Chapter 44

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Osaka inched away from the door. Then he heard one of the youths say, "Wait, did you hear that, Aamon?"

"Yes, I did. Someone is listening to us right now."

Osaka froze. He didn't think he was really that loud. He held his breath.

Aamon laughed. "And he's holding his breath right, acting like we can't hear him."

Demons. They must be demons.

One of them pounded on the door with such force that he felt the hinges creak. "Open up in there. Don't make me break down this door."

Osaka stumbled backwards, holding the sword out in front of him. "Go away."

"Did you hear that, Hab? He told us to go away?"

Then the door burst open, splinters of wood from the door frame billowing upward in a small cloud.

Osaka gasped. "Stay back!" He waved the weapon at them.

"Wait," one of the demon said. Aamon? "That's my sword!"

The other held up his hand, keeping his brother at bay. He did call him brother, didn't he?

"Here, Aamon. Duel the old man for it." He opened up his trench coat and pulled out a sword nearly identical to the one Osaka held.

"But it's mine."

"It's only fair, and besides, he's just a human."

Aamon grunted, but took the sword. With a few uttered words, his sword ignited into flames.

"Akuma," Osaka said, but he wasn't afraid.

Hab chuckled. "Sure, if you say so."

Aamon swung first, a wild braze of fire, so fast that Osaka almost didn't register the attack. Yet, old reflexes returned from the grave, and he deflected the blow in long arch away from his body and into the wall.

"Let's not burn the house down," Hab said and patted out the little flames that lingered from the attack.

Aamon growled and swung again, madly. "I'm going to kill you."

Osaka dodged most of the attacks, deflecting a few of them. The demon's blows were strong, but very predictable.

Soon, Osaka Riku remembered his footwork and his agility. Years of training coming back to him in an instant. He danced around the fiery blade. When Aamon struck his sword down, Osaka pivoted and guided the blade right into the back of the sofa, which instantly split in two. Then with a battle cry, Osaka swiped his blade across the demon's neck.

Aamon fell backwards, stunned. "Did he just hit me?"

Hab howled in laughter. "Yes brother, he did."

Osaka took an offensive stance, ready for another strike, but retreated when Aamon straightened up. Osaka knew he struck clean and solid, yet he saw no blood and no cut. The demon was unscathed.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you. I'm going to cut you into pieces." Aamon swung his blade again and again and again.

Osaka deflected and retreated, dodged and ducked. He realized that he had not been strong enough to cut into the demon. Only a demon is that strong.

Osaka's strategy changed. He lunged his blade into the demon's chest, uselessly poking him. Hab doubled over in laughter, while Aamon erupted in fury. "I'm going to kill you."

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