Chapter 7

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They waited in the front office for the high school counselor to see them. Zacharias wasn't talking much, not since this morning's argument over Zoe's clothes.

"I don't think that's really appropriate."

"This is what human teenagers wear."

"I don't like it."

She rolled her eyes. "Muriel?"

"Look, Zacharias," Muriel said, holding up her tablet which displayed images of teenagers modeling various clothes.

"The clothes are too tight."

"They are called skinny jeans. All the girls are wearing them," Muriel tried.

"Can't you wear a different color other than black?"

"No," Zoe said flatly.

"And that belt with the studs. And that choker." Zacharias shook his head. "We're supposed to be angels. All bright and sunny."

"I'm not that kind of angel," Zoe said. "I kill scions. Nothing cheerful about that."


Muriel wisely waited outside in the van that she had rigged with state-of-the-art surveillance and computer equipment. While watchers had otherworldly senses, they still lacked the ability to hack into computer systems, access video cameras, and use GPS tracking without technical equipment.

"Hello, Mr. Andel?" A gray-haired woman, wearing a blue dress asked.

"Yes. Zacharias Andel. And this is my daughter, Zoe."

"Hi Zoe, nice to meet you." They both stood and shook hands. "I'm Eleanor Rose, the eleventh grade guidance counselor. I'm sorry about the wait. Tuesdays are usually my most flexible day, but we had a parent come in this morning."

"Not a problem." Zacharias smiled. The counselor led them to a small office across the hall.

"So, what brings you to St. Louis, Mr. Andel?"

"Business, of course." He handed her Zoe's high school transcript that Muriel cooked up.

"Oh. What do you do, may I ask?"

"I'm into corporeal acquisitions." He winked at Zoe.

"Corporate business." Eleanor didn't catch the meaning by his use of the word corporeal. "It's great that businesses are returning back to the city." Zoe forced herself to nod and play along, although she almost rolled her eyes again.

"Yes. It's a growth industry."

"Well, let's see here." Eleanor held up the transcript. "I see that you were in all Advanced Placement classes." She said more to herself. "All A's, except this one C in cooking class."

Cooking class? Muriel?! "Cooking isn't my thing," Zoe said.

"Me either. My husband does all the cooking in my household." She chuckled. She swiveled in her office chair and typed away at the keyboard. "We can get you into another cooking class, if you want."

"Yes," Zacharias blurted out.

"No," Zoe nearly exclaimed.

"Come on, honey, you could learn some useful skills." Zacharias was having way too much fun at her expense. Ever since the ripple effect, he had become a different watcher—more enthusiastic and goal-directed, but he still acted the part of the grumpy old man. Acting? He is a grump. So, last century!

"Well, there's one in the afternoon that will fit her schedule."

Eleanor had just completed the schedule when Zoe interrupted her. "Oh, does Central West High offer study hall periods? I'm studying for the ACT test and need to devote some time to that."

Delight spreading across Eleanor's face. "Yes, actually we do. You'll need parental consent though." Meanwhile, the cursor on the computer screen behind her had taken a life of its own as Muriel altered the schedule to ensure that Zoe would have certain classes.

"I'm fine with it," Zacharias said. "We are expecting her to get an academic scholarship."

Eleanor smiled. "Seems like she's doing strong academically."

"Her mother and I are proud of her." Eleanor turned back to the schedule, unaware of the minor changes that had been made.

"Okay, here's your schedule. We are near the end of first period. Mrs. Brown at the reception desk will issue you a locker. One of the office aids will escort you to your second period class.

"Thank you, Eleanor," Zacharias said. "I'm sure Zoe will love being in school here."

Zoe felt like scowling. What a stupid idea! Pretending to be a high school student so I can investigate a few humans up close. Her list included two teachers and two students. She remembered running into the students at the hospital the previous week. Riley Kendrick and Diego de la Cruz. "It's just for a few days," Muriel said. "Just text me if you need anything." She handed Zoe a cellular phone.

Zoe had never spent this much time with humans before, especially the younger ones. She hoped she would be patient and not accidentally kill a couple of them.

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