While killing the corporeal body of an angel in the earth dimension might slow them down, they always returned after materializing again. Plus, skilled watchers like Zoe would probably kill a demon first. Ren wasn't interested in taking unnecessary risks.

"We could try that, but this scion is different. He would know we are here. We can't afford to lose him to the watchers."

Araqiel stood up. "We must find him, Rennard. He will be our greatest weapon. He will be our gateway to God himself."

"We will, but we must be patient."

"You better be right." Araqiel stepped off the archway and floated downward. "You better be right."

Demon Hunters: Book 1 Faith [editing]Where stories live. Discover now