Chapter 34

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Riley surveyed the racks of Halloween costumes throughout the store. "Should we be heroes or villains?"

Zoe couldn't believe that humans had entire stores devoted to dressing up as something that they weren't. As a tradition, Halloween never made sense to her. If humans had any idea just exactly how many demons—real actual demons, not the make believe kind—existed among them, then maybe they would take demonic forces more seriously.

Then again... Zoe found herself answering, "Heroes." Maybe humans had something going for them. They didn't know about scions and recruiters or watchers or about the underworld or really much about the Heavenly Spaces. So, they lived the life that was in front of them.

Lin had tied a red cape about her shoulders. "Whatever we are, we definitely got to have capes. These are so cool." She zoomed up and down the aisles.

"Do they have pink ones?"

"A pink cape, really?" Lin laughed. "Don't tell me you are going to make Diego wear that."

"What a great idea!"

Zoe hadn't quite figured out the whole color thing. Apparently, pink was Riley's color. When Diego wore it, it signified that Diego was associated with Riley. That he belonged to her. Was blue Lin's color? Is that how it's supposed to work? Teen relationships were confusing.

"What about these shirts?" Lin held up a T-shirt with the Superman logo on it. "We can add a cape later."

Zoe recognized several of the logos: Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman. "I could wear one of these shirts," she said. Honestly, she had no interest in dressing up any more than she had to.

"This Batman logo would look cool with your jacket," Lin ventured.

Riley sighed. "Black must be your favorite color."

"I guess," Zoe replied.

"What do you think the boys will dress up as?" Lin asked. "I think Dominic would probably go with something evil."

"Yeah, and Mason would dress up in something dorky—if he dresses up at all. Diego would go as a superhero. Some character like Superman, who is all good and stuff. What do you call it, Zoe? Noble?"

Zoe smiled. "Yes, Superman would be noble."

"That's Diego. Always trying to be noble."

"Dominic doesn't seem to have that problem." Lin smirked. "Actually, I kinda like it that way."

"Oh, the truth comes out!" Riley laughed. "I knew you liked bad boys." Lin shrugged. "What about you, Zoe? What's your type?"

"Me?" I don't have a type. I'm an angel assassin. "Uh, I don't know. I haven't thought about it much, I guess."

Riley asked, "Well, do you like guys who are always getting into trouble or guys who are mostly pretty good?"

Lin interjected. "You make it seem like Zoe has to choose between exciting and boring."

"No, that's not it. I mean, take for example Mason. He's a nice kid and cute, but he's kind of quiet. That's because he's always thinking about things. You just have to get to know him, that's all."

The only experience Zoe had alone with a guy was decades ago in the middle of an Arizona desert for three days of nonstop sword fighting. Although Ren wasn't really a guy, neither was Zoe a female. Angels were created as spiritual beings without physical form. Nonetheless, she had to admit Ren had always fascinated her. Even when she found him so infuriating, he had this way of surprising her. "Mysterious and clever, but noble in his own way."

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